Reviews for Magic's Apprentice
Lilykees chapter 7 . 7/1/2012
Really liked where this story was going. Sad there is not more.
Lilykees chapter 3 . 4/17/2012
I enjoyed this story. I wish it went on further.
kayleigh101 chapter 7 . 10/29/2011
it gd
lilpop chapter 7 . 9/16/2006
please keep going with it please
Luna Rose and Phoenix Child chapter 7 . 8/26/2004
LR - Harry and Ginny are so cute!

PC - Oh no! You had to bring out her romantic, lovey-dovey side.

LR - :glares at PC:

PC - :grins:

Both - Please finish this fantastic story!
Mikee chapter 7 . 2/24/2004
Still really enjoying the story. I liked Ginny and Harry in the trunk, and that Ginny healed Harry.
Loved that Hedwig found the kids, and hope you'll have more conversations with Harry and animals.
I'm looking forward to seeing who the stranger is with whom Albus was talking. What is he doing at Hogwarts ... and whom is he replacing.?
Will Harry go speak with the giants.?
Please continue soon.
Thank you.
Mikee chapter 2 . 2/24/2004
Woah... LOVE the story. I really liked Harry's "dreams." Loved him seeing what the world would have been like if he'd not survived. That was done so very well.
I liked his time with Merlin in the timeless place, and his training. I especially liked Harry getting a chance to talk to Lily, and getting the right answer to the question of who he is. Again, very well done.
Well, I'm off to the next chapter.
Thank you.
The Insane Miniature Horse chapter 7 . 2/17/2004
good! hope to see a new chap soon
Orome1 chapter 1 . 10/30/2003

u got a cool story though its a bit outdated I think u should continue with what u started provided u have the time & put a note saying whether u will be continuing or not...

Congrats on the story & hoping to c ur not...

Nawaki no Shinobi chapter 7 . 7/8/2003
Great story!

You have a very nice plot and the start was amazing. the only problem is that it seems to be winding down(quality wise). Dont rush the story, explain everything in detail, it will help to 'hook in' the reader.
Delie chapter 1 . 6/4/2003
Wow this is amazing and beautifully written. I can't wait to read more!
byron245 chapter 7 . 5/27/2003
Way too bad you didn't continue this...I was was a brilliant story.
regulator girl chapter 7 . 2/15/2003
Loved it! Now, just who is this mysterious man that Dumbledore has summoned to his office? I don't know, but I can't wait to find out! So, please update soon!
David M. Potter chapter 5 . 2/12/2003
Ginny and Harry together in a trunk... It is getting better all the time.

David M. Potter chapter 4 . 2/12/2003
I will review every chapter...only if the book is very Good! SO ... here is your 4th review in 4 chapters. Bravo!

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