Reviews for Aging Love
MagicalSeaLard chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
Short and sweet. Very beautiful.
CrazyRandomGirl chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
ahsghfgkergjeghark why would you do this to us?! My poor FEELS! ughh but seriously, bravo, I wish i'd written it. Short but sweet, unique and ultimately completely fantastic.
Lil Me chapter 1 . 1/12/2015
This is so beautiful. It's my favourite fanfiction ever. Period. You have real talent to be able to write so little, yet put so much into it.
All I can say is thank you for writing 3
ABCSKW123-IX chapter 1 . 1/12/2015
There are so few fics that deal with this inevitable topic-aging, and Shadow's lack of it.
Even though this is super short, I feel a lot of emotion in it. It's a very bittersweet fanfic. I enjoyed it. :,)
ShinyShiny9 chapter 1 . 1/11/2015
Ahh, that one point that everyone awkwardly acknowledges but tries to avoid having to deal with: Shadow's immortality and eventual loss of everyone he cares about. Beautiful little piece exploring that future - short but so very sweet.
The Far Corners of the Mind chapter 1 . 1/11/2015
I normally can't stand stories that are less than 900 words because either they're usually terribly written and frankly a joke, or just utter nonsense, but I feel that your story had more to say than a 1,000 word story ever could.

Not too many stories choose to the subject of aging, preferring instead to keep the characters young forever. While there isn't anything wrong with that, I thought yours was a refreshing and realistic take of Shadow and Rouge, one created immortal and other born mortal.

The imagery of this story, namely when Shadow talked about Rouge aging, was really beautiful. Like you could see her, tiny, frail, but ever wise, affectionate, and dignified. Or how it described her when she was a young woman and then now, how strong she was then, how strong she is now in a different way.

I liked the little details, especially about Omega and how he'd go visit them. I thought it was a nice touch, kind of like keeping Team Dark together.

The writing is clear and concise, there is no need for the standard descriptive language because it is story that we as the readers are seeing in our minds. We know the characters enough that we don't need a paragraph describing how they look and how they feel because we can see it for ourselves.

That love, that fear of losing her that Shadow feels about Rouge is, I think, relatable.

This fear is comparable to that of a child's fear, more accurately our own fear of one day losing our parent(s), or guardian(s), the one person (or people) who had been taking care of us for so long and we love them so much, and while they may not agree with some of choices that we've made, we know that they would always stand behind us in whatever we do.

That being said, when we look at them now, now that we have grown, we see how old they really are, as opposed to how they looked when we younger, when it was like they were a force to be reckoned with, they could do anything. And we become afraid of losing them because they are a part of us, in much the same way that we are a part of them.

Rouge had become a part of Shadow and when he loses her, he doesn't know what will happen to him.

They're Shadow and Rouge. Rouge and Shadow.

This story got from me such a big... I don't know how to describe it... response? It was simple, straightforward, equal parts sweet and sad, and I just really enjoyed it.

Thank you.