Reviews for Fine Lines
Cupcake Flavored Muffins chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
The last sentence of this story killed me. Wonderful fic.
Anne chapter 1 . 1/5/2015
I love the way you write Korra's pain and PTSD it is so realistic and raw, it hurts. I feel as though the show just brushed it off (understandably so it was on Nick after all). I felt so bad that Korra was pushed into battle so soon after bending the last bits of poison out, she seemed uncertain, even scared and yet Su was like Blow it all up. Here is an idea: Korra and Asami have a last talk, while she is finishing some touches on the hummingbird suit, before confronting the Colossus. They could remember the old times and say Goodbye not knowing if they would come out alive. Linking with Asami's thoughts when the Colossus explodes and when Korra creates the portal.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5/2015
Oh. 2 weeks D:
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5/2015
Prompt - takes place between 4x06 and 4x08, Asami drives Korra to the Air Temple Island and she stays there (that's why she was there to bring Korra some tea). After Tenzin leaves the ladies alone, they head out to Korra's room. They share stories. First, Korra tells Asami where she was traveling and why, then Asami apologize Korra for snapping at her in the restaurant and tells her how she had changed Republic City. The Avatar falls asleep with her head on Asami’s shoulder, feeling safe. Asami ease her down and covers her with a blanket. She’s about to leave when Korra is starting to have a nightmare about Zaheer and her shadow (Phantom Korra) haunting her. Asami wakes her up, but the Avatar ends up having a severe panic attack because she can't feel her legs and she can't breath. It's up to Asami to calm her down and show her that she's fine, she's physically healed. Korra refuses to let her go that night. All of the Asami's feelings from 3 years ago comes back, she realize she's still very much in love with Korra and she promises herself she'll always be by Korra's side.
aang'sbestbuddy chapter 1 . 1/5/2015
I absolutely love your writing! Great work like always. I don't particularly care what you do next, as long as it's Korrasami!