Reviews for I'm like a puzzle (but all of my pieces are jagged)
Downwithmyships chapter 1 . 5/18/2016
I've never cared much for hockey or sports in general, I've actually passed over this fic before because au's aren't really my thing let alone a hockey themed one. But I'm so glad I read this. Not only was it a super cute CS story but it addressed a more important issue of gender integration in professional sports. This is so important! Through a fictional story you've demonstrated how easy it could be to see intetgrated sports. Yes, there were hardships for the women involved and I fully expect there'd be backlash but the point is that it could work. Easily. And I'm angry that in the year 2016 we don't have gender equality in sports and that society doesn't seem to care. So thank you for this story both for the actual story and for making me think about the larger issue.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/10/2016
oh that was excellent :)
HerFairy chapter 1 . 12/16/2015
I'm not huge into hockey so some of the specific terms were confusing, but you did really well at explaining it in the story so I didn't have to worry about that while I was reading! I absolutely loved the build up in this, the way you had Emma's evolution. Most of all, I loved how everyone interacted together, you really kept them in character and yet fit them in with their personality (I especially loved seeing Henry, Mary Margaret, David, and Liam). Great story, thank you for sharing it with us!
CelticCrossings chapter 1 . 11/19/2015
Hi, I've just read this and the avengers one in the same veign and I love them! My roommate just got me into hockey this past year, Go Preds, and I love these. You rock.
GenuineRisk chapter 1 . 8/24/2015
Fun! Hockey's not really my thing, but I enjoyed this story! :)
whiskeysforbusiness chapter 1 . 7/1/2015
So, this story is fantastic. That's simply put. I've only seen a little hockey but you explained it wonderfully and kept it interesting the entire time. Definitely a new favorite. Simple, sweet, and amazing. Loved it.
bbjorgman chapter 1 . 6/25/2015
I think this might be my new favourite thing. I mean, what's not to love? Hockey CS aus are always my favourite and this was so brilliantly done and just the perfect amount of slow burn for a one shot. I think I'm in love with you now!
Shardaen chapter 1 . 6/13/2015
I love the dynamic! (and all that sexual tension!)
herhookedhero chapter 1 . 4/7/2015
Okay so I am a somewhat hockey fan. I don't know much about the game, but watching is exciting! That said, I love this story and how you are able to write women overcoming a gender line and the challenges and double standards that brings. I love how David and Killian just accept Emma and MM as teammates, although they certainly do notice they are women ;-) haha. But I do want to thank you for putting the Kings in a somewhat negative light. As well as putting James, and his awesomeness with Ruby in your other story, on the Ducks. I guess I just gave away that I am in So Cal! Great story, could totally see Emma playing hockey and being kick ass at it. Well done.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25/2015
Blackhawks, ewwwwwwwwww. Dat story doe, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
lifeinahole chapter 1 . 2/25/2015
Hockey and CS? Yes, please. (Although I'm a Pens girl all the way)

ZenGoalie chapter 1 . 2/13/2015
Love that you managed to get Chuey, Duggan and Ouellette all in there! Great job. Obviously I'm a big hockey fan (see screenname?). Keep up the good work!
Snarkastic83 chapter 1 . 2/12/2015
Hockey CS NICE.

My only nitpicks are Mary Margaret being an A as a goalie (did we learn nothing from the Luongo experiment?) and that you somehow set the Winter Olympics in the middle of summer. I mean, integrated NHL? GB having a team in the Olympics? Sure, why not. But Winter Olympics in July? That's just too far. :P
rational chapter 1 . 2/12/2015
Okay, um, this was awesome. I resisted reading it for awhile, because I'm an idiot. I don't know hockey like you do, but my family's from Minnesota and I grew up going to hockey games with my dad and uncles. So I have a certain affection for the game. And I just frickin' love the idea of an integrated NHL. And of course I love Emma and Killian and how they are both such idiots but Emma most of all.

Emma going to him after her team lost at the Olympics and cuddling with him, then slipping away in the morning, with him unconsciously searching for her-ADORABLE. I also enjoyed the David/Mary Margaret subplot. They're so sweet together. Plus, Emma super grossed out at the idea of coming across them together was perfect.
danydanybb chapter 1 . 2/1/2015
Omg this story is sooooo awesome! I'm soooo in love with it! It totally made want to get into hockey too! I'm lit going to finish this a re read it!
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