Reviews for Part of the Plan
Nottashrubfan chapter 1 . 6/2/2018
Nice to revisit this! I always enjoy your work.
Firefly-gal chapter 1 . 7/18/2015
Great story!
GirlWhoLovesAnime chapter 1 . 1/30/2015
That part where the killer wanted Bonnie to run so he can chase her was scary and unnerving. 5 Stars! Loved it! :D
Suzotchka1 chapter 1 . 12/8/2014
This was a great story! I loved Bonnie on the show but she was underutilized. I love how you portray her and I wish this was an actual episode. They guys are protective of her, yet understand her wanting to do more. Again, great job!
vespurrs chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
I really enjoyed this. It had just the right balance of creepy and homey. Bonnie is so much braver than I think I could ever be, and I love seeing her in a situation where she's not just a tech in the background. I wish they had done more with her in the series, but then I wish they had fleshed out all the characters more than they did. Characterizations are perfect, as always, and the sense of family came through. Please keep writing?
Bookworm Gal chapter 1 . 11/26/2014
Very nice work. I always love how you write for this fandom. And this one was as perfect and wonderful as your past stories.
FlamMabel chapter 1 . 11/24/2014
Thanks for sharing this story. Glad there's still writers of the original series around. :)
EVRyderWriter chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
I was made infinitely happy when I saw you had posted something new. As always, your fics represented the best of the Knider Rider fandom. Strong on all fronts: characterization, plot, descriptions, narrations. You swing a mean KR fic! Thank you!
Dr. Cat chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
This was great; well done. I love Bonnie and like other reviewers have said, you've brought her to the forefront in this story. Characterization was strong and the plot was well played out. Bonnie swings a mean shovel. Just great.
Melody Phoenix chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
Very neat story. I like getting Bonnie's perspective, especially since she's a main character no one usually hears from directly. Keep it up. :)
hayknight chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
Was a brilliant read for a Sunday afternoon. Love the story and the depth. Hope you have more lurking around to post.
SadArticle chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
I can't tell you how much this has cheered me - a Knight Rider fic, from the master! If you have any more scraps in your hard drive, feel free to retrieve them, dust them off and post them too. This is a beautifully simple yet powerful scene, bringing all the main characters together - in a much more convincing fashion than that season four ep - and showing each to their best advantage. I love how Devon tries to dissuade Bonnie from undercover work - the very work he dispatches Michael and Kitt to deal with every day - but his explanation is plausible, at least. Michael is trained, Bonnie is not. And Michael's line about Bonnie having made a difference to one woman's life is perfect. Thank you, I needed a shot of KR today!