Reviews for Ice Cold Heart
sarahc9162 chapter 57 . 7/12
This what such an amazing story. I’m so sad it’s come to an end. What a great job! Thank you for this. I loved it!
CourtneyMchelle chapter 57 . 6/24
Hi Woodster93,

I love Vampire stories. I want to thank you for sharing this story with us. I wood love to read a sequel to this story. I would to read Olivia and Elliot raising their baby! I would to read more Bad Ass Olivia. I would love to read protective momma bear Vampire. I would love to read of how Elliot protective or over protective especially while she pregnant.
loveroftheodds chapter 57 . 3/31
Whoever the reviewer named “EyeRoll” is: you’re an enormous snowflake triggered by the stupidest things. I can also tell by your comment that you probably have nothing better to do than call everyone “commies” and socialists who don’t agree with your idiotic Trumpist beliefs.

Anyways , great story!
Guest chapter 57 . 7/30/2019
Loved this amazing story! Will definitely read again!
shanemagnum chapter 57 . 4/24/2019
I’ve never been a big vampire fan. But... I’ve read this story 3 times in the last 2 months! I love it! Great job. Planning to read it a 4th time soon.
alexindigo chapter 57 . 2/14/2019
Thank you so much for sharing!. This was an amazing ride. Loved the twists and turns that ended with our lovelies reunited and together.

Hope you and your partner are well and she's better. Love this and all your work.
Nightwalker chapter 57 . 1/27/2019
I loved this story couldn't stop reading. Would love you to write a sequel!
Anne Bensler chapter 57 . 12/29/2018
I finally got around to reading this grand finale. It was everything I had hoped it would be, and then a lot more! Nice touch, having them go 200 years forward, and then basically all the way back to the beginning. Very touching. I'm glad you got to finish this when you did. Thanks for the great ride.
storylover562 chapter 57 . 11/24/2018
This has been my favorite story. As always I love reading your imagination. Thank you!
Bensnfan chapter 57 . 11/23/2018
This was absolutely the best story I have read! I love how you tied everything together making it seem real. Thank you so much for an epic tale!
EyeRoll chapter 57 . 10/17/2018
Had to make the political point at the end, didn't you? Of course you did, can't stand someone as President who cares about America and Americans rather than the opinions of global elites. Well tough. He'll be in charge till 2025 and bring prosperity and peace, and there's nothing you commies can do about it from your European socialist shithole.
TBH, you wrote a good story until you pissed on the readers. It's such a shame that you have so much hate and contempt in your heart. Stick to your own damn country.
Sataistarzoya chapter 57 . 10/1/2018
I loved this story I never wanted to end. I love vampire novels and this story was off the chain wish that there was more or a sequel
valentinapg87 chapter 10 . 9/26/2018
sounded like i was reading twilight all over again . it's cool thou . nice stories
Guest chapter 40 . 9/16/2018
Wow. What a great twist! Munch... the father of all Vampires!
Guest chapter 5 . 9/8/2018
Wow. It's thrilling. Can't stop. Won't stop!
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