Reviews for Maleficent & Diaval (Maleval) - I'm Alive
grayskies28 chapter 24 . 5/7
This was beautifully written! Although I have to agree with some of the reviews that most of the characters indeed were OOC, but all in all I'd like to look at this masterpiece taking place in an Alternate Universe and it fits all so well. And the glorious way you threw in Medusa as an OC was just wonderful! I really loved this fic, and I have to say it is ranking high up on my favorite Maleval fics! Thank you for this and keep writing! I am looking forward to read about Yilan and Lyssa's story though! Godspeed!
add profiel chapter 1 . 12/8/2019
I'm going you won't be offended after reading this,
This is a wonderful story overall and you definitely have talent in writing BUT you haven't kept the characters in character ... Magnificent would not act the way she does, it starts if very well with maleficent being strong but it suddenly goes to a sappy maleficent. It is a great story overall and a definite read if you love maleval but maleficent would never act like that.
Still, despite the one set back this is one of a favourite maleval fics x
Guest chapter 18 . 11/21/2019
For some reason Medusa being nice is making me shiver
Guest chapter 1 . 11/21/2019
Why didn’t you mention the Greek Gods I mean it was Athena who did that to her ? Just a question anyway I love the story ️️️️
E.I.Lorelai chapter 12 . 5/23/2019
I have a reached a point where this has truly become troublesome. Now the story itself is quite entertaining, but your use of modern slang is so out of characters that I find myself cringing every time. It is a like being splashed with ice cold water, shocking and quite out of place and time. Your use of punctuation is also atrocious. You use double quotation marks when characters are speaking and thinking to themselves, the only difference is the speech tag. This should be notated differently, make thoughts italicized or put them in single quotations or even both!

Please know that I say this as a form of constructive criticism in hopes that your future writing will improve because there is evidence here that you have the makings of a true storyteller.

Your Raven,

E. I. Lorelai
Vix chapter 24 . 12/11/2018
Best Mal/Diaval story on here. Thanks for writing. Really enjoyed :)
tianakiana chapter 13 . 9/22/2018
You took quite a few liberties with this scene, and I'm disappointed that you didn't follow it at least to the extent that Maleficent got her wings again. Other than that, I do enjoy this story as I do ship Maleficent and Diaval.
Agent blue rose chapter 6 . 5/23/2018
the plot is nice but it feels like the dialogue is very off, that definitely isn't how the characters talk, taking the speech patterns of the time period into account is important
Guest chapter 19 . 5/4/2018
This fix was beautifully written, the chapter were IC and we'll written... Until the last chapter in which you told event about the film. After the characters started to go completely OC and almost seemed at it was another person rigithing it.
dhianna623 chapter 23 . 3/26/2017
I expected the double wedding would be with aurora-phillip and diaval-maleficent not medusa. How come medusa suddenly become one with the main characters? Oh well, I love the story all in all. It helps me imagine maleficent and diaval together better! I love them together so much.
dhianna623 chapter 24 . 3/23/2017
Beautiful story. Tnxs
Hyperdrive 24 chapter 1 . 5/8/2016
Ok an interesting take on the story
Guest chapter 23 . 3/14/2016
AMAZING! absolutely loved it and I could barely put it down.
Tarheel1023 chapter 24 . 2/10/2016
Very cute. Liked the "How I Met Your Mother" kind of theme for the beginning. Wasn't expecting the new car to just be of the same species. For a min I thought it was Mal's parents. A very fitting ending for a most fantastic and amazing story! I hope you do another Maleval fic sometime cause this one was it believe one of if not the best I have ever read! I'm working on my own but it's an AU where Mal is a super hero in our world. Haven't posted yet cause still working out all the kinks but I can't wait to share it when I finish at least one chapter. Anywho, great story, amazing ending, awesome writer!

Tarheel1023 chapter 23 . 2/10/2016
This was a very sweet chapter. I knew marriage and kids had to be in the cards for sure! I am always so impressed by the amount of detail you use for descriptions in regards to the dresses and other things. Man I wish I could do that. I could maybe with a game like Football or Basketball, but certainly not dresses or anything of the like. Anywho, I really enjoyed this chapter. The vows were also extremely wonderful. Exactly what I'd expect between those 2. Beautiful chapter!

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