Reviews for My Summer Breeze Will Bring Me Home
morbidly-at-peace chapter 17 . 8/31/2019
I really enjoyed your story. Although I do not watch the anime anymore I love these characters and the way you presented them was a really interesting read. It also helped me to feel more empathetic toward RAF pilots with the way you described their struggle which is so cool because empathy isnt my strongest suit
Wezzy chapter 17 . 7/26/2019
I rarely post reviews on fics and ive been reading fanfics since i was 10. I'm 19 now.
This fic is the best work ive ever read. Hands down. And hats off to you. It took me to a space in my mind i never knew existed. I heard every word, felt every gesture and understood every thought.
Thank you for this.
Cryingoverbeauty chapter 17 . 4/16/2018
I cried a bit because it was so perfect. 3
Meep chapter 17 . 11/7/2017
This was a beautiful story and I loved it a lot.
Dawn of Chaos chapter 17 . 6/20/2016
It didn't kill me, I'm alive lol It took a good part of the day but alas I made it through every beautiful word of this equally beautifully story. :) And I can't thank you enough for it either. This was everything that this pairing should be and through it all you still had it end so happily. ; w ; Yay! Thank you again and again!
Eriko-sama chapter 17 . 2/18/2016
Oh god, I think I'm dying right now...
I read the whole story in a row. I just could not stop myself from reading, that was both a horrible and fantastic feeling!
I can't really help you or give you advice for your writing because I am french. But I can tell it was really good since I had no problem understanding everything! :)

I just can't wait to read more of your stories about thoses two guys! They deserve more fanfictions :D

Take care and please come back with news stories! :)
GenderlessPerson chapter 17 . 1/18/2016
Oh dear... I've only recently just finished watching the flashbacks of Doffy, Law, and Cora-san. And I have to say, I'm hooked. My own sick mind has conjured up this specific pairing the moment my thoughts have finished processing that yes, Doffy has a brother, and yes, he's insane enough to be more than possessive of Cora-san to take it to the next level. I did amuse myself with CoraLaw, but Doflacora just tops it.

The AU where they are at the times of war? And they're pilots? Brilliant! I loved it! I loved how you portrayed them! And ah, dear author. Even though I love you so much for posting this, I was one step away from beheading you for taking Doffy's eyesight and grounding him to the ground (a teacher, who knew? Fufufu). I personally thought that Doflamingo would've lashed out and shouted at Rosi that it was all Rosi's fault since he was the one who wanted to save those random strangers at the cause of Doffy's eye. But since everything ended up perfectly, I'll give you my very much unneeded forgiveness. Also, it just broke my damn heart that Doffy inserted himself into an Asylum just to rid himself of Cora. Luckily Cora is a persistent bloke and got him out. I can't stop saying and, but meh, AND when they were reunited after months of Doffy rejecting visitors? Fuck! Dust went into my eyes. I swear! Those damn dust made me cry a river.

I, myself, have entertained the thought of writing a Doflacora fanfic, but since I'm still in the process of exploring their personalities, decided that I wanted to check out other people's work. Man, am I pleasantly surprised. The first fanfic I had randomly stumbled across is luckily this one. It made me cry so damn badly throughout the whole story (due to dust, of course) - I must admit that I am a sucker for psychopaths and their possessive nature - and it just touches me ya know? Right in the kokoro!

To sum it up in case I lost you somewhere along the way (since ranting is just my trait when I get super excitable), I love this fic and will be fav-ing it (and re-reading it in the near future)! Thanks for posting this! It's sad that there isn't any sequel, but lovely way to end this fic nonetheless. I'll follow you just in case you write more Doflacora stories (as per stated).

Best wishes,
A fan
FAN chapter 17 . 1/14/2016
You killed me. You utterly, comleately killed me. And now I am in heaven

Thanks you jerk.
Dahliae chapter 17 . 7/31/2015

I've loved your fanfiction. Usually, I'm not fan of UA stories, but this one is just amazing! I love the way you make the charactere of Doflamingo, and the relationship with his little brother is so wrong but so natural at the same time.

I hope you will write about those two guys again! :)

SelfcreatedCharacter chapter 16 . 7/29/2015
Oh my God. You have stolen my logic, reason and love for this pairing. Rocinante is just one of the most endearing characters ever from One Piece. He makes Doffy look sane. I actually thought (based on the summary), that you had this big elaborate plan to separate the brothers and fight against each other- basically giving me loads of angst, drama and tragedy. You proven me wrong in an intriguing way. I just kept reading this story chapter by chapter and for it's worth, the ending. The ending is just fucking fantastic.
ZoroTheGod chapter 17 . 4/24/2015
I am so relieved this story finally came to the happy ending the two brothers deserved from the very beginning. The last chapter was absolutely beautiful. Thank you for this masterpiece of a story, I am looking forward to your next story.
higitsune84tails chapter 16 . 4/24/2015
God! the last chapter is so beautiful! *v*
I love how you describe it,
I love how Doffy finally find his happiness,
I love how Roci give all of his effort to make his lovely older brother feels awesome,
it's so wonderful!

thank you for your hard work, :)
PurpleBlueberry chapter 17 . 4/22/2015
Amazing! Really amazing! I can't wait to see more from you!
MTXIII chapter 17 . 4/22/2015
the ending scene too cute to handle adskfjakfjafkda;fjka;!
I really love this story. Your writing is already perfect. XD

Anyway, im waiting(excited, lol) for your new Cora/Doffy.
JulyanC chapter 16 . 4/22/2015
Oh's a happy ending, I am crying in relief ;o;
Very wonderful fic! Happy brothers gave me strength!

And, can't wait to see your next story! 1000% looking forward to it!
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