Reviews for Iron Man: It's A Wonderful Life
King Pepperony chapter 18 . 4/4/2018
Arihimew chapter 18 . 4/16/2015
Dang! I miss it! Again! Why didn't I realize you've posted this?

I love that you use It's a Wonderful Life as the story. Tony did mention it on the last chapter of Christmas Carol after all. I've never watched it myself, but I knew enough to follow the story well. And even without it, this story (and I mean the Iron Man version) is still a masterpiece on itself.

I love the writing style. I love the characterization details you put into everyone, both in the real universe and the alternate one. Virginia in AU is especially interesting, in a sad sad way.

I exceptionally love that you gave Pepper a chance to meet Maria and Howard.

The only complaint I have is that we didn't get to see the smut part. We had it last time, why not following the traditions? *grin*

Anyway, thanks for posting this.
Sam Hicks chapter 18 . 2/13/2015
Phenomenal, it really flowed after I got the dates and time down... I couldn't put it down. I started crying when his friends and everyone else started praying... (even if he is an asshole)
When he gave the advice to the lonely Pepper, it reminded me of one of my favorite stories, where 2 characters switched into alternative time & space, and that happened. .. Love that story line, a leap of faith ... and I love when she slapped him (when he was scared).
Best surprise when Tony ' parents visit Pepper and Tori. Can't beat that Your work is a pleasure to read, I forgot who wrote it, I was so into the story. Thanks for sharing.
JanSaav chapter 18 . 1/12/2015
Wow, wow! It was an amazing story! I never could imagine a better sequel! Congratulations! Excellent work
Toni chapter 18 . 1/9/2015
This story is amazing! It makes you appreciate life even more. That every life is precious. Thank-you for writing it!
Athreas chapter 18 . 1/9/2015
YES! Thank you for this story - it made my day :) I love it :)
Ally Downey chapter 1 . 1/8/2015
A sequel! Omg I swear I read An Iron Man Christmas Carol just a few days ago because it is one of my all time fav story! I'm so excited to read this! :)