Reviews for The Golden
koominislove chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Please update soon!
Jayla Fire Gal chapter 25 . 5/25/2019
Still here! Hello :D

The whole thing was resolved really well! I love how Aslan talks to Lucy. Genuinely. I am just really happy ;P

I am rather dense sometimes and have no idea where you live, but I live in Minnesota (the lake state where it is "cold" a lot of the time) xD

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Jayla Fire Gal
Ninja Squirrel chapter 23 . 1/26/2019
P.S: I love your name. Words-drip-from-my-fingertips. It has such a nice quality to it. Your writing makes me want to bring out all my favorite adjectives and alliterations in my review, but unfortunately many of them elude me at the moment.
Okay I’m gone again, adios!
Ninja Squirrel chapter 23 . 1/26/2019
My gosh, you’re a good writer. Just. . . give me a minute to sit here and digest all of that heavy material. *wipes watery eyes* *deep sigh* Okay.


I’ll admit, I was expecting something more lighthearted when I skimmed the summary, but I don’t think I would’ve cared as much if the story were different.
In this day and age, I find it rare to meet someone sensitive and observant about interpersonal relationships as this. I was always a bit different in that respect, and the older I get, the more I realize that it is a very specific, personalized gift. Being sensitive to it and articulating it are two separate things, as well. Almost as if there’s a hazy film over the entire earth, surrounding each person. But only a select few can see it, and each one from a different perspective.
I don’t even know if what I just said makes all that much sense, and it’s not all that related to the story. I’ve actually said all that to say that you have a gift, and I’d encourage you to continue to hone it and not let it lie idle.

The perspective you’ve taken is an interesting and unique one. Thinking of how the future will play out almost sends tingles through my being, as if a balmy breeze has washed over me. I feel a clench in my heart at the thought of Lucy’s and Peter [Pan]’s pain. I look forward to the future.
Now, I still have no idea how in the world the flowers got there. Did Lucy’s temporarily being in love make them all pop up because she was like, “oh my goodness everything is awesome and he likes me and birds are singing and flowers are exploding from the earth because that’s how happy I am?”

Okay, that’s all I have to say for now. I know it was ranty and weird, but that’s what happens when I have two cups of coffee and a large Dr. Pepper all in one day. Or just any day, actually.
I bid thee farewell. Have a good week! :)
Guest chapter 23 . 1/24/2019
Ive always loved both of these worlds and you’ve done such a great job at capturing them both and intertwining them while stillness staying true to their characters and adding your own spin. Absolutely lovely!
Lady Laughter chapter 23 . 1/24/2019
Nice chapter! Good dialogue as usual. I like Susan more now...
joycelyn.o.ting chapter 23 . 1/18/2019
Omg I was JUST thinking of this story yesterday and you updated! THIS IS FATE xD I've really missed this story!

And ok, I guess Lucy's illness all boils down to PTSD, though her symptoms must confuse Narnia who probably doesn't know the term "PTSD". I wonder if they have anything like therapists? I also wonder if Peter (Pan) will show himself anytime soon? *sigh* I miss their interactions. Please update soon aka within the year! HAHA
Lady Laughter chapter 22 . 11/3/2018
Almost four years since this story was originally posted! Can't believe it. I hope everything's going well for you, Words-drip-from-my-fingertips! You are a talented writer, and I hope you are able to keep at it. Another thing I like about this story, especially the last four chapters or so, is the way the characters relate to each other in comparison to the way they relate to us. We can see inside Lucy's head and it all makes so much sense to us; but everyone else in the story perceives her behaviour as very strange. That is a picture of good writing and such an accurate reflection of real life! It reminds me to look at the heart of someone and not their seemingly odd ways of acting. Can't wait for where this story goes - update when you can! -XD
Guest chapter 22 . 9/27/2018
Please update!
Lady Laughter chapter 22 . 6/5/2018
Wrong will be right
When Aslan comes in sight
At the sound of his roar
Sorrows will be no more
When he bares his teeth
Waiting meets its death
And when he shakes his mane
We shall have updates again.

~C.S. Lewis, arr. Lady Laughter
EnigmaticHufflepuff chapter 22 . 3/29/2018
I really want to know what happens next so please do update soon. Also , I would like to say that your style of writing is Magnificent, I love how the environment around Lucy is always Gentle and the way you balance it with the war is Just.
~From your Valiant Hufflepuff
joycelyn.o.ting chapter 22 . 1/19/2018
Asdfghjkl I waited so longgggg (well not really, but it did feel like that) just to be left hanging on a cliff and to wait againnnnnn :( Damn the power of the author! I'm really confused as to what is causing Lucy this illness but I hope she's cured soon, even if she must have it for the progression of the story. *sigh* Looking forward to the next chapter! :)

PS: Sorry the review is so late xD Half of it has been sitting in my tab since the last update and I just had the motivation to finish it HAHA
Lady Laughter chapter 22 . 1/14/2018
Maybe Lucy's illness is the reason Aslan has to send them all back home! *bawl *wail *sob AHHHHHHHHHHH! And then what will happen to Blaze! AHHHHHHHHHH! ;'( Very well written chapter, by the way. As always, I'm really liking this story. :)
FavFan chapter 22 . 1/10/2018
What is wrong with Lucy?
WaywardDaughter617 chapter 21 . 12/24/2017
Oh Peter...*tear slips down my face* Go to Lucy. I mean it. You don’t have to be alone.
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