Reviews for Narnia's Fifth Savior
Guest chapter 6 . 6/11
chapter 7
Guest chapter 6 . 11/15/2019
Update update update update update update update update update update update update update update
Guest chapter 6 . 5/26/2019
Roselie'smuse chapter 6 . 4/30/2019
This is a wonderful story! I hope you come back to it soon.
SlytherdorQueen chapter 6 . 4/12/2019
OMG omg OMG omg OMG! This was such a good chapter! Also, if Hermione were to die in Edmund s place then when she was brought back would it mean she is free of the curse? Sorry I am just really curious and I figured since your the author I could ask you. Anyway I am rambling now so I will go. Never stop writing ️ This book is too good! ️️️️️
SouthSideSerpent chapter 2 . 4/12/2019
I love the fact that you made up a spell. It is so creative!
A Guest chapter 6 . 4/11/2019
Please update soon!
Face Yourself chapter 2 . 4/6/2019
'Found a way into' Narnia...? But Jadis was there from the beginning, when Narnia was created. She's the reason there's a lamp post, and the reason that the tree that gave the fruit that grew the tree that the Wardrobe was built from was planted.
AngelfromBeyondBelow chapter 6 . 4/6/2019
Have just found this story after having read your other oneshot. I love it. Please keep updating even though it has been like 3 years.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/13/2018
Of the handful of HP/Narnia Crossover-Peter/Hermione Pairing Fan fiction stories on this site, THIS is by far, my FAVORITE!
anonymous chapter 6 . 9/19/2018
please update!
Triforce Dragons chapter 6 . 8/16/2018
Poor Hermione. She's dying and is scared but is staying strong. I don't think I can do that.
firemea chapter 1 . 7/19/2018
love !
GeekyAngel04 chapter 6 . 4/2/2018
Please update i love this story and i would really like to know what happens.
Alexandra chapter 6 . 2/25/2018
Hi! I'm only a guest here and I have fell in love with your story! Please update soon! If you can that is whatever you are doing there in your place! I love every inch of this story and I truly believe that you may become a very well known author someday and I would like you to keep this up! Please keep this up and update soon!
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