Reviews for More than Santa Claus, your sister knows when you've been bad and good
Demented Noodles chapter 1 . 2/5/2018
Wonderful piece about the contrast! That ending tho... if that didn't make Satsuki tear up, I don't know what will!
KillLaKillPrincess chapter 1 . 7/25/2015
Awww this was so adorable! Besides the parts with Nui of course, that was just plain scary. But the ending was cute :)
Lawffy chapter 1 . 2/6/2015
Ohhh I love it! Nui is still a crazy bitch and Ryuuko is so cute I never dreamt she could be so cute! You write Nui and Satsuki so well no other writer writes Nui so well! The Nui and Ryuuko comparison was interesting too I just saw a comparison compilation on tumblr today about them this just made it even better! I never thought and noticed it but Ryuko and Nui are more similar than you want to believe!
You make Nui so interesting I hope you will write more about Nui I don't find many fanfictions about Nui and though I don't like her because she is creepy I like how you write her and she is actually interesting.
Chrosis chapter 1 . 2/5/2015
I loved how you compare Nui and Ryuko in this fic- particularly how you explore their contrasting reactions to Ragyo's manipulations. To tell the truth, I'd never really stopped to compare them, if only because they're so different. It's interesting how you draw similarities through their stark differences, though. Despite how differently they act in these situations, they're still drawn to Satsuki and bring up (intentionally or not) the same topics. Really good stuff here.

It's a shame we never see more interactions between Ragyo and Ryuko, though. During the big reveal of Ryuko's life-fiber nature, Ragyo seemed thrilled to have found her presumed dead daughter (if only because of her life-fibers) to manipulate and abuse to further her goals and sadistic pleasures. And Ryuko got over it so fast! Even the author of the show kind of went "Eh, Ryuko was bummed out about physically and psychologically raped by her mother for like a quarter of an episode. That's long enough, lets never mention it again."

Didn't mean to blow up your inbox with notifications, but I thought I'd share my thoughts.
friedchicken96 chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
Wonderfully written! You're characterization is spot on! Nui is so freaking insane, poor Maiya and dang poor Satsuki! I'm glad that now she and Ryuko can be together and both heal from the damage done by Ragyo and Nui.
Graystripe64 chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
I really adore this. Satsuki needs more happy family moments in her life! Bravo! _
Guest chapter 1 . 12/24/2014
Ryuko is such a cute kid, this was nice, well, taking off the extreme Nui broke down a puppy to make it clear that she does what she wants part... that was kinda hella creepy.
But the fluffy after paid off.