Reviews for Kitten
malleys8 chapter 43 . 11/20/2019
HOOOOEEEE! The author took a lot of time and effort to write this story (hey, how else would 44 chapters be created)? The basic plot is psychological and if you think about it quite interesting. I know after reading, I realized a lot of my preconceived notions of the subject matter were way off-base.

Now for the important stuff for most readers. The love story is of a novel (No pun intended, the word does fit best here) subject matter and quite interesting - one almost never discussed in polite company.
Because of the subject matter, and the author's skills in creating these stories, the readers will find the "M" rating (for sexual content) is not only appropriate but, probably mandated. Except for those who may be offended by such subject matter, I think there is a great chance that, if you can ignore the length, you'll be very entertained throughout. Of course, Kate keeps jumping to wrong conclusions, but, then so does Rick. Just a normal Castle plot - right? Believe me, there is enough new material, you won't be bored at all.
thatgiannachang chapter 44 . 10/6/2019
Favorite fictional ever
natters chapter 44 . 11/28/2018
Great fic
Lord of Kavaka chapter 44 . 9/6/2018
Nice. They worked it all out and somewhere in that time jump developed a real relationship that worked alongside their game. I chuckled at how Beckett answered his question at the end. And also about how cats own people, not the otherway around. Thanks for taking the time to write and share this with us. It was a fascinating AU.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 43 . 9/6/2018
OMG. She called him. She actually took that risk and called him. They’ve communicated a little bit and now have their feelings for each other out in the open. One chapter left. Part of me doesn’t want it to end, but I’m intrigued to see how it does.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 42 . 9/6/2018
That pretty much went as I expected. Reminded me a little, just a tad, of their fight in ALWAYS, where he asserts his love again and Beckett ignores it. Yet here she doesn’t speak at all. She just stands there and let’s it all fall apart because she’s stubborn and pigheaded. Somehow those are traits I think she inherited from Johanna. Bless Jim. Hopefully she heeds his advice, but I’m not holding my breath.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 41 . 9/6/2018
Oh snap! She’s used her safeword. Hopefully now all the misunderstandings will be aired out. But I’m guessing that will be too easy. Sense more angst before the dawn.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 40 . 9/5/2018
Takes her to the loft for the game. She still believes it’s nothing special to him, even trying not to think about who it is, referring to it all as a dream. Castle is blissful unawares. I’m just waiting for it all to hit the fan. Because it will. I can sense it.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 39 . 9/3/2018
The boys interrogation went differently than I expected. They’re right, he was touchy about Beckett.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 38 . 9/3/2018
Both are idiots. Castle needs to repeated his declaration verbally. He’s thought doing so at least. So there’s that. Curious to see the boys’ interrogation. Sad though, reading how Beckett cleans and washes away all memories of their activities before going to bed. Ugh. How she thinks it’s a dead end relationship and sort of hates herself for wanting it, wanting him. Castle needs to wise up soon and correct that error.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 37 . 9/3/2018
Jim Beckett for the win!

Castle almost outed them to the boys. Luckily he recovered quick enough to explain the plumbing for dummies book with a believable tale. Beckett caught on but I don’t think she’s happy about it. He’s lucky she didn’t just incenirate him with her glare. And on top of all that, they both think they’re in different places, relationship wise. Him: we’re together now. More than just sex. And her: it’s nothing, just sex and nothing more. Castle needs to realize he wasn’t clear enough and remedy this line of thinking soon.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 36 . 9/2/2018
All the pleasure they partook in was dimmed by the undercurrent of Beckett’s thoughts that it was nothing but meaningless sex, and that Castle didn’t want more than that. Sure he didn’t outright say it in the last chapter, but from his words and what he did say, I thought it was obvious. But the great detective fails once again at using her awesome powers of detection in regards to her personal life. Sigh. Castle’s going to be in for a rude awakening when he realizes he hadn’t got through to her like he thought he did. Nothing has actually changed, really. She’s still detached and disconnected, even if she’s having sex with him again. Just sad to see these idiots screw everything up. It’s almost worse than their screwups on the show.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 35 . 9/1/2018
Somewhat fixed. She still misunderstanding and not getting that it’s about more than what she thinks. Meanwhile Castle thinks that she knows he loves her without voicing it. These two will forever be idiots in love. Haha.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 34 . 9/1/2018
At least she finally said what she was thinking so now Castle knows her reasoning is mistaken. And then Beckett does what she does best: Run.
Lord of Kavaka chapter 33 . 9/1/2018
Beckett continues to hide and disconnect from everything but her mother’s case.
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