Reviews for A Different Kind of Hurt
Guest chapter 1 . 10/12/2019
XYZArtemis chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
Aww, cute bro ending! Great grammar too :)
TheEliteLabRatsLover chapter 1 . 11/20/2016
This is incredible! I love stories like this, and your writing is ah-mazing! Your writing has inspired some of my stories and story ideas. Thanks for being awesome; keep it up! ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/14/2015
I liked this! :)

I think I agree with you on the shipping Brase part. Like, I get all happy when they're all sweet to each other and are close and stuff (like this!) but when I actually read fanfiction of them dating, it just disturbs me. So I think I just ship them in a strong brOTP, and I just want them to be really close siblings. :3
crystaltears24 chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
Oh my gosh, I loved this. I haven't seen the episode, but I saw the preview, and Adam did seem harsh. I loved how you showed the bond between Bree and Chase. It was a nice change from the show, where it's all teasing. I'm a sucker for sibling bonds. Something about them fascinates me, and you certainly did a very good job. Overall, it was supremely well done, and I enjoyed it a lot, even though Adam was such a jerk at the school. I actually got mad when Chase confronted him about not explaining the situation to Sabrina. Great job!
ungerlover chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
From the moment Chase started talking to Sabrina, I just started feeling so... so heartbroken! I was able to feel Chasey's pain! I honestly felt like crying a lot. :( And it is AMAZING that you were able to do that! You're so talented!
Okay, again, please don't say this was crappy. It was great! I think it moved me more than any evil or dead Chase story has. And that's probably because in emotional stories, you can feel how they're suffering in your heart (if you're really into the story, which I was).
Even though I ship... I certain couple... I won't say to write more of it. I understand that this wasn't a romance story, but more of a heartbreak/betrayal stry. I could totally see this happening in the show, and it was such great sibling fluff! Well, I must leave now, so bye!
Slurp chapter 1 . 12/24/2014
Adam's character has really deteriorated over the third season - looking forward to the 4th and learning stuff about the Bionic Academy and such and such. Can you believe that s3 is almost at an end? Oh, and you know what I'm upset about? You know how Unger was caught with DUI? So they were talking about throwing him off the show and replacing him with Calum Worthy (Dez from Austin & Ally). Things are adding up, too - the season finale of season 3 showed Dez moving to LA - away from where the show is set - so Dez is taken off of the character cast - SO HE COULD MOVE INTO THE LR SET! Now this is just my logical thinking. It could be entirely false. But everything seems to be stacking up to replace Unger with Worthy . . . and I am VERY unhappy. Some redhead guy will never replace our Chase - EVER - but things look very grim right now. *takes a deep breath and sighs*
Sorry for bombarding you w/that rant. I just had to let it out since I'm not PMing anymore. :-( BUT SERIOUSLY, PEOPLE! PUTTING WORTHY ON THE LR SET IS UN*FORGIVABLE*!
Sorry again for my, um, spiel, but . . . post Deranged soon; cuz I was looking forward to DAT a lot more dan DIS! No offense XD Yes, the "dan" was intentional. XD I think I use too many ":-)" and "XD" and ":-(" but what can ya do? XD
Smiles chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
A HUGE congratulations to you for the massive update day. BEST early Christmas present. I liked this story, and I agreed wholeheartedly with what you said about Adam. I've been saying it for a while-every relationship has boundaries, and I think he's crossing them. Great work though!
La pluie minuit chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
"You want the list in alphabetical order or in increasing levels of destruction?"
That is exactly the type of line I've been missing from you! So happy to read another of your wonderful works :)
RandomGirlPerson chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
Sibling fluff is the best!
Great one shot!
MrMuddyPaws10221 chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
You said "crappy"!
Please excuse the five-year-old child inside of me. I just had to.
I really liked this. The characters were perfectly on spot, and it wasn't so angst-y that I couldn't read it. I thought you got the broken-hearted-ness right, but I've never had a broken heart, so I don't know.
Great job, and keep up the awesome-tastical work!
tennisgirl77 chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
Aww...I loved this. Beautiful(along with your other stories)!
PurpleNicole531 chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
This was a wonderful one-shot! I really liked it! Very funny, but with lots of sweet siblings moments in there too. Awesome! :D
I like Sabrina too, and I probably would've reacted the same way. But I WOULD have let Chase explain himself. That would be the right thing to do. :P
Onto the other updated stories!
awwcoffeenooooo chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
That was CUUUUTTTE! I loved it :) And you bailed me out by updating :3 I'm at my lil sisters friends house surrounded by little kids... *shudders*

This was really funny! I loved Bree :) Great job!