Reviews for Harry Potter and the Forty Eleventh Fifth Year Fic
Suse B chapter 17 . 2/27/2017
Bummed you stopped. I can understand moving on to other things though. This.. Nice Au.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/8/2016
Harry's generosity is amazing, impractical, a wonderful way of squandering away his fortune. A true Bassanio.
kelwin chapter 17 . 2/13/2010
great fic. i really like it. are you going to have the young order members try for animagi? it would be cool. i really like the way is going hope to read more soon.
ABC chapter 4 . 2/7/2009
Hi, I'm enjoying this so far and it's nice to see an older fifth year story that I haven't read before. It seems interesting so far, but I can't help but be bothered by a few things.

Harry's list of resolutions-a person generally doesn't just decide to be well disciplined or a better person and it actually happen. Especially teenagers. More believable would be a gradual change and no list-some thoughts on how to improve, perhaps?

Some of the dialogue seems very awkward, between Harry and Dudley, especially. I thought that calling Harry "Cousin" was extremely odd. If your going for significance, Dudley calling him "Harry" would be even better. It actually made me wonder if you are non native English speaker, although the grammar is pretty good so far.

I just wanted to get this done so I can read and hopefully enjoy the rest of the story.
Iniysa chapter 17 . 10/20/2005
Harry needs at least a little praise for the pensive Idea, at least an aknowlagement. All he got was yelled at by Snape for solving the huge problem they were having. LOL! ANYWHO, loved the chapter, as always looking forward to more. And no, I won't say that it's now been around what...5 months since this was posted? Nope won't say anything at all...

daniel-gudman chapter 10 . 6/22/2005
I wonder if Binns was killed in the Goblin Rebellions.
daniel-gudman chapter 8 . 6/22/2005
"Chocolate-Frosted Sugar Bombs," eh?

There's a pretty funny story in the Calvin and Hobbes section about Hobbes really being a government super-weapon. Calvin is very excited. The neighbors are very excited about the FBI visiting their home.
LiLy MaLfOy13 chapter 17 . 5/14/2005
love your story it is really good
cato1850 chapter 11 . 5/13/2005
Well done. That is the first time I have ever read, out of the hundred stories I have read, where it is suggested that Winky go to the Weasley's. About time!
rmthiowb chapter 16 . 1/22/2005
wow. this fic is really good so far. i can't wait til the next chapter! _
loopy dane chapter 9 . 1/13/2005
Wow, I think this is the first fanfic that actually has DD ACTING like a headmaster and doing something about Snape! I'm in a little shock...much like dear Harry. That (making us feel the same emotions as the characters), btw, is the sign of a good author. Congrats. And Thank you for sharing your precious time and obvious talent with us.

loopy dane chapter 1 . 1/13/2005
ATTN 2 Sickles:

Your CH2 is cut off half-way. You may want to re-post it.

btw, Love the way the story is starting. I like the football workout idea, and the classical reading. It makes sense, and will allow for a much more well-rounded harry.

Thanks for sharing your time and talent with us.

CRose chapter 15 . 9/22/2004
pretty good story, a bit blah in some areas, but over all not bad. I'm surprised what you did with snape though. I also noticed that you seem to have forgotten about Winky after that one part and haven't mentioned her since. The only other thing that stood out to me was that people are a little to agreeable and willing to go along with what harry says. Just seems a bit strange, as if Harry can do no wrong, but its written well enough that it doesnt' stand out as much as it would under normal circumstances.
Tharin chapter 15 . 9/21/2004
Your version of Harry's fifth year is quite different from OotP, but I like it. It's nice that you made some "normal" Slytherins, because I don't want to think they are all like Malfoy & Co.

Your idea about the Order is also very interesting.

Harry & Co are well-written, I like how the fifth-year Gryffindors are getting closer. How they walked out of Potions was great, and I especially like how Neville acted.
s chapter 2 . 4/20/2004
it's actually a pretty pathetic story. it's really out of character for harry to go out of his way to be immensely nice to his family, and dudley to lose wait and ACCEPT that he's overweight. but you know what the funniest was -harry calling dudley 'cousin'! oh god, that was hilarious. if it's an attempt to be british, then it isn't working.
i will give you credit for keeping petunia in character though.
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