Reviews for In Sickness and In Health
starlightyuki chapter 1 . 6/9/2017
Awww! This is adorable!
Four-eyes-girl chapter 1 . 4/15/2016
Sooooo CUTE! XD
AuoQuNa chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
LuL hahaha
Hime-chan Natsumi chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
Hahaha, me pareciĆ³ muy gracioso :D
Lightning515 chapter 1 . 1/15/2015
Ok. So what I REALLY wanted to tell you is...
I HAD THE IDEA OF REBORN BEING SICK TOO! ... but then... i changed it... maybe I should have kept it. Then we would have had the same ish plot again... ._.;
(no mistakes by the way)

Now the fic. I LOVE the banter you write. Seriously. It's so... *squeals* Tsuna you just can't stand up to Reborn no matter how hard you try. :3c Just... keep trying though? O:) *innocent innocent*
Don't worry about the fluff ... If I think about it... I somehow snuck in a tad of angst... and the omake isn't really fluffy... *hides* Let's choose an easier prompt next year, shall we?
Loved the AU you chose by the way. :D

On a side note... (you are usually the one ruining my life with feels and bishies *sighs* *glomps you happily*)
\O/ here is to another year!
AiMila chapter 1 . 1/14/2015
lol, what a couple full of love no? u can tell is only a matter of time before they become a married couple
AoiSora27 chapter 1 . 1/14/2015
Aweee... How sweet. Hahaha 3
Torashii chapter 1 . 1/14/2015
Haha, the casual relationship is so cute