Reviews for Wedding Night
Son-AbyGC chapter 1 . 9/11/2016
I loved! Very good!
IwishIwereJellal chapter 1 . 11/9/2015
Very fitting and appropriate for the characters and the situation at hand. Nicely written!
KainTheVampire chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
Talk about not having any natural instincts, at all. :x And rather embarrassing to almost use the wrong hole. :x And painful for Chichi's part...
Him being all clueless really made me laugh.
And parts of it kinda made me think of a story my best friend told me once, but I'm not going to write that down here, for the world to see. :x
LVR4Trunks-n-Vegeta chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
I love how naive Goku is in this story. Damn the Ox King started Chichi out young with sex-ed talk. lmao Gohan telling Goku to never let anyone touch his other tail.
Iwannabegoldnrumpeled chapter 1 . 3/16/2015
This was a great one! I have been wondering for a while what their wedding night would have been like since Goku is so umm.. Well innocent I guess is the right word. Great job
Gladius Fernal chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
right in the spot just like in old dbz. you perhaps watched all the eps of the dragon ball back then. so have i the most of them. they did get close as goku matured a bit in last eps of it. you sure could how it builds to that moment when chi chi was a kid with a sharp helmet dont know why she wore it. but dam could it cut. and goku still not as powerful back then. well good goku has it everyday. hope chi chi can handle the power of a sayian. well guess she did. shes hard as nails nicely done on the character to. as you made up your own with them giving them a diff approach rather then the show. keep up the nice work.
marvelgirl15 chapter 1 . 1/31/2015
This deserves an award, this was amazing
Dragon Ma'am chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
This was the best "first time" story I've ever read, but for future references unquote the characters thoughts and put them in italics.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/15/2015
Love it.

But Pleasr Add more Anal sex in Your Storoes.

I was L a ughing when goku gave Chi chi a Heart attack when he had anal sex with her
DBH-Lover chapter 1 . 1/15/2015
Good! Big fan!
BarbieGirl82 chapter 1 . 1/15/2015
that ending was so cute! I love it. once again you did a very job. you put a lot of effort into this, I can tell. thank you so much for yet another amazing story of my favorite couple. you're the best! : )
Maiika chapter 1 . 1/15/2015
I am so happy to see one of these. G/cc first time fics are great, because there are so many possibilities to how that could have gone. I like your take on it. The quotes around thoughts mixed me up reading it though. I had to do a double take at some parts to decide if the character thought or said something. But thanks for writing this!