Reviews for Marks on the Wall
AshleyStewart09 chapter 28 . 6/12
This story was so very good, I really enjoyed reading it.
Guest chapter 26 . 11/13/2018
Why'd he listen to Rachel, she's just mean
BookFan96 chapter 28 . 10/9/2017
I wish that you had wrapped the ending up a little more. But overall, a very good story. I love how you managed to stop the patriots!
KelseyNicole08 chapter 28 . 8/3/2017
I hate Rachel so much. I have a hard time watching the show because of it. This is great.
I loved this story. The ending is beautiful ️
Guest chapter 28 . 7/5/2016
I have now read this 3 times and it's still freaking awesome! I thought that necause i had already read that i would just skin but your story is so amazing, no matter how many times I read it, I read every single word and i get lost in this wonderful story everytime!
peacelovesfrogs chapter 28 . 5/2/2016
This a was a great fic, I really enjoyed reading it. I would love to read a sequel to it, but I think that the could easily stand on its own. Great Job! :)
Guest chapter 19 . 10/14/2015
I Think you wrote revolution as the series should have progressed.
If they followed this story linie the show would still be running
Good job
Monroe-Militia chapter 28 . 9/7/2015
At least Charlie managed to hold her pee in for long enough to accept his proposal. And she's not even going now. I'm so stressed for Charlie's bladder in this scene, tbh. :P

Ah, Charlie the romantic. She insists that he can't wear a tie to the wedding because it makes him look bad and then calls him old while insisting she wants to have plenty of his babies... Or rather insisting that she is going to, without any questions asked.

Good luck making it work out to get two girls and three boys even if you have five, Charlie. At least she isn't picky about the order though.

These dorks are so adorable and I can't even with him calling her the boss and ma'am and her calling him soldier.

I wonder if Saturday will give Aaron long enough to figure out where she's run off to and bring Miles and Rachel to the wedding in a quest to find her and see if she's alright. :P That might create more drama than it was worth though on the Rachel front.

I'm sure I know why Charlie wants her wedding outdoors where she spent so long longing to be while all cooped up there.

I'm glad that Aaron is giving Charlie away, even if I am a little sad that it isn't Miles doing the job.

YES! MILES AND RACHEL ARE SHOWING UP! And it is probably safer that it's after the wedding and not before. I wonder if they found out about it already. They must have. I'm hoping Aaron told them and word spread and the two and a half years was enough time for Rachel to adjust to the idea.

And they know, but clearly it's recent knowledge and they're not too thrilled. Hopefully Miles' worst problem with it will be that they kept it a secret from him and didn't even invite him to the goddamn wedding (I can fully picture Bass unflinchingly pointing out that Miles doesn't even like weddings in response). And hopefully Rachel will just want to be a part of her baby's life and not miss any more time. Plus her baby might have babies now and being a grandma would have to help warm her up to things.

Yup, there are babies. Toys definitely mean babies. Or at very least one baby to hang out with Tyler, but my bet is on babies. If they want five and two and a half years have passed, then there's got to be two and who knows if she'll be pregnant too or not.

I love how they don't know whether to be relieved or disgusted that the soldiers are playing baseball and seem to have lost all competence. Must be getting a lot harder for them to convince themselves that Charlie's being held there against her will when there aren't any guards around to try to contain her, which kind of makes it a little hard to explain how she wouldn't have escaped at any point in over two years.

Well, Miles sure does know how to make sure everyone knows he's there.

Haha, I love how Charlie has obviously been filled in on what's going on and she's just sing-songing Miles awake and acting so goddamn smug.

And yup, babies and a pregnancy. Miles' worst nightmare. :P Oh, wait. His worst nightmare is having to think about, or especially be told about, how these pregnancies happened.

I'm happy with how this ended, but I am kind of sad for Rachel...
Monroe-Militia chapter 27 . 9/7/2015
Yeah, Bass. You've got to look good in case Charlie shows up. :P

And clearly Andy and Ellie are going to end up together and all cute. And I love how President Monroe considers it part of his duties to keep track of how things are going in the romance department for Andy and Ellie. And now he's casually inserting himself into their relationship (or lack thereof) to try to speed things up.

Oh, good. Aaron's going after Cynthia now. The fact that her asshole husband is still around does make that less good though. Looks like Jeremy might still have a chance after all. :P

And looks like Charlie's trying to be just like her uncle, drinking herself to death while she hides out.

Oh, good. Charlie's Matheson stubbornness is sending her to Philly for answers. And I'm sure her showing up will render Bass too weak to keep up the charade of not wanting to be with her anymore.

Haha, I love how Jeremy gets all emotional and hugs her and probably gets himself all covered in her dirt before trying to compose himself and somehow look professional again.

What an entrance Bass is making, following an excited two year old that he's taking orders from and telling to chill out.

Jeremy knows that there's no stopping Bass, but luckily Tyler is there to keep the president in line. :P

Haha, I love Charlie's response "That's good for you, but I still want a bath." Looks like she'll be helping keep him in line again too.

It is much later now, so he had better get to it. :P
Monroe-Militia chapter 26 . 9/7/2015
Charlie's sleeping with her pants on? Who does that? Not even Miles. :P Bass has a cover to uphold. He needs to make sure that she won't be wearing pants the next morning in case Miles barges in to find them both almost naked together.

Bass is thinking about him ending up dead and Charlie drinking and contemplating killing herself and all I'm getting out of these concerns is how much Bass is on autopilot thinking about them being married and how much he knows she cares about him. :P

I love that Miles is invested in what's wrong with Bass, but has to act angry for show even while trying to help him out. That is so incredibly Miles, especially around Bass.

Aww, I love Miles talking about Charlie's influence so so much. My precious babies are all so adorable. Seriously, I love "She got to you too, huh? Damn, kid. She just shows up and burrows her way in. Then the next thing you know you're trying to take down an army with a fat guy, a crossbow, and an old bottle of tequilla." so so much. It's just perfect. And Miles and Bass are so damn cute.

Oh, Charlie. He really didn't get what he wanted. He got guilt and a taste of something he is convinced he should never be allowed to have.

And now Xbox and Jeremy are losing Charlie too. And Xbox is just going to be a big glaring reminder of what he's lost to Bass.

Of course Aaron has to hug Jeremy goodbye. Those poor babies are being split up because of this. They can't be besties anymore for the time being. And I am definitely shipping them still anyways.

And Bass is practically losing it without Charlie because he just can't seem to realize how much better off pretty much everyone'll be if they're together. Honestly, it's a matter of public safety. :P

Looks like Ellie is the new Madelyn, minus the planning things for years and years and years to ruin Bass's life.
Monroe-Militia chapter 25 . 9/7/2015
Shout out to Aaron for stealing a key card in all of the chaos that was going on.

And, I just accidentally wound up shipping Jeremy/Aaron. Like quite a bit. Oopsies. But seriously, Jeremy should probably kiss him for being a genius. The only reason Aaron's not taking him up on that offer is because they have bigger concerns at the moment and it's all too public. ;) Now I'm imagining Jeremy helping keep Bass and Charlie's secret safe while the whole time he's been keeping the secret of him and Aaron safe on his own without anyone suspecting a thing right up until everyone walks in on them one day and finds out they've been a thing for months. Oh no. What have I done? I can literally see Charlie looking so happy for them while everyone else looks so confused and taken aback.

I am loving Charlie sneaking through the air duct and going after Flynn on her own. Also, this makes me desperately want a Die Hard style AU with her or Rachel as John McClane... Or maybe Miles. That sounds like it could definitely work. Oh, no. I have so many goddamn ideas for this so suddenly to the point of ideas for sequels, so I'm just going to stop blathering about it now and go back to reading. It's not like I'm probably ever going to write that anyways.

I love that Charlie's first instinct after saving the day was to run to hug Miles. They are so damn cute. And of course he's all about protecting her and dragging her to safety when and if he has to.

Is it bad that my biggest worry is not about the people the Nevilles have captured, but about where Xbox is?

And Jason has gone off the deep end. Like a lot. And Charlie thought that SHE had been hit on the head too many times.

What is going on with Madelyn? I am so confused and especially just so mad at Tom.

Oooh, I like that she wants revenge from being in the village he went after after Shelly's death.


I love Rachel so much. Tom's trying to threaten her and make her turn the power back on and all she's doing is raising an eyebrow as if she's surprised that he would dare be so stupid as to try and cross her, even while she is tied up, and then tells him to bite her. And then she gets slapped and she's still badass Rachel Matheson, just smiling that sickeningly sweet smile as she talks in that innocent voice of hers and tells him the exact opposite of what he wants to hear. I love it.

Poor baby Jason. He's gone so crazy now and got all programmed and stuff and we all know where this is going.

And there's Xbox, freaking out because someone is daring to hurt his human.

Oh, Miles. Of course she's not alright. She's just sitting there by the ex she just killed with the blood drying on her hands. You know she's not alright and she knows she's not alright, but neither of you knows what to say or do so you're going to ask and she's going to insist that she's fine and try to force her mind back into business mode. But Miles coaching her oh so sweetly (as sweetly as Miles Matheson has ever done anything in his life) is adorable.
Monroe-Militia chapter 24 . 9/7/2015
Oh, good. He's got some stubble growing out.

Oh, Bass. It is later, but maybe you have more important things to be doing at this hour? Like maybe figuring out what you're going to do about the Nevilles and Flynn? Or, like, not waiting for Miles to come looking for you to try to discuss things only to find you and Charlie very naked and with only one cot? Just a suggestion. I'm enjoying this, but maybe you should make later a little later, Bass. Although, clearly, they're both sick of waiting.

He is so goddamn lucky that it was just Jeremy who walked in and not Miles. At least he was probably half-expecting this shit. And, cue Miles. I almost died when Jeremy's response to "Is someone dead or dying?" was that Bass will be soon.

Charlie better hope Miles doesn't find her pants for her, but luck isn't exactly on their side right now. Plus the fact that Bass had better have a good explanation as to why there is no other cot. He could have at least gotten an extra one as a cover because now he'll pretty much have to claim he slept in a different tent and just happened to be checking on her or that he had slept on the floor. His only hope at this point is that Miles'll be too distracted to notice, unless he hurries his ass outside the tent before Miles comes in and manages to keep him out, but that doesn't seem all that likely.

Haha, I love how Charlie just owns not wearing pants and makes Miles feel like he's the weird one. And he's so uncomfortable that it even works. :P

Bass is the king of subtlety. Oh, shit. Miles is looking at me. Oh, no. What do I do? Quick, act natural! Shove this whole piece of bread in your mouth! That'll keep him from noticing something's up.

Miles gave her an apple because she's the apple of his eye. ;)

Haha, I love how Charlie and Rachel both have a special kind of determination to fight their enemies, no matter the lack of useful (or even useable) weapons around.

I do feel sorry for Rachel in all of this. I mean, you got to admire her determination. She's just a stubborn Matheson out for justice and revenge. It just so happens that her understanding of what happened is different than the actual events. But, I mean, Bass was involved in Ben's death (and to her understanding ordered it) and she thinks that he's the reason that Danny's dead too. Plus Miles was a monster around him, so she has to worry about Miles turning back into what he was now that he's working with Monroe again. Not to mention the fact that Bass kept her captive and her son captive after that and then later kept her daughter prisoner and now seemingly has her brainwashed. It seems pretty reasonable to me that she isn't overly eager to trust him.

I probably should be worried about the fact that Flynn disappeared, but instead I'm glad and just hoping he stays gone. More likely he's off planning something even worse though.

DAMMIT, JOHNSON. YOU HAD ONE JOB. You could have at least left someone watching Flynn. Then again, Bass wasn't being overly helpful or even thinking about their current situation at all the night before either. ;)

I bet Bass probably secretly finds Charlie's poorly concealed wonder at the place pretty damn cute, even if he is distracted by other things for the time being. I love how confused she is by the concept of elevators.

I am loving the bonding(?) between Bass and Rachel. I don't know why I love their super complicated dynamic so much, but I really really do.

Aww, I love that Aaron's risking his ass trying to protect an unconscious Jeremy.

And Nora better not die. She had better survive this. I can't handle losing her again.

Don't lie, Nora. It is not okay. I don't want Nora to die again. And this just got super sad super quickly, but I guess at least Jeremy made it further in this. He better not die too though or else I might end up crying.

Oh, Charlie. I love how casually she just ventured off on her own all Die Hard style and just pops up, acting like it's the most natural thing in the world.
Monroe-Militia chapter 23 . 9/7/2015
And it has definitely been months since I read this... Oops.

Ooh, Bass is helping Aaron down. I don't know why I love the complicated friendship between these two dorks but I do so very very much. Poor Miles had to help Flynn down. I hope he didn't catch anything.

Yeah, Tom. That was the waste of time, not walking the rest of the way. :P

Someone really needs to slap Tom. Or kick him in the dick. You know, whichever... Looks like Nora agrees with me. Too bad she had to be held back.

I'm having all the feels for my poor baby Danny right now.

And Bass just called her baby in front of Miles. Cue drama. Or more likely cue the postponing of that drama until after this life-threatening drama is done with.

Yeah, sure Bass. We all believe you'll be using another cot. We are all SO convinced that the only reason you don't want her moved is that she's still resting. :P Clearly he isn't all that worried about her getting more rest though. ;)
Wolf9lucky chapter 28 . 8/19/2015
Very cool story!
Monroe-Militia chapter 22 . 7/14/2015
I love how Bass just casually refers to the place as Charlie's home as if he's 100% anticipating her coming back and all of the Mathesons moving in (Rachel in a room far away from theirs) and everything being perfect. And I love how Aaron is basically teasing Bass about his crush on Charlie and how he's afraid to admit that Charlie's his home.

I love how Miles' wrath can be heard from far away. Poor Bass, but I'm quite enjoying angry and overprotective Miles. That must have been quite the shock to Miles when Aaron started calling Monroe 'Bass'.

Bass, hon. I don't think Charlie's convincing in quite the same ways around her uncle. :P

Ooh and now Charlie is missing Philly and thinking of Miles being there as Miles being home. And I love Charlie defending Miles and Bass to Foster.

Uh-oh. Giving more people power could just lead to more problems, especially when Foster trusts Flynn and not Monroe. Hey, Rachel. How about no? This better be a trick and not her really planning on wiping Philly and all those innocent people off the map.

Oh, great. Flynn is here... Not... And I'm sure she will hand the power over to his enemy considering Foster'll probably decide to hand it right on over to you unless somebody figures something out.

You know it's bad when someone else's creepy smile is giving Bass the shivers. :P

Haha, I love how Charlie's so worried about falling out of the helicopter and even more worried that Danny might fall out. I probably shouldn't be laughing at that though... And, let's face it, even used to a world with power I would probably be just as scared. :P

Aww. Poor baby, Charlie didn't get to pair up with her brother. Although Danny probably figures that he's not only doing himself a favour, but also one for Charlie since he's probably assuming that she wants to sort things out with Jason (which she does, just not romantically since that ship has sailed and she's kind of a little too invested in a certain president).

Oh, no. Oh, no. If Danny dies, so do I. He'd better just be injured. But clearly it's serious when even Tom is concerned (*cough cough* something's fishy) and helping out instead of just laughing and gloating about little Danny Matheson getting what he deserved.

Welp. Danny's romantic life lasted long. I'm hoping his actual life will last a lot longer. :P ...I feel like I shouldn't be making that face in the context of one dead and one at risk of dying, but whatever...

Oh, good. Rachel's okay. I'm probably in a small group of people that is actually glad for that.



And now it's worse because people are trying to turn her against Bass and insisting that it was militia and even if it was, Bass would never have ordered this and it would have to be rogue shit going on and AGGGGGHHHHH IT'S PROBABLY FREAKING LITTLE SHIT PATRIOTS OUT TO TURN THEM AGAINST EACH OTHER AND RACHEL AND EVERYONE IS JUST EATING IT UP AND WHY WON'T ANYONE LISTEN TO CHARLIE?!

...And now back to reading.

I know she wishes Bass was there to help her dig the grave and make her feel better, but she's probably actually better off without him there in the long run because that would make for so much excess family drama and quite a few (more) attempted murders.


At least Charlie's got Nora on her side now though. That's something.
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