Reviews for Family
unanimous chapter 1 . 3/29/2018
You should write the parents acceptation of Roxas and his reaction to them! They would be so cool to read.
BlacknWhiteBubbles chapter 1 . 2/10/2018
Beautiful,funny they call each other dorks:)
KaylinElemental15 chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
DEM FEELS! XD This was really enjoyable :D Love it!
Luna Lillyth chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
Yes! So much yes. Increase the happyness! I love this too much :')
RockerGirl0709 chapter 1 . 3/3/2015
This is so cute! Poor Roxas baby finally gets a home with Sora. Loved this story! 3
notevenclosebro chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
It's so beautiful;-; I LOVE IT:3
Blue chapter 1 . 1/15/2015
YAJJ chapter 1 . 1/12/2015
I've literally read this thing like 5 times today okay like no lie /at least/ five you are absolutely right Sora would do this I love this soooooo muuuuuuuchhhhh...
There is nothing quite like SoRox brotherly love. Love it!
Kinda confused though. Set /what/ up like /what/ at Christmas, Sora? I mean, isn't it obvious? He's only about /fourteen years/ younger than you are! You know, technically speaking.
I love how emotional Sora gets. And Roxas, too, but I love how much Sora makes it obvious that this is really important to him. Like Roxas isn't /just/ his Nobody, but Roxas really /matters/ to him, to the point where Sora is genuinely afraid of what would happen should Roxas not take the offer. And he doesn't /make/ Roxas do it, he even rescinds the offer when Roxas doesn't respond, like "I love you enough that I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to." He even goes all protective big brother on him! "Like I'd let my new little brother miss out on Christmas!" Like Sora, I just love you to bits! You are just the definition of the perfect big brother!
I loved Roxas in this, too. I mean, I love him in all places, because he is perfect, but I just adored him in this one. Like when Sora is just babbling about the document, trying (and failing) to explain what it was supposed to be. Roxas isn't answering, isn't saying a word, all you see are his actions... and the way you wrote it, I'm picturing it perfectly (and accurately, very good job) in my head. Roxas covering his mouth, trying to think but clearing his bangs out of the way, finally just trying to shut Sora up and show him how much this means to him by wrapping him up in a hug. Soooo cute, ssoooo perfect, oh Roxy-bear look at that you've got yourself a family I love you so much...
"I was never there the entire first year of your life!" But... Sora. You were sleeping like 80% of the time/it was not your fault/. The only things that might remotely be your fault was his creation and his destruction. (only?) But you didn't really know about either.

Sorry, sorry. Anyway, I really do love this story. I'm so glad I looked at it. And I looked at a bunch of your other stories, too, hoping to see some similar things, and I was impressed! You write a lot, and about a lot of the things that I like! In fact, I didn't even realize it, but I've read a couple of your things before! I love the way you write Roxas ("Roxas, calm down, you're irrational when you're angry..." not entirely untrue xD ), although I do feel like he's a little less angry... I mean, anyone would get mad, I should think, when they're forced to destroy themselves just to bring some other person, who is supposedly so much better than you, back to reality. When they're forced into a wonderful life, and then have to give it up and find out that it was all a lie. Hell, he has every right to be angry, you know!?

Okay, I need to stop. Sorry!

Seriously, though, I loved it. And I doubt this will be the last time I read this story tonight.

guest chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
Oh please! I hope something like this happens in kingdom hearts 3! Please!, i want to se some brotherlylove between those two and kairi triplets haha.
I think this is the first time i see, where sora says that family matters like parents, siblings and that stuff. Not like in the games where he just cares for his friends and his poor mother is wating, freaking out probably, for him. Or maybe she though he was dead and greaving?
Good fic, i love the bond! When sora was saying to be part of the family and roxas hugging sora; ohh so sweet, and moving. Yes, Roxas, you don't deserve to suffer anymore, you should have a happy life!
Please don't leave it as one-shot, please continue the story!
Metha S chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
This is sooo sweet! I really like this!
kage kitsune no yami chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
I completely second that motion, this totally happens:D