Reviews for It begins at Forever
Guest chapter 3 . 2/23
I had to read the last chapter twice, 'cause it was so sweet.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/23
So sweet and awesome
ForeverOffline chapter 3 . 6/25/2015
I'm a terrible reader and a forgetful one as well. I can't believe I haven't left this a review when I had this saved on my phone to reread offline from time to time. Yes, that's how much I liked this!

Being lonely for such a long time, I cannot begin to fathom what Law must have felt. And Luffy - he even searched the world for his fated one. I don't know what to say but to pour my damn feels for the two.

Kudos and have a super day, author-san!
One Piece Concrit chapter 3 . 3/7/2015
This was a very unique fic, and it was very pleasant to read, so thank you!

You developed a very interesting world for this au, and while it was nice to have all of the information, it was a bit heavy with exposition at the beginning. This can lose readers attentions, and it is often better to have the information spread more naturally throughout the fic.

Law’s desire to find his soulmate and his loneliness and hopelessness was very touching, but it would have been nice to have more feeling to it, really make the reader feel his pain. Similarly, it would have been nice to have more emotion when they actually meet. It felt a bit flat for meeting the love of your immortal life, and some figurative fireworks before the smut would have been nice.

The smut itself was well written, but it focused very much on the mechanics and not as much on the emotion of finally meeting your other half, which would have taken it to the next level.

As for mechanics, there were several POV changes during scenes and some grammar issues throughout. Epithets can drive people away from your story, as can formatting issues. Every time there is a new speaker, there has to be a new paragraph to help keep everything separated and easy to understand.

Overall, this was a very touching story, and it was lovely to see them find each other.

Best wishes!
jack3f chapter 3 . 2/22/2015
This was so hilarious, whether you inteded it to be or not, I cracked up when the baby turned out to be cavendish.
Did I already mention I love it. Because I do.
jack3f chapter 2 . 2/22/2015
When j read that shanks mate was Makino my heart smiled so big it actually hurt not many lawlu fics have them paired together, and completely in love with this fic.
fangirlhaven chapter 3 . 1/19/2015
I would like to see more of this please. :)
fangirlhaven chapter 2 . 1/19/2015
I am fangirling so hard right now even though it's way too early in the morning for that kind of thing.
under.that.sun chapter 3 . 1/9/2015
I don't know how, but somehow I managed to miss both last chapter and this chapter update.. :D
I'm a little sad it ended already, but it was a nice end -
Loved the idea of Cavendish being law's brother, hilarious, Law will be so embarrassed to have him as a sibling when he grows up.. xD
You should take plot ideas from me more often, you're doing a very nice job at writing them.. :D

Great story! :}
Readingshoe chapter 3 . 1/7/2015
I really enjoyed reading. Thank you for sharing. 3
AaliyaIronHeart chapter 3 . 1/4/2015
AWESOME though i skipped the M rated part...
looking forward to new stories from you!
mks 12 98 chapter 3 . 1/3/2015
Chapter was good, but you might need to up the rating. :)
Dulce Tiramisu chapter 3 . 1/3/2015
so cute law and luffy's love, when continuing my little husband? I really like it
daydreamfox chapter 3 . 1/3/2015
The lemon was definitly well made! I really enjoyed reading it a lot xD
I was a little confused with the giving berth part. Was it Luffy having the baby or Mingo? And if it was Luffy, did the baby belong to crocodile and mingo? I'm sorry i got stumped there.
Everything else though was amazing, I really enjoyed reading this! Thank you for writing and sharing! (:
daydreamfox chapter 2 . 1/3/2015
Awe there meeting was so cute!
And it's cool that you made them into explorers!
Sanji was hilarious, still being pantie chasing perve even even when he's imprinted - at least he's trying lol
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