Reviews for Five Nights At Freddy's: A Bonnie Story
Woof28 chapter 3 . 7/29
Great chapter! But I'm confused. Do the anamatronics really feel hunger? Cause, you know, they're robots? Do they really need to eat?
Woof28 chapter 1 . 7/27
Wow! Amazing start! I love how the characters act! Very excited to continue reading this! Keep up the outstanding work!
Guest chapter 51 . 7/13
Man I'm so glad u updated this I love bonnie in this and I hope u do make that SFM
Tamara manno chapter 50 . 6/19
Please update this
Tamara manno chapter 41 . 6/17
Spring trap is such a good daddy I this so bad
Tamara manno chapter 10 . 6/13
Poor bon-bon. I was hoping this story would have a nice ending with Evelyn as part of the fazcrew and stuffing them full of backed goods :(
Tamara manno chapter 7 . 6/12
I love this version of bonnies bun bun he so cute
Guest chapter 44 . 5/27
For the love of GOD, HE'S A CORPSE! WHY?

I was not expecting that ending to this chapter!
Reader A chapter 5 . 5/27
I remember reading this story years ago and decided to re read it now. And I've got to say, I think Evelyn's break up could have been handled a little better. While we know Jack cheated, the narration makes it seem like her breaking things off and not feeling all that heartbroken about it seem especially rushed. Especially since at most she saw him sitting next to Caroline while giggling. Suspicious? Yes, but not enough to warrant canceling everything without her getting more evidence.

Also, why was Foxy mad at Bonnie and Chica? Wasn't he in on the whole thing?

While I think the romance could have been worked better, I will admit that the lore itself in this story is very interesting and keeps my attention.
FlamingoSnake chapter 9 . 4/21
I was wondering if you could have a bit less cursing, thanks.
Danny Dowd chapter 13 . 4/11
Trust me I ain’t going anywhere. “Goly gosh” I haven’t heard that in years! We’re talking reruns of the original Batman series years. Yes I’m that old.
Danny Dowd chapter 7 . 4/11
Mick is a is a jerk! I know he’s a human but Hell there’s no reason to be like that while they’re trying to be nice to him.
Danny Dowd chapter 6 . 4/11
WOW So he knew her from that long ago? I’m not sure how feel about that. Is it romantic love or family love?
Danny Dowd chapter 2 . 4/11
I would what’s going to happen to the Bonny.
Danny Dowd chapter 1 . 4/11
Hate? Why would I hate this? I found it to be adorable.
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