Reviews for やくそくしよう
Darkfrosty chapter 1 . 11/23/2016
This was really cute!
Dragonive chapter 1 . 10/3/2016
OOOO this is a great story. I mean we all know why the chairman became the person he is but to have a reason why Asano became who he is is sweet. I know that this is just a one-shot, but would you pretty please consider making an epilogue where the girl comes back. I would really like to see how that goes. This story is awesome keep writing.
Doki-Doki Doku chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
personakitty135 chapter 1 . 7/12/2015
I honestly read this as gakushuu and nagisa, but I don't think his mom had gone crazy obsessive before the divorce. "
Guest chapter 1 . 5/13/2015
I saw this story on Quotev recently published by matcha latte. I definitely know you published your story first. If it's your account then you can ignore this, but otherwise someone reposted your story without giving you credit and claimed it's their's
1SL4ND3R chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
Wow... This is so accurate I think it should be a special in the actual manga. It makes sense why Gakushuu is like that now. Question though, will you be making an actual fanfic out of this? It would be amazing if you made a fanfic where the girl comes back. It would be amazing if you could. Now onto my comments. We'll first of all it was amazing. Made complete sense. Of course Gakushuu wouldn't have been like that the entire time. Anyway, this is really amazing and I hope to read more of your creations soon.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
this was really great. even though he's a jerk, i can't help but be intrigued by gakushuu's character. thanks for writing this