Reviews for Dynamic Tension
TimeClockz chapter 5 . 12/22/2019
I need a full detailed story about what happened after they left that roof
TimeClockz chapter 4 . 12/22/2019
how the heck did this turn into foreplay without them noticing
spelledink chapter 5 . 10/7/2018
Loved the story. Very cute and flirty. The banter is great. So much fun to read!
Concolor44 chapter 5 . 1/10/2018
HAHAHAHA! Oh, that bit of repartee was CLASSIC! Yes, I do believe there may be some extracurricular activity going on. Not that Drew or Ron would ever notice. Sheesh.

Excellent work, my man, excellent!
Concolor44 chapter 3 . 1/10/2018
Heh. Sweat? Yeah, you tell yourself that, Kim. If it wasn't a date, it'll do till the real thing comes along.
Invader Johnny chapter 5 . 10/7/2017
This was a fun read, I just couldn't stop laughing when everyone got on Kim's case with Shego.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
TacoKing23 chapter 5 . 5/8/2017
Heavily suggestive, but nothing specific happens. Cleverly done.
ShadowDancer01 chapter 5 . 6/25/2016
Wonderful story. Ron is Ron of course, seeing what isn't there then missing the clues when it is there. Kim and Ron bickering was perfect, you captured the characters exactly.

The growing tension between Kim and Shego was well paced, showing the shift from a teasing joke to reality. Love the use of Snake Charmer.

Loved the Lensman reference.
GoldenPiggy chapter 5 . 5/29/2016
So when it's normal witty banter it's sexual, and when it's sexual and the two are flirting with eachother it's normal. Good to know.
I have no regrets reading this. My god the costumes. I laughed. So much. At everything.
gerbilHunter chapter 5 . 3/19/2016
So much good stuff in this story. And this is a very good ending for it.

Having Kim be the one to suggest tension between her and Shego in chapter one was a really nice touch. "So just like me and Shego, then." Sure, she meant it sarcastically. But she's talking to Ron.

I like that you have Shego playing it as a game. It's not even obvious until chapter four that she's genuinely interested in Kim, rather than in just playing the situation for laughs. Sure, she's obviously not offended by the idea, but it's not a given that she's more interested in making Kim than in just teasing her. When she asks Kim to let her go at the end of chapter two, there's a sense that the rules of the game are being followed, or maybe being set. Shego can't play like this if Kim won't make allowances. And this wasn't anything serious.

In chapter four, we finally have Kim joining the game in a real way, when she gets her own costume. Until then, it's been Shego. But Shego has gone about as far as she can on her own. It really is Kim's turn now.

And I liked the opportunity Shego gave Kim in chapter four to pretend that it's Spider and Cat, rather than Kim and Shego. We can pretend we're other people; people for whom this sort of thing is normal. I'm not sure Kim can do that, though, so it was a good touch that Kim chases after her after Shego calls her Kimmie once more.

And then you encompass the whole story with another round of Drakken and Ron's cluelessness, as they totally miss the actual sexual tension they only imagined at the beginning. Although is it still tension once it's been consummated? Now, it's just foreplay.

All in all, a very well-constructed, tight little story. The development is all reasonable, nothing seems forced, and the tone remains consistent throughout.
Ryuuken K chapter 5 . 3/7/2016
Dude, you're killing me. This was really good considering the length. Usually stories seem to be missing bits and pieces when they're shorter, but this works completely. The connections you made between spiderman and black cat were awesome(I will begrudgingly admit that it took me way longer than it should have to figure that out). Also the way you incorporated it into the story was brilliant adn added yet another outlet for Kim and Shego to flirt. Oh and the Shakespeare quote really did kill me (partly because it was used in another fanfic I read, but just as humorous here). :D
gerbilHunter chapter 3 . 1/13/2016
If I were writing an English paper on this, I'd probably note Kim's disgusted response to "whitish-grey sticky strands erupting from the tip" as a flag to her later realization of lesbian tendencies. But my undergrad days were too many years ago for that to occur to me now.

This chapter doesn't have the comedic rhythm of the first, but it works very well to set up the new rules of engagement for the two women. On first reading I thought the wardrobe malfunction was over the top, but on reflection I decided it was all but necessary. And because you led up to it well, it worked without feeling forced.

I like that Shego is keeping things flirtatious. And Kim is coming along slowly, rather than having a blinding (and utterly unbelievable) "OMG I'm gay let's get busy!" revelation.
gerbilHunter chapter 2 . 1/9/2016
"Fight? I can barely breathe in this thing."

The interaction here between Kim and Ron is nicely handled. She is so the grown-up. And very nicely underplayed. "And close your mouth." You can tell she's annoyed, but understands.

I also really like the way you handle Kim's appreciation of Shego. Noticing her walk, her voluptuousness, but no 'hey she's sexy' thoughts. Kudos.
gerbilHunter chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
Yeah, this really works. I like it.

Ron is perfect here. His one-track mind is very well done. And Drakken going along with him is also well done. I love Drakken's lines about it being okay to be gay. Both characters have a tendency to jump to conclusions (even if the leap is of Olympic proportion), and then ignore or rationalize any extraneous information. You've got that down.

And I think the tone is great. The attempt at taking over the world is just background, another day at the office for all concerned.
Orionslave chapter 5 . 11/17/2015
Damn...too short for my liking,but seems like it would be an awesome prelude to a great bigger story.
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