Reviews for Starlight and Caverns
FandomGee chapter 16 . 12/23/2019
Wait, what?... How do you just leave a story like this? A very short chapter with so much a cliffhanger, REALLY?...Please update! You can't just leave this like this...
Nina chapter 16 . 8/7/2019
Just found this story, sorry that you seem yo have given up on this tale, maybe it will inspire you later
Guest chapter 16 . 4/26/2019
Cool. Love it..
Guest chapter 16 . 12/31/2018
I love this story so much I found it a couple of days ago at 11:45 and stayed up all night reading but now there is this awful cliffhanger ahhhhhhhhh! Please please please post a new chapter! I can't stand not knowing
Guest chapter 16 . 12/29/2018
I am reviewing like you asked. Are you planning to update soon cause this story is amazing and I need to know what happens next!
Original Guest chapter 16 . 12/4/2018
Please Please finish this story. This is wonderful and I want to know what happens next.
Guest chapter 16 . 11/19/2018
Please update I love your story
Nenithiel chapter 15 . 10/25/2018
Ok, just caught up with my reading, and this evidently ended on a flashback. Please finish it!
Wendy vermette chapter 16 . 9/15/2018
I love this story. Please write some more of it.
i luv fanfiction chapter 16 . 7/12/2018
please write more
Nina chapter 16 . 7/12/2018
I know people lose interest in their own stories, but this is too good to just let Go, I have checked periodically for updates, hope to find one soon.
Mechine chapter 16 . 3/29/2018
Wonderful story.
Found it recently and did not stop until I was through all 16 chapters.
I hope you will snart find energi/inspiration to continue on it. We are not tired of Kiliel :-)
Please go on.
I really cannot think how Tauriel can avoid this new danger. Could it be time for Legolas to revise his views on the wold and his place in it? It might be time for him to grow in the Legolas we know from LOTR.
I can't wait to read of Kili and Tauriel's reunion and if it is a really a boy they are expecting. Everyone is so certain about a boy, taht I think it could be fun if it was a girl, or maybe both ;-)

It is a great story, one of the best on Kiliel, in my opinion. It would be a pity to leave it unfinished and especailly at such a tragic moment. It deserves a happy ending.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/21/2018
Love the story please complete it
G4l4h4d chapter 16 . 1/10/2018
I Hope really there will be another chapter for this great tale... great so far
Nina chapter 16 . 10/8/2017
I see that there is an issue updating/ continuing the story. I hope that maybe with time, resolution and renewed interest, you might finish this tale. It is one of the better stories out there and as I just discovered it, I'm eager to read the conclusion. It is one of the few stories that has it all, intrigue, humor, frailties, drama, deceit and well-rounded characters. Anyway, thank you
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