Reviews for Bait and Switch
AsketronNidavellir8 chapter 1 . 6/17
Oh. My. Goodness. Norns, that was so intense eep ow oh wow someone point me in the direction of Hel and I'll go get Hel to resurrect those nasty, evil, torturer siblings so I can slay them all over again! Dey so meeeeaaaan to Thorrr Lokiii no one touches our fave Thunderer and Silvertongue! :( I shall slay the meaniesss nicely done, Mik, well-described (very, very well).
EiswolfZero chapter 2 . 9/19/2019
the pain Loki did go through for Thor and how Thor just...saw through that lie
I couldn't have wished for anything better
XBrokXenX chapter 1 . 8/18/2019
Truly, one of the best Thor fics I have ever read... and I've read a lot.
Great build-up. Loved this. Keep writing!
moira hawthorne chapter 2 . 2/2/2018
that was painful... it hurts me to read storys with such pain... for characters I love... but it was well done... so well done... and Im glad how it turned out...
Loki Joker Quinn Jr chapter 2 . 2/1/2017
I love ur books
jj chapter 2 . 1/18/2017
very very nice
Fic99 chapter 2 . 7/19/2015
argh! the feels!
Zorza chapter 2 . 6/29/2015
This is the best Pre-Thor, Loki/Thor fanfiction I've ever read. I prefer shorter fics, up to 15k words. Lots of fanfic authors start really well, but then they break the characters with every chapter, making them more and more distant from the original. But you did a great job here. Your characters and dialogs are very convincing. Thor is a big, simply and honorable beefcake and Loki quick-witted and cunning trickster (and not fragile and pathetic freak). The villian brother and sister are also very solid. The torture scene is not only for the pure pleasure of the most twisted Loki fans (as in many twisted fics), but it serves to the plot. The twist with Loki's blood is really unexpected and plainly brilliant (I saw in my mind's eye the scene when Loki is preparig to enchant his blood and then allowing to be captured). The whole thing is so solid and intelligent. Thanks for your work. I love Pre-Thor fanfictions and so I hope for more.
littleme36 chapter 2 . 5/24/2015
Oh thank goodness - I read the description and thought Dark!Thor meant he would leave Loki to be tortured or something - I am very glad I was wrong because ooh poor Loki :(

You may notice me favourite-ing a bunch of your stories... I'm basically working my way through all the ones I haven't already read - love your fics! :)
Ireland Ranger chapter 2 . 3/13/2015
:) Funny and heartfelt!
pallyndrome chapter 2 . 1/23/2015
So sweet and lovely!
angrbodagiantess chapter 2 . 1/14/2015
SQUEEEEE! You've done it again, my friend. Another of yours to add to my top favorites list. :D Ah, the lovely familiarity of hurt followed by comfort, but done in a unique way- that's what I love most in fics. I'm glad you added a whole chapter of mostly comfort, especially after the first chapter of so much whump, of which you are just so good at. ;) Seriously lovin' the bromance at the end. Double squee, there. I really should get back into reading and writing fics again, I've had too long a break!

Wonderful as always. Brava.
angrbodagiantess chapter 1 . 1/14/2015
You had me at "gratuitous H/C". ;) So I feel like I should feel weird for it, but I got way too much satisfaction out of Thor squeezing that horrid woman's head off. I do love a satisfactory end to such sadistic villainy! And I love Thor "pulling a Loki" by twisting his own words and taking them so literally. I feel a little crazy for my loud clap and "yes!" when I'm all alone, because go Thor! And surprise, surprise, I guess Loki had a trick up his sleeve? Did not see that coming, very pleasantly surprised. (And while I always feel odd for complimenting authors on it, you write torture very well. If you make me cringe, grimace, and say "holy crap" a lot- you are doing a good job with that. XD)
Hekka chapter 2 . 1/8/2015
But according Marvel wikia "Loki's ability to heal himself is far above that of other Asgardians."
Sybil Silverphoenix chapter 2 . 1/6/2015
This was very interesting.
I liked the shock Thor had at how danger lurks even in a perceived place of safety...
Poor Loki... He made a slight miscalculation. I do find it very sweet how he lied to Thor about feeling no pain to assuage his big brother.
And I liked how Thor isn't so clueless. It was very sweet of him to take care of Loki.

All in all, a very touching read :)
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