Reviews for Consequences
TheRedScreech chapter 2 . 9/11/2018
Wow! This is pure amazing! I really enjoy getting into other characters' heads, and you presented Ratchet's viewpoint flawlessly! Really well done!
Scififan33 chapter 2 . 6/12/2017
Good look at what others were thinking at this point
Okkkkay chapter 2 . 10/3/2016
I can't help but love this, no matter how many times I read it already. Thank you a million times!
Darth Krande chapter 2 . 2/5/2016
First of all a huge thank-you for this two-piece AWESOMENESS!
And I'm so sorry I haven't read it before. I see it's been up for a whole year by now? I blame ff.n for not sending me the email as it should have had.

The fic itself - I'm speechless! And how bittersweet of Jazz to give that chip... for Ratchet to worry about what would happen post-war. Yes we know both of them had slipped, and we even more painfully are aware how this Bayverse story is due to end. (Unless you make it AU, but I think it's more serious with the official ending.)
And also, kudos for ending it with the 'remembering' scene. So... matching.

In the previous chapter, I loooooved Optimus. As usual. And the mechs at the rec room. Brilliant!
Darth Krande chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
Squeeeee! How comes I didn't see this before?
Unustrainer chapter 2 . 7/1/2015
Beautifully scripted as always! I always enjoy the depth of emotion you are able to add to a scene, especially with characters as emotionally subdued as Prowl. I can't wait to see what's next!
sweettea1 chapter 2 . 4/23/2015
Loved every word! Well done :)

Kat chapter 2 . 2/7/2015
I am in LOVE with your "Turning Points" story. I'm wondering tho... Are you going to continue the story? Are you gonna continue and explain if Prowl ever gets fully trusted by the Autobots? It'd be cool if you did. You are an AMAZING writer! Good job! :D
Freckle chapter 2 . 1/22/2015
I have nothing to say other than that this story and Shadow Games certainly live up to the standards of your other stories. It is probably the highest praise I can give anyone.
Toa Nonny chapter 2 . 1/23/2015
Great side story. Keep up the good work. I look forward to your work on Prowl's story.
BIG S chapter 2 . 1/16/2015
First off good job. This offered a new perspective on how they view prowl and had me going back in turning points and rereading. I hate to give criticism especially to someone who is worlds beyond me in writing skill but I feel I should this time. Don't you feel like ratchets wrench throwing is a little played out and over done? I find it hard to believe any of the mechs really fear the wrench. Maybe the implied warning, but I find it hard to believe in the situation with jazz and jolt that a flying wrench would stop that. I felt for jazz and jolt and it showed the other side of prowls defection and I believe the scene was slightly cheapened by "the wrench of doom ". Not trying to be a hater just thought I would put this out there. Please keep up the good work. Thanks
Nikkie2010 chapter 2 . 1/16/2015
Great story. i love the different POV in Turning points and these were in exactly the spots I was wondering about.

Also very glad to hear you are working on the next chapter! Really looking forward to it!
Foxbear chapter 2 . 1/16/2015
A wonderful look into what Ratchet and the rest of the medical department were going through after that. I honestly hadn't even thought how Ratchet's reprimand would affect the medics who served under him and their relationship with Prowl.
kkcliffy chapter 2 . 1/16/2015
While Ratchet is still rightfully struggling to trust Prowl at all, I think that seeing Prowl and the changes in him will help him along. It was lucky for both mechs that Ratchet caught Prowl when he did and was able to recognize the change.

It was definitely interesting to see Ratchet's struggle with the guilt over failing to protect the mech whose fault it is that all medics, including Ratchet are targeted on the battlefield. And Prowl pointing out that he understands that struggle threw him for a loop!
DawnfireJazz chapter 2 . 1/16/2015
Another good story. It's interesting to hear from the other characters views.

I was wondering, will Drift and Crosshairs appear in any of your stories?
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