Reviews for Memento
ee chapter 2 . 4/5
bru my mind is mush
Guest chapter 2 . 1/7/2018
Why has this turned into screenplay? What happened to the prose of the last chapter?
Sari Dark chapter 2 . 1/4/2018
I think this deserves at least a second chapter... But I love it all the same!
YokaiAngel chapter 2 . 11/24/2017
SabineandEzraWren chapter 2 . 5/31/2016
WTF is this chapter like really
StormLightJewel chapter 1 . 4/8/2016
Very good chapter (even though this was written before season 2 came out, so there are some Canon issues, but whose fanfiction doesn't?)! I love how you've portrayed Sabine, Kaman, and Ezra, with Sabine being all older-sibling-like, Ezra being the guy that likes collecting helmets and having it start from his father's helmet, and Kanan just freaking out a bit over the fact that Ezra's some clone's kid. Very good indeed!
Mad about the Boro chapter 1 . 12/14/2015
Gredor is alive. He appears in season 2 of Rebels, alongside Captain Rex & Commander Wolffe... Nice story by he way...
Hivedragon chapter 1 . 10/18/2015
I'm liking what you did so far, but there one mistake Obi-wan's clone troopers color scheme was orange and Aayla Secura had yellow for her troops in the clone wars show. Other then that good job on it.
coral.iturbe chapter 2 . 10/3/2015
jajajajajajajaja, me encanto como dices las noticias, me pregunto si puedo hacer eso, no soy muy buena de todas formas pero siempre puedo intentar, y si no es mucha molestia, quería saber si te gustaria leer mis fics, están en español, el cual quizás no sepas, pero de todas formas, y tienes razón de las fangilrs locas, creo que yo soy una de ellas, jejeje
coral.iturbe chapter 1 . 10/3/2015
me hiciste llorar, y si tenias razón sobre gregor, el si esta vivo, jejeje, sigo llorando, me encanto, fue realmente hermosos y conmovedor
UCCMaster chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
I love that conspiracy theory. Filoni never said he had died, so we have hope. The new Rex looks...interesting though. Gregor will be a well missed character, as he starred in the 100th episode of Clone Wars. Thire, Jek, and Jesse in the first, Gregor in the hundredth. The Clone Wars is about the Clones.
NinjaMeap chapter 2 . 1/8/2015
Haha, even if it wasn't a chapter I still loved it ;-)
Guest chapter 2 . 12/9/2014
please continue
CC-0000 chapter 1 . 12/8/2014
Loved the story! It's pretty awesome. However, if I may be geeky for a bit, both the pawn shop owner and Kanan were wrong. Color on the Phase I armors, denoted rank, and yellow was almost always worn by clone commanders and pilots. Yes, Cody is the most famous, however, another well known example was Commander Bly who worked with Aayla Secura and not Obi-Wan. His Phase I also had the kama and pauldrons similar to ARC Troopers. Off the top of my head, the only clone commanders I remember who didn't have yellow Phase I armors were Commander Wolffe, Ganch (who's armor was very similar to ARC Trooper armors, but had a lot more red) and Gree. Both Commanders Fox and Thire wore crimson armors, but both were actually part of the elite Coruscant Guard and I believe Thire only became a commander around the time of the Phase IIs.
Sorry, about that; just an ultra geeky moment of mine, I apologize.
Anyway, like I said, loved the story. Hope you write more of these.
BookWarrior23 chapter 2 . 12/9/2014
That was the best author's note I have ever read. I would favorite the story if you just had little ANs like that.
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