Reviews for Malignant Butterfly Infestations: A Case Study
Questionable Answers chapter 1 . 2/5/2019
lovely. very relatable
problematic spiral chapter 1 . 10/14/2017
The writing is especially unique. I adore the relationship between Hiro and Baymax here. A nice one.
Jathagarth chapter 1 . 6/17/2016
"Its easy to find something worth dying for. Do you have anything worth living for?" Lorien (Babylon 5)
A good story, it explores an element that was kind of glossed over in the movie of Hiro coping with Tadashi's death. I'd expect there to be residual trauma and pain.
The characterization is done well. Over all a good story.
thoughts-of-joy-dreams-of-love chapter 1 . 1/23/2016
Wow...this is great. Really. I love the way you write Baymax, how eager he is to understand humans and how protective he is over's probably one of the most believable portrayals of Baymax I've read so far. Hiro's feeling that he should "sacrifice" himself like the rest of his family is also really realistic. I can easily imagine this story being a part of canon. Great job! :)
AwkwardDragon chapter 1 . 7/1/2015
This was a really good story. I like your balance of focus on both Baymax and Hiro. It's been like a year and I'm still in love with this movie. Thanks for being a great writer and I hope you keep doing this. Your Baymax was great.
Red Star chapter 1 . 4/7/2015
Long and smartly written. Thanks for this.
Nightjar chapter 1 . 2/27/2015
I loved reading this fic (read it twice now _)
*crossing fingers* Hope you write another one!
Waffles Risa chapter 1 . 2/22/2015
Why hasn't this got more reviews?! I don't understand - it has probably the best Baymax interpretation on ffnet that I have come across so far. You're VERY good at the half-bot half-human aura that comes off his POV - makes the story somehow sweeter. I really really really really enjoyed it. It made my day happier (I'm down with a cold) and I'll be reading it again soon :)
Fenix Uzumaki chapter 1 . 1/23/2015
Oh I loved this! I hope you write more! You really got in depth with Baymax and Hiro! :3
Shppinlikapckge chapter 1 . 1/7/2015
It was great! I'm glad it wasn't a sad-ending one shot (which I may be guilty of writing)
But it wasn't life is perfect either. It was real. And it was great! I truly enjoyed it.

[casually is on guest to bypass the one-review-per-chapter rule]
Ilovemepotatoes chapter 1 . 1/7/2015
This is one of the most developed pieces of fanfiction I have ever read, and I'm glad I found this gem.
There's really so much to talk about, I don't really know where to start, and this is going to just sound like a messy rant, so I apologize
Your WRITING. It's really stunning. Reading this was both a thoughtful/emotional journey and a learning experience in writing.
Your grasp on Baymax's voice is mind boggling to me. The diction used throughout conveyed every aspect of his being as, well, a healthcare robot. It's when I consider the author is actually the character writing, I know that I'm going to be reading an amazing character driven story, or at least a story with wonderfully developed characters.
I was NOT disappointed, especially after having read only the first couple paragraphs. I was pleasantly surprised by who's perspective I was reading (I shouldn't have been surprised considering the title summary and the characters involved beneath it - I was mostly excited to see the word length and the prospect of Hiro's and Baymax's relationship being expanded upon). I took an instant liking to your writing of Baymax. You retained his adorable charm portrayed in the movie, and made it feel more fleshed out in the snippets of his 'thoughts' or relating to humans. The moments of his referral to previous exchanges throughout the story (expressions being one of them, of course) were extremely gratifying to read, as they showed his own development in his goal to diagnosing Hiro up to his confrontation with him.
I was thrilled to see so many themes and relationships tying together in this story, and the main one, to use an example, would have to be the 'butterflies.' This was brought up in all the right places, without feeling slapped on. Their was even brilliant buildup for it from the start when the project is mentioned, and to the end with the presentation for it.
The theme you hit most strikingly was the feeling of displacement after the death of a loved one, especially in Hiro's case (btw, the exchange between Wasabi and Baymax where it is suggested Wasabi had lost a loved one was another highlight scene in how it was written). You really delved into his character and how the recent events and his life growing up affects him. Reading through the fic made me appreciate every interaction Hiro made with different sights, people, or objects. I felt as over analyzing as Baymax, and rightfully so. The conclusion Hiro came to about his own life in relation to Tadashi and his parents is ridiculously believable, and it's all the more believable with all the buildup you created. It's amazing story organization.
The resolution in Baymax's care (and ongoing) of Hiro is admiringly written. It was just really satisfying to read Hiro's admittance and his 'embarrassing' sobbing. The conflict and hurt was always there, but well hidden, and the healing part really brought it out. You didn't just leave it as, he cried and got better, but you kept going. It was more believable as there was a span of time when Hiro's condition is slightly questionable, but on the right path. The last proclamation of Baymax supporting Hiro as family was, again, SATISFYING. Reading this entire piece was satisfying. I am so sorry to repeat so many words.
You juggled many aspects of writing expertly. The imagery was always clear to me (example being when Hiro looked over Baymax's shoulder at the houses below that seemed like stars in a night sky, wow). The senses were utilized appropriately, and grounded me further into the story (it was definitely effective in the scene of stopping the cable car - the nasty stench when Baymax used his thrusters - and the scene with the mud slide - the feeling of shaking and the sound of rumbling). Action was extremely fluid (my lasting impression of action in your writing is Hiro balancing on the black tiles, and I find that image precious). Dialogue was effective in pushing story along in whatever situation was occurring, or conversation being made (particular examples that stuck out to me - Wasabi and Baymax's conversation, Cass and Baymax's conversation of the past, Cass and Hiro's cute little nostalgia trip, and, ah well, every interaction between Hiro and Baymax, really).
Reading really felt like an emotional journey that I initially thought a little amusing from being in a robot's perspective, but like Baymax, it really did feel like I was learning along the way too (including the fact I had to look up a couple word definitions, haha). I'm very grateful to have had the experience of reading this, so thank you so much for the wonderful effort put into writing. I hope you continue writing, whether fanfics or personal works! c:
Obvious Ghost chapter 1 . 1/6/2015
In my opinion, sometimes fic stories can end up far too simple. With me, for example- I usually focus on a couple bits of dialogue, think about what character I want to do what, and maybe one or two visions of a particular setting. I read a lot of fics like that, too, and I wonder if that sometimes convinces me that this is all we can do- a tentative, unsure exploration of a few ideas or characters.

Then I read something like this.

I'm looking at a masterpiece right now. Seriously, I haven't been this emotionally invested in a short story in a long time. It's not just the characters, although you nailed their voices and personalities. It's not just the general idea, although you executed it really well.

I think there's more to it, and it stems from the question you mentioned: What would it be like, you know? Really, can I imagine? But then you take that question, and you weave it into the movie's story, and you look at it from every character's viewpoint, and you wrap it into elements of your own storytelling, and... geez, I don't know how to explain it. It's just amazing.

I'll probably think a little more before I throw around the word 'heroic' in the future.
ShippingLikeAPackage chapter 1 . 1/5/2015
I haven't even read this yet, but I'm excited to! I was searching BH6 one-shots for something quick to read before bed, and your description caught my interest. You'll be hearing from me tomorrow after I can sit down and enjoy this! :)
FoxGlade chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
This was awesome! I love the concept of Hiro trying to follow in his family's footsteps, no matter the cost. Great work!
Tamerlane chapter 1 . 12/9/2014
I loved this story so much! It by far the best in character story I have read for Big Hero 6 to date. I really hope that you have more stories planned for this movie. They would be amazing! :D
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