Reviews for The Aftermath
Wondla Master chapter 19 . 7/13
For a scary moment there I thought it was Naraku disguised as Inuyasha again, but then remembered that she would probably be able to smell the difference... hopefully.
Wondla Master chapter 18 . 7/13
Geeze, so much work over someone they don't even love...
Wondla Master chapter 13 . 7/13
'Usual fighting'? If it's far enough in the series in which Kagome knows she loves Inuyasha, then she already knows that if Kikyo had been flesh she would have lost but still wanted to stay by his side anyways. If anything Kagome is the one who would loose the very most. I hope that she and Amara can get along in the end, it would be a shame if they couldn't become friends despite this... Kagome can fall for Hojo too.
Wondla Master chapter 1 . 7/13
Oh man, reminds me of the story of the dog and the bone...
Ram-Z Malfoy chapter 35 . 10/13/2016
You're back! Thank you sooo much! Im so sorry for your losses (
acuteagawa chapter 33 . 3/30/2016
Omg I just started reading the story and I'm already in love! Keep on the good work I love this so much :)
sangoscourage chapter 31 . 3/9/2016
Excellent all three chapters! I hope that jerk bothering Kaori gets what's coming to him, and not just her parents. Get himself kicked out of the village.

And good for you, kicking out your ex husband. You shouldn't have to put up with his crap either. It takes two to run a proper marriage and home. Hope you win your case.
Ram-Z Malfoy chapter 31 . 3/9/2016
im so happy to have you back! thank you so much for the updates *.* Good luck with your life! D xoxoxox
Music.Is.Passion2016 chapter 29 . 7/21/2015
Please update soon! I love this story!
sangoscourage chapter 29 . 6/28/2015
Wonderful! Man Naraku, you really are the bottom of the barrel-of hell!
Ram-Z Malfoy chapter 28 . 6/19/2015
omg omg omg the baby :( UPDATE UPDATE! I need to know O xD
sangoscourage chapter 25 . 6/12/2015
Excellent! Now you did it Naraku! A...person can only be pushed so far and I believe Sesshoumaru is going to be right there with his brother, helping him. Sorry for taking so long to update.
luna2121 chapter 25 . 6/4/2015
i really enjoy this story its great dont get men wrong but i would love it more if in the end of this story amara dies and he ends up with kagome... b/c for all the shit kagome has gone threw she is the only one that should be with him... think about it... it would be ana amazing and unexpected ending...
Sebastian Mahariel chapter 24 . 5/27/2015
Oh my god it's getting good! Please continue! I need to read more! Lol
Ram-Z Malfoy chapter 24 . 5/26/2015
awesome! Love this story! Thank yo so much for all the updates! *.* you are amazing! I cant wait for the next chap *.*
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