Reviews for A Sword and Shield
PsychoBride chapter 1 . 2/2
My favourite story so far!
Sheen792 chapter 3 . 12/26/2019
Loved that life & death part.
ScaredUselessPillow chapter 12 . 7/10/2019
Really excited to see more of this story, it's so good already
A chapter 12 . 6/19/2019
Love this story. Just wanted to ask how long do you reckon your fic will be?
Guest chapter 10 . 5/2/2019
I fucking love how you say “I want to humanize Karin” as a cover for you to keep having Sasuke and Karin fuck. That’s rich. You better make Sakura have a sexual relationship with someone besides Sasuke. Otherwise you’re a sexist piece of shit. She’s allowed to have a healthy sex life too if you’re going for realism. It’s funny how in every fic Sakura is some virginal nymph who devotes herself solely to Sasuke. But Sasuke, who in the actual canon, doesn’t stick his cock in every girl’s raging vagina. It sounds like you’re just a SasuKarin shopper in disguise who wants to justify their hardcore fucking.
Guest chapter 12 . 3/10/2019
Still waiting for an updateeeeeeee :))
chlorampattycol chapter 12 . 1/17/2019
wow i got really hooked to this story! hopefully you would keep on writing and update soon
Guest chapter 12 . 11/28/2018
Can't wait for more
Ilegitim chapter 12 . 11/18/2018
I finished this last chapter the other day but I couldn't comment on it because homeworks. So I'm gonna say it now:
I really, really enjoyed your story. Neji's part, as I already said, was my fave beside Sasuke and Sakura. I'll check for updates and thank you soooo much for the fun ride. Hope you're doing fine.
Ilegitim chapter 8 . 11/16/2018
I did enjoy the chapter!
Ilegitim chapter 7 . 11/16/2018
Okay. Okay.

(I forgot to say that I really liked Lee too in the last chapter. I like him in the canon too XD)

I have to say. The scene with Moegi and Sakura and then Moegi and Sasuke were soooo out of place. Who in the world encourages other girl to give a present or anything to her own fiance? Sakura was really, really stupid at that! Like really stupid! But maybe you'll do something with it in the next chap?
Also Sasuke accepting that flower? Karin and Sasuke were such a normal thing beside that scene.

I liked Naruto... again :D
And this line about Temari: "She moved like the wind" Smart one.
Ilegitim chapter 6 . 11/15/2018
Suuuper chapter!
Looong. With Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto.
Love it!

Sasuke trying. Wow.
I'm so excited for NaruSasuSaku to meet! (I thought they will speak in this chapter)
I really hope you won't make Karin pregnant with Sasuke. I know how he finishes but there are always chances. This is would be horrible. Kids will forever tie you with the other parent, even thought the parents are not in a relationship anymore. So it would be super annoying for this to happen. But of course, it's your story. This only my opinion.

Wow. Konan.

Hahahaha. Fugaku singing. Fugaku singing under the stars. Fugaku singing something romantic under the stars. The mental image!
Ilegitim chapter 5 . 11/14/2018
Wow. It was kind of explicit. That part!
"When was the last time you were with a woman?" God! I cringed so hard at this. All that part actually. Not that your writing wasn't good but because it wasn't Sasuke with Sakura. It's only normal, isn't it?
At least the last sentence of the chapter was something biiiig coming from Sasuke. First time thinking something that isn't bad(?)

Are Neji's parts always good? 'Cause I liked this one too XD
Anyway. Good chapter!
Ilegitim chapter 4 . 11/14/2018
I don't like long chapters, I love long chapters. More of what I like to enjoy.
I didn't expected Shikamaru.
Kakashi's pov was okay again. Danzo is/will be crazy as always. Hate him.
I really, really enjoy Neji's part. I'm glad that you choose Hanabi as the one who wants to be a fighter, it would be soooo OOC of Hinata. She doesn't care of her clan slavery in canon. So.

Finally more Sasuke and Sakura XD
I really didn't expected Sasuke's father to do to him what he did. For now, I think this is the first fic where Sasuke really doesn't like Sakura. At all. Lol. I mean, up until now, not a single cute thought about her from him. Something subtle? Underneath? Anything!
Sakura doesn't seem to like him either, aside from the way he looks. But at least she is not grumpy.

Anyway. Good chapter!
Ilegitim chapter 3 . 11/13/2018
Love the chapter!
I really enjoyed all of the povs.

Neji. You really bring back all the things I felt when I watched Neji vs Hinata in the chunin exams. How happy I felt that at least he won that fight. Like. Take that, Hinata's father! So I really enjoyed his part. Special mention for Hanabi. She was cute.
Sad for Asuma and Kurenai.

Sasuke is so Sasuke XD I love him.
I have to say that that poem is sooooo great and thank you for posting it. I'll keep it.
And now that I have read more than just the first chapter and sufficient to think that I made some kind of opinion I can say that I really like how you write :D
That's it.
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