Reviews for The Echoes of Dead Languages
helenxxx chapter 1 . 3/2/2015
Lovely, really beautifully done, you evoke character well
Tawny chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
I love how you write I'm just gobsmacked with your amazing ability!
Ribke chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
Hellooooo, just letting you know that I've been reading yer stuff (in this section, at least), and I LOVE IT!

Your ideas and version of what happened before the events of Avengers are incredibly well thought; and honestly, makes me wish I could see that in cannon (and then I cry, cuz I know that won't be; but then someone brings in marshmallows, and I forget about it, because marshmallows; you understand).

Hmm, I feel this comment needs some sort of closure...

Whatever: just stay awesome. Peace and love!
Ruby of Raven chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
More bonding! XD I love these two just getting to know each other. It's really interesting to see Nebula's view point on things.
I feel so sorry for Loki. I wonder if you'll ever have some of the characters show up in this little series of yours.
I hope you do decide to continue it. I'd be very interested in reading more.
The Mome Raths Outgrabe chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
I. Feel so bad for Loki gamora and nebula having to go through all that without any hope of it ever ending at least at this point, it's so sad, but i over nubelas and Loki relationship in this series
Potkanka chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
This certainly answers some of my questions about how Loki feels about this new "family" in comparison to his old one. And Nebula's thoughts about it, they made me wonder how she would react if she were to meet Frigga in somehow non-killing situation. If Frigga acted all motherly towards her... aww... though would Nebula be even able to take something like that? To comprehend it? If she never knew her parents (or doesn't remember). One thing it thinking about it, another thing is being actually faced with it. Ah, just imagine a fluffy OOC story where Loki gets back to Asgard and Frigga also adopts both Nebula and Gamora and they finally have a mommy and everything is adorable. (The OOC part is about Gamora and Nebula, because as I said before I'm not sure they would be able to take it - well, Gamora maybe? - as I think Frigga would have much less of a problem with it... adopting two more "kids", why not, right? :D )
But back to the bleak reality where they are still fucked up... Frigga finding Loki, was that an adaptation of what happened in the Thor 2 prelude? It felt like it, even if Loki was quite obviously in a bit of a different situation there. Other than that, this fic is probably not really Thor 2 compliant, right? As there it was shown that Asgard does have ships (and Loki even tells us he is "clearly the better pilot" than Thor). And if Asgard can hide one Infinity Stone with the Collector, there must have been some kind of contact out of the Nine Realms... (unless, of course, as the Aether was brought there by Loki's orders, Loki knew about the Collector because he has seen it "out there" after falling off the Bifrost and the rest of Asgard is oblivious to such things).
I know it's not right to turn your back to evil, but I am kind of glad we were spared knowing what exactly Thanos did to Loki after that talk with Frigga. Poor Loki...
And Gamora learnt not to act sisterly - or at least not say any such things out loud. Loki was pretty vicious. I wonder what they talked about after the punishment, it seems that it might be getting a bit better between them? Or maybe it was just that one moment of solidarity.
The mission was pretty fun, though it also hurt to see them act so relatively carefree and how it's not something they are usually allowed, poor kids. Even getting drunk on the job! :D Aw, and talking about Thor... And Nebula offering Loki to kill off his whole family as a kindness - and we're back in the fucked up territory again. Well it's not like I think Nebula would be able to (she's good but... Loki's family is badass, she alone wouldn't be able to defeat any of them, I think), but that they even have to think of such things! And Loki didn't mention yet that he is from a royal family... not that it really matters now (other than royals having access to the best education, including combat training, and also having the whole army at their beck and call), but for some reason I see Nebula making fun of Loki for being a prince.
Ugh, and that shoulder/neck grab that both she and Gamora learned Loki likes (hey, even Gamora... so they are on better terms now?), why do you give me those feels... maybe they learn to do it also to each other (if such an opportunity would ever arise?) and it would be just a little something Loki brought from Asgard and the two of them adopted. He's assimilating too, after all, near the end I see him using the same swear word Nebula uses. All those little things are really great, make it more real I suppose.
I also have to mention that talk when Nebula lead Loki to Thanos because it felt really important, like it brought them even closer and Loki just might get a little less broken by being with Nebula (does it mean she's less broken than him?) while also getting way more broken because they are under Thanos. Actually doesn't Thanos just want to suddenly die so they could be free and less broken eventually. (Oh... oh imagine Thanos dying, it would be actually probably pretty frightening for Nebula, if she's been under his orders as long as she remembers.)
Did I want to say anything more? I can't think of anything right now so I'll just end this with a thank you for another part of this story about our broken babies. I want to hug them. But they'd probably stab me.