Reviews for A New Hope
Ramage chapter 1 . 2/17
Another great story. Hopefully this isn't the end!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/23
I recognise th great men in fire from the War Doctr, my best favourtie dOCTOR from Doctor Who. One of his granest quotes. Grand words for Obi_Wan's death. And Sadine's wordss were touching,.
Here;s ideas:

Sabine and Ezra meet Yoda. I see Sabine's reactions. She instantly fisdns him amusing. Whie;l Luke and Ezra get annoyed, she laughes...e pseiclly when hegets the better of some for one so short. Fidnig he's Yoda would cause her to laugh on how the little man p[roved more manly than some. He reufses to let size stop him from scolding tall people as naughty kids. I see her mourn Yoda when he diies... her onwly cofmort beign he died from odl age, a gentler death than murder.. and say how he earned it throug his selfless actions for others.
When Yoda passes on, he can say some reference to Optimus's death... 'Till all are one'. Sabien says i back... her promsie to continue the good work to help defend the peace and keep all peoples as one.

Padme can appear. It woudlbe nicfe if Sbaien and Ahsoka spoke to her. She can help Sabine ovecome her probs and encourage her to be with Ezra, and warn on Palpy beign a deceptive fraud.

Sabien and Leia can be together when they meet Wicket. Sabien would be unfazed as Leia. Instead of beign firghtend by the spear, she calms Wicket with a cuddle... cauing him t o piurr.

Sabien can be the one who deatas Boba Fett. It woudl rock to see the to lgithsabre fight. Sbaine can win, proving girls able.. and brinign honour to Mnadolore sinc eBoba Fett brigns shame through beign a bounty-hunter.

Sasbioen amnd Ezra cmna fogjt the Emepror's Royal Guards to help Lukle. I see them doign so. Imeprial Guards be tougher than usal stormtroopers. I see Sabine's darksabre and electro-staff or force lance helping.

Ahsoka can fight Imeprial Guards too.

Sabien and Eztra can see Anakins; death and sob too... sad to see him fall for his sacrifice.

Ahsoka would mourn too
Zeb would feel regret and say 'I far from prejudiced anyone as harshly as Anakin'.

Zeb can help Chewie and the Ewoks. MAkes sense. He's buds with Wookeis. And I see him helping in the actiona nd coemdy the Ewoks bring. He's aciton and comedy too... acting as if stromtrooper fightyings a game. I see his amsuement on the Ewoks getting the better of streomtroopers, proving more manly than them due to mroe fire for their size.
Divine Protector of Skyrim chapter 4 . 1/8
Kenobi’s first is Obi-Wan not Obiwan. I’m enjoying the story and can’t wait for more.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/1
And the moment Ezra started talking i wanted to slap him and tell him to stfu
Guest chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
Absolutely fucking retarded go fucking kill your self and take this piece of shit with you
clank2662 chapter 4 . 12/2/2019
lennymosca4 chapter 4 . 8/26/2018
You Got The Touch from the 1986 Transformer movie Bad music for Star Wars Duel of Fate were better that just my opinion
Eznf98 chapter 1 . 7/30/2018
r u going to update soon
purpleswans chapter 4 . 3/10/2018
hey! I hope you haven't forgotten about this story. I've read this and the other two you've written for this AU, and I really like where you're going with it. it would be really great to see where it goes.
TWD Jacob 11 chapter 1 . 1/22/2018
I don't think Sabine has a chance with Ezra in this story, I think she has a chance with Luke in your Saga
ATS-Hex57 chapter 4 . 10/20/2017
Yo ! I've been hear like a year... And I really realy really like the story ! So pls update. ;)
jedimichaeljn94 chapter 1 . 8/25/2017
Your still making the chapter?
kineuhansen chapter 4 . 4/20/2017
I hope there will soon be more chapters and where Ezra meets Leia again
kineuhansen chapter 4 . 3/30/2017
I hope there will soon be more chapters
MajorBrony95 chapter 4 . 3/15/2017
So glad you've updated. Still a little confused by the timeline, but other than that really good and one of my favorite series. Can't wait for next chapter. Hope it comes soon.
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