Reviews for Wildest Dreams
Guest chapter 39 . 9/16
This was quite a different take on a post meet up. i think Vs character was quite different from canon. i liked the other characters weaved in like Brandon, Heather, Troy, etc, Great job on making Bex so horrible. i wished you had explored her manipulation of Logan more in the story. i also thought you might try to heal the Dick relationship. Thanks for the story.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/16/2019
Best fan fiction I have read! Please write more of this. Maybe a sequel?
CherryWolf713 chapter 39 . 6/20/2019
AMAZING story! Absolutely loved it!
Guest chapter 39 . 11/14/2017
Really enjoyed the story. Wish there had been an epilogue of a year or so later to see how their life together is like. Maybe even show resolution of whether there was a baby.
Schloodie chapter 39 . 2/19/2017
Just finished this story within 2 days. You did an amazing job. I wasn't sure at first about Logan becoming a debuty but you really sold me on it. I also loved the inclusion of Heather. And obviously it's hard to go wrong with LoVe ;)
Pentastic chapter 39 . 2/7/2017
good story.
rodrice1 chapter 33 . 11/29/2016
Great story. You write very well. It's sad to read Logan and Veronica not together. It brought me to tears.
Josielynn chapter 39 . 5/29/2016
You did a good job with the ending... you incorporated Logan's wild nature with his love for Veronica. You left the reader wanting more and yet happy with the ending of this part of their story. Thank you so much for writing this story and sharing it with us.
libsta chapter 39 . 5/10/2016
Loved your story! Something that was a bit different but still pretty true to characters
Mischief101 chapter 39 . 5/8/2016
I really enjoyed this story as well. I was going to read dangerous curves ahead first but decided on this one instead. I found the slow buildup to LoVe hard at times but I'm glad how it all worked out in the end. I think my favorite story of yours is either marshmallows and moonlight or rocky shore. Unfortunately neither is complete yet (hint, hint)
Great job again. Thanks for writing and sharing your stories
j4820 chapter 39 . 4/27/2016
Thank you for sharing your story. I really enjoyed seeing the grown up versions of these 2 characters. I hope you continue to write can fics, so few still do. Thanks again.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/7/2016
Dirty dog sebastian player player! Great story, and great ebb and flow with the LoVe relationship I cannot wait for them to breakdown and get back together but great story!
Sunkissu9 chapter 39 . 4/9/2016
Nice ending. :)
Thank you for sharing.
Guest chapter 39 . 4/1/2016
Great ending!...I could definitely see a sequel.
Guest chapter 39 . 4/1/2016
Is this the last chapter? I'm glad they finally solved the murder. I was starting to worry about that. Another great chapter.
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