Reviews for Sparkling Lies
LillyMay77 chapter 10 . 8/18/2016
Great chapter! Update again soon!
DutchScorRosefan chapter 9 . 3/9/2016
Had to re-read and its lovely!
Hana chapter 8 . 10/12/2015
Hey I love your story so far! I just binge-read it! However I'm a little confused because in this chapter you have Rose say that her and Scorpius have had sex before, but in earlier chapters you have both Rose and Scorpius say they never went that far into having sex. I remember in an earlier chapter Rose talking about the rumors about her not being true because she never aurally slept with anyone. So other than that confusion I really enjoy your story. Looking forward to the next chapter!
A regrettable decision chapter 7 . 6/6/2015
Aah! Sorry for the late review, busy.
By the way, this is I thought I was the only one. I got a new name.
I love knitting! (Sorry about such a random comment, you mentioned knitting).
James is a putz. A real putz, I kinda want to ouch him (but I guess Scorpius took care of that for me :-))
ilikemnms chapter 7 . 6/4/2015
It was amazing! But I really wonder if you left out a type of birth control for a reason, is she going to have a pregnancy scare/get pregnant or will they remember in the next chapter. Hmmm, looks while we have to keep waiting to find out.
LillyMay77 chapter 6 . 5/14/2015
Oh fantastic chapter! Great clarification on what happened between them. Love the story! I'm excited to see what happens next, please update very soon!
Axy chapter 6 . 5/12/2015

Just to let you know that I loved your story so much I followed it!

Please ignore the rude review, I am very picky with my English, I can't read something that's badly written and as I don't like leaving nasty reviews, I don't say a word. My point being that, your story is good and grammar is fine as I am still reading it, not that I'm saying that it is a staple to how good your writing is, or that my opinion counts.

Anyway I reviewed their Ron story, if you'd like to read what I wrote, I tried not to be harsh or have a go but left a review as a show of unity to you.

I am also from Britain, so if you have any questions please PM me, I'd be happy to help!

Love the story!

A regrettable decision chapter 1 . 5/12/2015
Also, I looked at his favourite stories, one of them has spelt the bloody summary wrong, which makes him even more bloody rude. IF YOU ARE GOING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT ONE, COMPLAIN ABOUT BOTH!
(They wouldn't let me post this on the other chapter, so I did it here.)
A regrettable decision chapter 6 . 5/12/2015
Yey! Most people think I'm a right putz for correcting americanisms, I'm glad you appreciated it. :-)
I am sorry to hear about your rude review and hope you told the person that they should apologise for being such a shmuck.
I enjoyed the chapter, but I am slightly confused as to why sleeping tablets are so bad. I've had to be on them before, it's just because you have too many thoughts and you can't get them to turn off. Whether these thoughts are positive or negative May effect the severity of the situation, but I would appreciate it if you could explain.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/12/2015
Great story! I was excited to read from Scorpius' perspective and find out what happened previously. Poor Rose dealing with things like this. I'm glad he's finally come around and helping her! I'm excited to see what happens next!

Let the haters hate, I love your story! Great job! Update again soon!
Allderasta chapter 1 . 5/12/2015
It’s really nice that you hope that I would like this story. Unfortunately, though, I don’t. This story is extremely poorly written and the plot overall seems ill conceived. Aside from the fact that your story’s lacking a disclaimer at the top there (something you may get into serious legal trouble over), even the first two bloody lines are complete garbage. What the fuck is up with the random bold text in the first line? Are we supposed to pay special attention to some random girls’ inane chitchat? Also, there’s a comma missing in the second line before “asshole”. It’s always a good sign when the first two lines of a story fail to adhere to even the most basic rules of proper formatting.
It only gets worse from here, though. You’re main character is an annoying and extremely bitchy Mary Sue of the delinquent-Sue subtype. She’s faaar to cool to play by the rules. God, this Delinquent-Sue cliché is sooo fucking OLD! I completely lost it, when she referred to her “lovely traits”. There is NOTHING lovely about this abomination of literature.
What a pathetic attempt at a story. I wish people who have absolutely no writing talent would just stop posting such horribly written garbage…

Best regards
LillyMay77 chapter 5 . 5/11/2015
Great chapter! I'm still a little confused what happened with them last year that resulted in such heartache, Rose being so isolated from everyone, and the destroyed relationships. I hope we get some clarification. Update again soon!
DutchScorRosefan chapter 5 . 5/6/2015
Ah Scorpius POV. Oh and excellent choice in naming your chapter ;0)
A regrettable decision chapter 5 . 5/6/2015
Really enjoyed it, but the letter would have been signed "mum" not "mom" as it is set in the UK
LillyMay77 chapter 4 . 4/12/2015
Oh so sweet! Fantastic chapter! Love it! Please update very soon!
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