Reviews for Conflict
Ihopeyourlove18 chapter 21 . 5/27/2015
aw man this is sad :(
good chapter, though.
Ihopeyourlove18 chapter 20 . 5/23/2015
nice chapter :)
SomusGaming chapter 18 . 5/1/2015
Good yet sad backstory of Cupid, that was a nice one, I could barely make a better one.
jc1424 chapter 17 . 4/27/2015
Lol! A lot more than kissing! OMG CJ hasn't been on Regular Show ever since the helicopter cake that blew my mind! New episode next week, I'm think.
Ihopeyourlove18 chapter 17 . 4/27/2015
Good chapter :)
I'm so sorry, I haven't commented in a while because I've been busy with college and stuff :C
But I'm here and I'll read until the end.
Please continue the story :D
SomusGaming chapter 17 . 4/27/2015
I love this story, and I hope it has a better future tomorrow!
Guest chapter 15 . 4/7/2015
jc1424 chapter 14 . 3/24/2015
My head is as empty as my heart; I have no idea how to comment any main events in this chapter, besides Cupid coming out of nowhere... So, um good chapter!

Man, I wish Cupid was there for my problems...
jc1424 chapter 13 . 3/13/2015
I agree with merrow. The college situation is a distraction from the main point of the story. The park was supposedly the main point of the TV show, actually. That's where things happen. And I've now read two stories in Regular Show where there is a character named Stacey, that's not dating HFG. If you've seen the show, she's a goth girl with brown and blue hair. These stories are also supposed to be for the preference of either MxCJ or MxM. OC's make us feel bad. Whatever... Can't wait for the next chapter! XD
merrow chapter 13 . 3/11/2015
I'm sorry, but does going to college have to do with anything that's going on in this story? It just doesn't fit in this story. It's a good story, but this just seems too out of place.
jc1424 chapter 12 . 2/27/2015
Great story so far, nice to see someone that is actually up to date with the TV and not writing about stuff from a long time ago. You should read my story if you haven't. It's nearly complete. One chapter to go.
jc1424 chapter 9 . 2/27/2015
Very wrong how CJ and Margaret just communicated like it was nothing. Should have waited 'til they were alone and had 'em slowly starting a conversation.
Ihopeyourlove18 chapter 12 . 2/25/2015
Ow, I wasn't expecting that D:! lol

Well, I'll be waiting to see what will happen next.
Ihopeyourlove18 chapter 10 . 2/10/2015
Aww nice chapter :3
ArchieGamez chapter 9 . 2/2/2015
Wow,suspectful chapter. I hope those thugs dies but at least CJ and Margaret are getting along.I give this fanfiction rating of 9.8/10 Giant black CJ clouds
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