Reviews for Name One Hero Who Was Happy
Guest chapter 13 . 9/7/2016
this inquisitor is as bad as coryepheus
ANCIENT WARRlOR chapter 68 . 6/28/2016
Misspelled...hey I guess you lost interest in this story. Too bad, I enjoyed it.
ANCIENT WARRlOR chapter 18 . 6/28/2016
I'm actually enjoying the story. I searched page after page trying to find a DA story where someone didn't just rewrite the story. That said, I can't believe someone didn't mention you miss spelled Sera.
Guest13 chapter 28 . 6/12/2016
Well... I start reading your story and it's was great... then Trevelyan come and I never been so sick: I just want to torn his neck.
Can't just he die already ?

Btw: Cassandra react like a idiot. She may be naïve, sort of, but here ? How and Where did she see the 'greater good' or the 'right' about this son of a bitch ? She'd become blind or something ?

Your story is not 'bad', it's good actually and have great idea; but it's make ME (very personal feeling only) feel like 'Game of Throne' after 3 seasons or so (which I don't watch since the said season)

Anyway ! Good continuation.
Danie-Dono chapter 68 . 11/30/2015
I've really enjoyed your rendition of an elf mage warden. It has been intriguing. I also love that Zeveran has been included and I really enjoy that all of the heroes have their own persona.
DalishEssence chapter 68 . 11/27/2015
Wow! I found this story and read it all in one day! You blew my mind away! I love Cullen/Surana pairings, but your story is truly something special! I also love that your Inquisitor is a total dick, it's really original and refreshing. I must say you broke my heart when Cullen got back on lyrium, thoughand when Neria used blood magic, but I guess I understand her; she was alone, scared, with the pressure of having to save the world on her shoulders. Anyway, I know you haven't updated in a long time but I really hope you finish this story. You have my support, as well as the support of many other readers. I'll be patiently waiting for your next update!
Mallika Surana chapter 68 . 9/24/2015
I love this story, will you continue it?
shom chapter 68 . 9/14/2015
Found this story this morning and just finished it. Good story! I'm hoping for a long update soon! Love Zev and Hawke and Dorian! Really hating the inquisitor! What do the rest if the inner circle think about him? Especially Sera!?
Spada2014 chapter 68 . 8/3/2015
Too many feels! So much going on in this chapter, but in the good way, not in the "Look at my first collage!" way. First, heartstrings pulled tautly when Cullen sees Neria before him. The relief and the longing...and the conflict within him. It is all done so well, just through glances. And then Zevran...such an ambiguous portrayal! I loved his dejection, his own longing, even knowing he's up to no good. I was feeling very sorry for him, especially as he sees that Neria harbors feelings for Cullen (that was so very heartbreaking when you describe how he catches Neria looking at Cullen in a way he's seen her do before, but never for him...Ouuuch) right up to the point where he declares that he'll probably have to kill "this one." Chillin! Zevran! Nooooooooes!
And now I'd like to offer my services as romance coach for Neria and Cullen. Here, children: Really nice job saying "I missed you" both of you. But then what happened? "We should..." started off promisingly, but then fell flat, dearies. "Shouldn't keep them waiting" isn't the right reply here. "We should" can be followed by "apply Starlight perfume on each other, especially in those hard-to-reach places" and "fall together onto this shaggy rug in front of the fireplace that just appeared from nowhere" or, my personal favorite, "give in to our feelings and make each other so very happy." Kicking Inquisiturd's butt can be added to any of the above options, too.
I love all the shift of emotions here- from sweet to bittersweet to suspense and a little bit of terror (Zevran, what are you up to!). Love the Hozier quote too. The only critique I have is that you need to update, like, NOW. Beautifully written, as always. You make writing well look so effortless.
Spada2014 chapter 67 . 7/23/2015
Bearita- you are too sweet and kind. Stahp it! But I appreciate the plug, 'coz it's like a honkin' billboard in Times Square, damnit! Thank you! ;-) But between me an' you, an' the Interwebz: there can never be too many bar brawls. Cullen feeling that surge of panic, that adrenaline- total PTSD, poor man-only to discover it's not Venatori or Red Templars: just a run-of-the-mill bar scuffle...And then the contrast between the very contrite Jenkins and the totally sassy Zevran...I was giggling at the image. I could imagine the tone each one used to utter "Commander." A wiseass near and dear to my heart all the way... I got little chills when Cullen saw Hawke and Neria emerge at the gates. This is a very anticipated reunion. It's a splash of cold water when they don't connect. She is thinking he's mad, he's probably nervous about admitting he's back on lyrium...*Squeaks* Make it better, pliz? These poor kids. *Spritzes you with too much Starlight perfume for subtle inspiration.*
And Hawke. I love her. Your Hawke makes me want to replay the game only to play her more snarky and less "stoic heroic" this time. She is so righteously fresh that lady: "Are you going to help or going to stand around being witty?" "I've dragged him up a bloody mountain, woman." I know, right? This is just so epic: all three protagonists in the same story. All staking their own territory and claims to our loyalties and affections. And you make it work. They don't shout over each other, and when they interact it doesn't feel bloated- they take their places and add to the story. They each have unique voices, mannerisms.
You are so good.
And the remembered affection shared between Leliana and Neria - a nice contrast after Neria's encounter with Morrigan. We forget what a close bunch they all were once.
Ok. Waiting for the next chapter. Crossing my fingers for Neria and Cullen. Being real patient here. Real patient. Yup...Patience is my middle na-Hurry up already!
ajq6574 chapter 54 . 7/15/2015
NOOOO! Somebody needs to kill the Inquisitor! How dare he do that to Cullen!
Spada2014 chapter 66 . 7/14/2015
Bar brawl! Bar brawl! Great build up! Zevran is such a wiseass. I loved how he tried to get himself out of his unfortunate predicament but found Cullen's men fiercely loyal. And Jenkins, bless his li'l heart, defending his good Commander's honor. The exchange leading up to that first punch was wonderful and Zevran's reminiscing about how being a smart mouth landed him in various degrees of hot water throughout his life was a nice touch (Alistair trying to smack him is a lovely visual as well as the ladies shooing him away after some undoubtedly inappropriate utterance...).
But Jenkins: anywhere but the face, man! Not that beautiful sun-kissed face! Auugh!
You write Zev's movements so beautifully- like a dancer, agile, calculating, practiced...and then leave us to imagine the mayhem...
Awesome writing!
ajq6574 chapter 28 . 7/14/2015
I think you did a great job capturing both Cullen and Dorian!
ajq6574 chapter 25 . 7/14/2015
Oh no! Is that asshole going to make Cullen take lyrium?! Great writing, I'm very emotionally invested, perhaps too much.
ajq6574 chapter 23 . 7/14/2015
Oh seriously, he needs to be hit, he's just begging for it! Or Leliana should just stab him while he sleeps.
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