Reviews for Stories in the Ink
Ori Heartlyng chapter 1 . 1/18
It has been awhile since I have read a Dragon Age Fanfiction; Cole is such a cinnamon roll~
Judy chapter 38 . 1/17
Thanks for the Excellent story!
Commander Allie chapter 34 . 7/10/2017
This is so sweet! Her little sister sounds adorable! I really hope she is legit and doesn't try to pull anything.
Commander Allie chapter 32 . 12/1/2015
Awww the jokes were so cute! Also, I would be very suspicious of the sister as well. Something isn't right. It's almost like Fenris and his sister, and we all know that didn't end well.
Commander Allie chapter 31 . 10/13/2015
I almost lost my shit when Solona thought about killing him. I am glad she finally realized what she was doing.
Eden of the Enclave chapter 30 . 10/10/2015
Cole would never fall in love with a blood mage. A shitty one at that with the always "woe is me, let me cut myself and cry to make myself feel better" blood mage. And try to stick to the plot of Inquisition. It makes no sense on how there could be two Inquisitors
Commander Allie chapter 30 . 9/22/2015
Sooo cute! I am so happy she confessed her love to him! I wonder if he will say it back. : ) I don't think Solona is annoying at all. I like her quite a bit, and her and Cole are so sweet together!
Commander Allie chapter 29 . 9/10/2015
I have a feeling the ending of this story will be bittersweet. : Ugh my poor heart can't handle this!
Bloodwitch Raven chapter 29 . 9/9/2015
She's... not gonna die right?
Commander Allie chapter 28 . 8/20/2015
I need the new chapter now! ;_;
Commander Allie chapter 27 . 8/15/2015
Oh my God Cole is going to hate himself for hurting her. Oh boy, things are gonna get bad.
Waabishkizi-Maa'ingan chapter 26 . 8/9/2015
Mature scenes, you say? I'm all in. *Makes grabby hands*

This story is really cute. As for the anon hate, don't listen to them. They're just asshats. Constructive criticism is one thing, stating good and bad in something. But going out to say things just to hurt someone? That's kind of useless. And if it is any consolation, I like hearing what you have to say in the author notes.
I would have left a review on more chapters, but was afraid of spamming you unnecessarily. So I waited until I got to the last chapter.

But yes. I'm nervous about what's going to happen in the next chapter, to be honest. I hope to heck she doesn't die or ... I dunno. I'd be sad if she died. Not just for her but for Cole, too. Poor poor Cole. Errrgh!
Hypermuffins chapter 25 . 8/5/2015
Your OC does not suck (Don't listen to them!). As a matter of fact, she's adorable. As for sexual relationships go with Cole, it is ultimately up to you. It all depends on how you portray him, really. What should matter the most is how you feel about writing it. Do you like it? Did you enjoy writing it? Is it fun? THAT is what matters.

But yeah, if you decide to keep the sex scenes in this story maybe you can mark the chapters so that the people that don't want to see it can skip them? Or put them in another story, as you've suggested just now. Because there are always going to be people that don't want to see it ... and creepy perverts like myself that'll read them anyway. But methinks you've already posted another separate story, haven't you? So maybe this review is pointless. Oh well, reviewing anyway.
Hypermuffins chapter 24 . 8/5/2015
Ahhh yes, I started this chapter out the same way I ended the last one. "NO COLE. DON'T DO IT."
He meant well, but damn did I feel that second-hand embarrassment! I laughed, then felt bad because Cole's feelings were hurt. Also embarrassed Cassandra. Poor Seeker. Then I laughed again because of the conversation afterward with Varric. Oh gosh, lots of feels this story is giving me.
Hypermuffins chapter 23 . 8/5/2015
Okay, so I spent most of this chapter saying "OH MY GOD NO. COLE NO. STAAAHP."

Then it got to the part where he put the errr... bra in his hat. "NOO WHYYY." THEN It was revealed just WHO's bra it was and I cackled like an idiot.

I don't think I've laughed that hard in awhile, thank you. XD It was gold. Also, I'd started reading this awhile back but forgot to put it on my alerts? So then I forgot I was reading it and forgot what chapter I was on and oh ... I'm rambling now. Hmmm. As for happy vs sad chapters, I have no preference personally. I think you are doing fine as you are. Whenever inspiration hits you just go with the flow, I always say. It works! It's working! You're doing great. :D
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