Reviews for The Hobbit: A Suicidal Journey
Bookwormkat1 chapter 43 . 6/11
i hope you do come back someday
WandSparksRCoolerThanFireworks chapter 43 . 5/10
It was great to reread this! Thank you for the story so far, have fun with your other fandoms :)
Blue swords chapter 43 . 5/9
hi there ! i've found this story yesterday and finally finished binge-reading it \o/ this is absolutely awesome... i'm actually contemplating on rereading it whole from the start X)
Fwoosheye chapter 43 . 3/21
While I would love to see this story finished, I'm glad you shared this little game you made just for fun. I've so far only managed to unlock three endings, though I found one of them in a few different ways. Anyway, it's a fun little game, morbid as it is ;p
Booped My Snake chapter 43 . 3/21
SpaghettiosForYouAndMe chapter 12 . 2/25
"He put his life on the line just to save us."

ehehehehhe, sure, Ori. definitely.
Wildspark chapter 16 . 12/30/2019
I took some time to watch the movie and I really liked Purapura.
halleberry1995 chapter 42 . 12/20/2019
Brilliant i hope there is more
Guest chapter 42 . 10/22/2019
This is and or was a very good story! I noticed a few mistakes, but they where that, few and minor in nature. I hope you continue this ]
Ryan Skye chapter 42 . 9/26/2019
You are killing me! I found this story THIS MORNING! What happens? I am praying to the muse gods that you receive a hard and swift kick of inspiration so you can continue writing. If you need/want a beta to help you with your creative process let me know. I am willing to help any way I can to see this story continue!
01chupacabra chapter 42 . 8/31/2019
Can't wait for the next chapter!
01chupacabra chapter 5 . 8/30/2019
I relate to Bilbo so much
Child of Dreams chapter 28 . 8/20/2019
To dungeons deep and caverns old...
Corn chapter 42 . 8/17/2019
you probably get a lot of reviews like these (as you should) but oh my goodness that was the greatest thing I've ever read. I mean, I enjoyed it a lot is what I'm saying. I enjoyed it so much I'm sPEECHLESS, I don't know what to say. But let me tell you, author, that I binge read this from start to finish, 7am to 9am the next morning. I admired a lot of things from your chapters, there are some spelling mistakes here and there and so on and so forth, but AUTHOR you did so great. I loved every detail (I could write a whole 20k and surpass my daily wordcount just dedicated to your dedication in writing this. I loved EVERYTHING.) I hope you are doing well, and that the next week is gonna be very chill for you despite anything that might be going on. take your time in updating, this is afterall a 100k fanfic that you wrote. read these comments without a guilt and enjoy how every single one of us dang diddly dang enjoyed the heck out of this story. I also enjoyed the little notes before and after the chapter began- I SHALL GO NOW, have a good day!
foureyedmess chapter 42 . 6/8/2019
unfortunately for my family (who is sleeping) i just made a very loud and very upset noise when i realized this was the last chapter. this story is absolutely fantastic! i was drawn in from the get go, and it has refused to let go of me since. to be honest, i really didn’t want it to. god, that line about “there could be no echoes in a space of friends” hit deep. also the dwarrows trying to matchmake w thorin & bilbo is hilarious to read. i do have to ask though: is bilbo going to be revealed as thorin’s One? or is it going to be a regular relationship kind of thing?
one last thing: i loved every second of this story so far & i don’t doubt i’ll love every second of it in the future!
thank you so much for writing it!
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