Reviews for A Tactician's Testimony
Radko Rieger chapter 8 . 5/6
Honestly, this chapter with the part with Katri buying the books and flowers from the little girl invoked something within me and i just started to cry for no reason. When i read that paraloque it was holesome and honest and visualizing it made it even better. It made me appreciate just how much effort must have been put in to this chapter. It is nothing more then character development but it feels natural and believable. Putting a smile on someones face can be so rewarding sometimes and this chapter made me realize that. I can personally say that this chapter might be the best out of the entire fanfiction just of that paraloque. I know it is nothing speacial but that feeling that i had when i read it, it will never go away and im glad i found this piece of beatiful bookwork.
Faranon423 chapter 26 . 9/5/2019
Katri has the consumption doesn't she...
Shini Kurogane chapter 60 . 2/19/2019
At the middle of reading this wonderful story, I realised one thing, where ia Wallace? Did he get lost on the way someway and never returned? I know that if you get Geitz, you won't get Wallace, and so he probably get lost to Ilia like in canon, but I just want a confirmation, please?
Cavik96 chapter 49 . 11/30/2018
I think Jan is also briefly mentioned by Sonia in the chapter with Kenneth/Jerme but that's pretty much it.
Cavik96 chapter 26 . 11/11/2018
Katri's constant coughing is starting to worry me. Did she get consumption?
Cavik96 chapter 19 . 11/11/2018
"There's nothing in the game to suggest anything, yet…" If you wish to believe some fans, there're elements that imply Ursula is infatuated with Sonia actually.
Cavik96 chapter 14 . 11/10/2018
"Lundgren has to be somewhere in his fifties or sixties, and he's toting around massive armor and powerful weapons" Like you said: badassness runs in the family
Cavik96 chapter 5 . 11/10/2018
"Greedy, cold, and harsh, they'd do any job to line their pockets, and anything to cheat their way out of a contract with payment intact." Wow, Etrurians ARE the worst.
Cavik96 chapter 4 . 11/10/2018
"While Kent and Lyn were out hunting, Stahl was tending to the horses here in camp." Wait, what?

Is Kent's scar something you came up with or is it mentioned in-game?
Cavik96 chapter 1 . 11/9/2018
"Oh, wonderful. I was with a savage." Off to a good start.
Allstarall chapter 7 . 8/28/2018
I like this protag. Has reasonable good and bad traits. The good is currently, and increasingly, outweighing the bad.
I like the little notes after each recruitment.
Allstarall chapter 6 . 8/28/2018
Woot. LGBT. Specifically L and T. And morality. Lotsa mortality. And a slight mention of rape..
Not so deep in the first and last, but that they are mentioned brings things high up.
Allstarall chapter 3 . 8/28/2018
Well... she’s a realist. That’s a new view. Can’t say I dislike it.
And a bit racist, but it’s probably because of her upbringing. I’m good with that little bit since she’s moving away from it.
Yubelchen chapter 60 . 7/29/2018
Wonderful story, had a great time reading it and it is now one of my favorite fics about my favorite FE game
With Katri you created the most awesome but still human character that could ever represent the player, i am damn well impressed!
And that fic make me not hate Rath, i always seemed to me like an arrogant asshole when you met him, first impression i guess XD As well as my crush on Lyn and he just came by and she trustes him right away, as if no nomad could be evil...welp, that sealed the deal back then.

Will continue with A Tactician's Legacy to read, cant wait to see what you did there D
Yubelchen chapter 44 . 7/28/2018
Ah, the mine glitch, used it only for this chapter as well...thze spear is just TOO GOOD to pass that chance o_o
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