Reviews for Noel
Guest chapter 13 . 5/12/2016
Oh, never mind what I said earlier, about how I felt like it was a spoiler(the chapter title, "L"). I finished this and may have reviewed already, but I'm not really sure and I'm too lazy to check. (However, I have a feeling that if I did write a review previously, it was decorated with A LOT of exclamation marks.) But with the ending of this chapter, and the title that goes along with it, I find the whole thing really cute. Yay!
Guest chapter 13 . 5/2/2016
That ending is so cute- sequel time!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/1/2016
Aww, I feel so bad for the kid!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/1/2016
ARGH! I read the title of the last chapter and I feel like it's a spoiler now...
AutumnMobile12 chapter 13 . 4/26/2016
You have a lot of talent. Everyone was in character, the plot moved at the perfect pace, your conflict was compelling, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Well done. I'll be sure to look into your other stories as well.

Scordatura chapter 1 . 4/25/2016
I'd read this awhile ago and had been meaning to return and leave a review. It's not often I can find a multiple chapter story on fanfiction that I stick to until the very end, and I rarely read Death Note fanfiction. I really enjoyed reading this one with its nice balance of sweet and mysterious moments. Excellent story.
Metaphors and Miracles chapter 13 . 3/31/2016
Amazing plot. Scratch that, amazing everything. The story line and plot twist were so creative and well thought out that it could actually be deemed an official continuous to the the anime/ manga- and I'm not simply trying to flatter you. You were so true to the characters yet we were able to make Light and Near ship-able, which is something I never thought was possible until I read this fan fiction.
miikkuli chapter 1 . 2/3/2016
Awesome! First time anyone has been able to make me love Near and your Light is perfect, too! (I don't hate near, but mainly I just don't mind him in anime and in fics.) I loved the plot too! 3
Checkmate-13 chapter 13 . 1/29/2016
This story sets an impossibly high standard by which all Death Note fan fiction should be rated against. Fantastic read from start to finish. The characterisation of Light, and the humanisation of Near, were both handled flawlessly.
browneyedbeauty710 chapter 2 . 12/27/2015
I know this is really late but this is just beautiful :P
furubafeind95 chapter 13 . 11/21/2015
This is fantastic! I've enjoyed reading this immensely. It's not often that I see the characters as you presented them. I loved reading this.
archangelBBQ chapter 13 . 10/16/2015
The way this story comes full circle is just magnificent. The closing lines are just perfection! I love the way the Janus mystery mimics the Kira case, the progression of relationship between Light and Near (and the relationship between Light and Roger, oh my goodness, I was in such a shock when he died!) And the depictions of the characters is really phenomenal. I was tremendously moved by both Light and Near and it's such a clear and distinct way that you've illustrated them. I really enjoyed the back-and-forth nature of the chapters, and it gave the story a good flow. The way you depict logical and rational thinking is also just superb. This was such a satisfying story to read and so absolutely compelling, I was glued to my screen! Thank you for sharing with us!
archangelBBQ chapter 6 . 10/15/2015
This chapter was intense! And somehow this is all so much more compelling than it already was. You've really drawn me in. I don't think I could stop reading if I tried.
archangelBBQ chapter 5 . 10/15/2015
This story is phenomenal so far - and every chapter just gets better and better! I love the premise of Near needing Light's help - and every scene between them is just so intriguing. Absolutely brilliant!
archangelBBQ chapter 2 . 10/15/2015
You have me absolutely enthralled. Brilliant!
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