Reviews for The Flies Around Me
Guest chapter 16 . 1/21/2019
Glad to see that you're back
Tenshi no Genei chapter 16 . 12/31/2018
Men, good story i will add to my favorite list and wait for more, i like your way to advance the history and the personality of this peter parker. I will wait more thing of you!
jujule48 chapter 16 . 12/6/2018
Yo buddy I'm hyped for more.

Keep up the good work. The story is really good.
LLHOTF chapter 16 . 11/14/2018
Yeesh...the Peter is now is disappointing and interesting for me to read. Until someone close to him die bcuz of him, he will never get the 'Great Power Comes With Great Responsibility' into him. Also the Avengers arrived. that's Parker Luck, so far the infamous luck didn't appear how I read it, unlike the infamous Parker luck we know and love, this story version is outright unfair and brutal in my mind.
LLHOTF chapter 14 . 11/14/2018
I think Venom going to be useless against Human Torch cause Venom's weakness is practically him
LLHOTF chapter 11 . 11/14/2018
Man...not even a year and Peter's Identity slip already...again
LLHOTF chapter 4 . 11/14/2018
Okay...Mary Jane is actually scaring at this poiny
Lighthawk610 chapter 4 . 11/10/2018
OK I'm going to stop right here , I don't like the way this story is going, I can care less if he robs muggers, but unless they were stupid being dark alleys, no cameras or ways to record what happen to them , setting up an ambush after two days sure, but are ready knowing his name bullshit , everything about thus chapter piss me off , except the fight , love that, keep on writing , you do very well.
CRUDEN chapter 16 . 11/10/2018
It's not an opinion it's a fact, it's had happened before and both times Spider-Man had come out on top. You might be right, that Peter right now with have trouble against them.
Can I ask how old Peter is, because it he's younger than 17 then technically The Avengers wouldn't believe together
nataku2709 chapter 16 . 11/10/2018
Nice Peter/Venom interaction here , please keep them both together :p
JohnnyHandsome chapter 15 . 11/9/2018
Ooooffffff Great Story just simply put marvelous. I love how Peter is his character is so original and enjoyable and my in short time Peter as met some very interesting People. (From least interesting to the most) The Rhino, Sandman,Vulture,Johnny Storm,Reed Richards,The X-Men,Black Cat and The Punisher.

I've actually never read a Spider Man story where the Punisher is treated like an actual human being not the blood thirsty lunatic many portray him as.

So seeing how everything went down it obvious to say that Peter is now deep in the Super villain and Super Hero community meaning for more interesting Plot.

As for Venom... Please don't rip him from Peter oohhhh Pleaseeeee. We all now what actually happened to venom (to those that read comics) and by the way you made him actually contact his host unlike in other Fics where either People call the Symbiote evil and make Peter leave it or The Symbiote taking advantage of Peter at nights to do what Peter instilled it to due unwillingly. It would seem alot better if Peter were to stay with Venom in mine opinion and if you need an enemy Symbiote well there are several ones out there that you could use for the story.

But if your plan is to rip him from Peter than give Peter a power boost soon. Like the pincers,venom spark,invisibility and other Spider powers which the canon spider DOES HAVE yet the writers as made it so were he can't use them cause of some sacrificial cause which I can't remember (It's these moments in which I hate madam web)

Hope you update soon

It is 3:19 AM

CRUDEN chapter 15 . 10/28/2018
Great Chapter, in the comics chocolate was used as a substitute instead of brains, they share a similar chemical
nataku2709 chapter 15 . 10/28/2018
Nice chapter, looking forward to Peter fully bonding with the symbiote
bl3ckw0lf chapter 14 . 10/14/2018
I love your story I’ve been looking for something g like this for a while now.
CRUDEN chapter 14 . 10/13/2018
You know the symbiot was already corrupted when Peter put it on, being bonded with Peter then Eddie Brock didn't help it.
Maybe here you can have Peter cleanse it like Flash did in the comics
Then they can truly be symbiotic
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