Reviews for Icing on the Cake
Satu Hati chapter 1 . 7/6
Finally! A story that isn't full of angst and Emma's usual should I, shouldn't I attitude. This was just wonderful and I know I'll be rereading this many times over. Well done.
jyllshel chapter 14 . 7/29/2018
I wish there were more! You did a great job!
PastOneonta chapter 14 . 6/17/2018
Lovely sweet story. The cake design and plan to trick Liam was a lot of fun. I was glad he had a sense of humor and it was well received. Emma and Killian were great together. Thanks for the extra chapters and a baby on the way!
amsrule chapter 14 . 8/2/2017
I always get a kick out of this one. so sassy and great!
Rouhn chapter 14 . 4/18/2017
• wow • wow • wow • wow • wow • wow • wow •

THIS was perfection! I think this was the first fiction without writing thousand chapters about Emma and Killian having a troubled past with shattered hearts and lost loves
You focused on them and their relationship - thank you so much for that.
Interesting that you decided to make a couple of Belle and Liam - the whole idea with the prank and how well it worked out - so great

I got a recommendation about this fic and I am so thankful I was able to read this fiction!

Thank you so much for sharing this great story with us. Thank you for your time and effort writing it and thank you so much for making this story so worth reading and enjoyable
CShipper chapter 14 . 2/3/2017
That's such a cute birthday party! And I love how Emma wants to start a family and it's going to happen! Pregnancy and engagement fluffiness for them! Such an awesome story, thanks so much for it!
CShipper chapter 13 . 2/3/2017
Yay! Graduation and engagement for Liam! And Killian and Emma are moving in! I'm so glad that Emma got the expansion, I knew she would, but I wasn't sure when! I have to say, I'm really glad that this was just a cute fluffy story, I don't see many of those!
CShipper chapter 12 . 2/3/2017
Very cute! I love how Killian met Ruby and how Emma was Liam's sous chef! And I wholeheartedly agree for their Sunday plans!
CShipper chapter 11 . 2/2/2017
Love it! Especially how neither wants to go!
CShipper chapter 10 . 2/2/2017
I'm glad that they enjoyed the birthday and the cake sounded heavenly! I can't wait for Killian to meet Ruby! Thanks so much for this, it's so much fun to read!
CShipper chapter 9 . 2/2/2017
Perfect night out for them! And I love how Killian told Emma that he's falling for her and she didn't panic! Can't wait to see what happens next!
CShipper chapter 8 . 2/2/2017
I'm glad that there's still more in store! Cause this is awesome! I love the little surprise visit that Emma paid Killian and she made him a cake as a surprise! That is too cute! I can't wait for the birthday to come around!
CShipper chapter 7 . 2/2/2017
That was awesome! I'm glad that Liam wasn't too mad at it! And they have another date planned! I'm glad that Liam found someone, too, and I'm looking forward to the birthday! And Killian and Emma promised not to break each other's hearts, I love how Emma's taking a chance on love and that Killian is already there!
CShipper chapter 6 . 2/2/2017
Absolutely hilarious, they played it up really well! And I love how Killian knew when to tell her to run and they did. Oh, gosh, that was great! I can't stop laughing and then they kissed! And Liam found them. :P This is going to be interesting!
CShipper chapter 5 . 2/2/2017
Awesome! I love it so much and Killian succeeded in asking her out again! I can't wait to see how the cake is presented and the reaction of it!
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