Reviews for Flesh and Blood
tear that cherry out chapter 29 . 8/10
thinking abt this story today... probs my favourite of yours idc this finale was so good. noelani was so good. a cultural reset
bobothebear chapter 26 . 9/23/2015
did you know that england has the highest obesity rate in the eu? jake im looking at you!
bobothebear chapter 27 . 9/23/2015
did you know that the highest recorded temperature in england is 101.3 degrees fahrenheit (idc if you use celsius suk it up)? wow!

(it was that hot like ? five days ago HAHAHAHA!)
bobothebear chapter 28 . 9/23/2015
wow! did you shave your eyebrows?
bobothebear chapter 29 . 9/23/2015
did you know that england is 74 times smaller than the us
bobothebear chapter 30 . 9/23/2015
you taste like flesh... and blood
li'l fat necrosis chapter 30 . 3/23/2015
Yes, I am here.
Wow, I know.
Who would've though?
Me, I knew.
Just kidding.
I didn't believe I would review either.
It's okay though.
Because I'm here now.
For you, my bae.
Clary, my bae.
This looks weird, I think I'm stalling.

okay, okay, lets ignore whatever the fuck that was.

To be completely honest, I thought Clary was going to die in the BB or sometime really early. Never expected her to be a Victor, honestly, but yeah, I approve. this was... great. Pretty proud rn to be honest. You wrote her perfectly every chapter and I was on the edge of my seat squealing with Aspen every chapter. In my opinion, this was your best SYOT you've done. (To be fair though, I've only read the last four so might not be the best, but shhh, this one is my favourite.)

I love seeing Clary's character development and relating to it. From the moment she got her first POV drunk to the one where she was being tortured to the final one where she was hugging her siblings, it was beautiful. Haha, I could say this about everyone though. Everyone was written and portrayed beautifully, I loved Clary's more because I'm still overly biased. :P She really developed, huh? from a party girl to this, someone broken and ready to be anew. Fuck.. yeah, all I can really say. XDD I never really thought of how she'd develop when doing her form, but yeah.. this was the best way to end her story.

So, onto the chapter itself, yeah? Pretty realistic and relatebale to read of her therapy.. haha.. I really liked this chapter, probably my favourite chapter so far. My fangirling right now is so bad that it probably makes this review suck badly, but it's okay. :3 Because Clary won and I reviewed so it's all good. anyway, this review has to be cut short but I'll say it again, thankieeee jakub for accepting Clary and doing her so well! I'm glad to have taken part in this story. I'll try to submit to the next games, aka clary #2. Jk It'd be Perl #2. Maye Raven #2. Or Cort #45789. Idk yet too early to be good. okay bye love you clary be good.

I was going to say byeeee fab it's been fab knowing you but chaos already made this joke so i'll just
Axe Smelling God chapter 30 . 2/22/2015
Beautiful ending to such a great story, Jakey you did such a good job and I can't wait to read up on Lonley Hour
The Knife Throwing Expert chapter 30 . 2/22/2015

It's nice to see that Clarette still had some parts of her old self, which shone mostly during that short therapy session. She has finally learned to not regret what she had done and to be proud that she came out on top. That scene with the therapist was hilarious and it was so sweet of her mentor to step in!
Clarette was a badass from the start, and she still is. She was able to watch the whole recap without once letting her mask falter, and I respect her. She's damaged but strong, and capable of moving on. I'm so happy she won, as she went through so much in the Games to acknowledge that the things she's always wanted -control, strength -aren't easy to protect.
That scene with her siblings was soo heartwarming.
Your writing, Jakey, never disappointed. I'm happy with the story overall, and I loved every second of it. To watch alliances form to watching them crumble, to the unexpected, to the expected. I loved every one of these tributes, as annoying some of them were, but they have been a blast to read about.

Goodbye, tributes. And congratulations again, Queen BAMF.
I bid you adieu.
The Knife Throwing Expert chapter 29 . 2/22/2015

Saira showed the more darker side of her and I loved it. It's to be expected, as she's so close to winning, she'd do anything to ensure her victory. I loved how she was still nice to Noelani before her death and even apologized for Chase's death.

Although she became boring towards the end, Noelani was still a sweet girl. Her alliance with Chase was adorable, I still ship them, but her time has come to an end. It was sensible that she didn't want to fight fair, or not that she didn't want to, but didn't think it'd get her far. It was understandable up against Saira.

R.I.P Noelani, you were quite and caring of those around you, but you soon started to accept the fact that people had to die in order for you to win. Now that you're reunited with Chase, please be his girlfriend.

I'm very happy with Clarette's victory. She was strong, but her development proved that even the strongest can be weak. Both of these girls were worthy of the crown, and I loved that near the end, you managed to find a contrast between them. Clarette faced a lot in the arena, so did Saira, and they knew that they didn't do this for the hell of it, but to go back home.

R.I.P Saira, you've definitely proven how smart you can be. Using Henry as a meat shield, but staying restricted in Lucian's trap long enough to let him kill Henry, everything was all planned out. And I really loved how you didn't let the Games take away how nice you really are.

Hell yeah, I'm happy with who won in the end! Clarette is freaking amazing! My favorite tribute is Lexine. Haha but really I'm torn between Eliasi and Tymas.
The favorite alliance award goes to Tymas, Lazaro, and Eliasi. My fav alliance of all time in fact.
Favorite death scene had to be Rhaella's because I was so emotional over that.

Congratulations to Clarette and her submitter! It was one hell of a ride, seeing the tributes and their struggles, their inner demons and strength.
I loved everything about this story, and I'm happy that my tribute got to be apart of it!
A beautiful, emotional chapter, Jakey!
The Knife Throwing Expert chapter 28 . 2/22/2015
Oh. My. Oh my oh my oh my.
Who will die? Omg at this point I don't who to win, or who to root for. Yeah Therese is alright, but I don't have any bets on her being Victor.

Honestly, I thought Therese would die in the bloodbath, or at least shortly afterwards, and she's surprised me. I even thought she would go before Sherina. But, she's a fighter, and has now opened her eyes to everything relating to the Hunger Games. Your idea of driving the remaining tributes together is very clever! Closing the lid to let the darkness take over, using the dolls for one final purpose. I can really imagine all of them rising and creeped me out.
I was really sad to see Chase go. I still ship him and Noelani, even is she killed him, but I always thought Chase was a great character. He always kept to himself, but we got to see a more benevolent, caring side to him with Noelani around.

R.I.P Chase, you were quiet, realistic, but still had the capacity to care from someone else and do what most were unwilling to do which was kill. I'll miss you.

Clarette, holy crap, do you know what you are? The Queen of Badassery. That fight with Therese was intense, and I could feel the growing exhaustion with every punch and swipe these girls exchanged. It's sad to see Therese go, but I liked Clarette more than her, so eh.

R.I.P Therese, you were sweet and independent, and always strived to help everyone. You fell for Holly's tricks, but in the end, you learned how to not be stupid any longer.

This is it! The Noelani/Clarette/Saira showdown! I think either Clarette or Saira will make it far.
I'm exciteddddd!
The Knife Throwing Expert chapter 27 . 2/22/2015
Whoaaa. We're so close.

Noelani- I love everything started out so chill - two friends having breakfast, chatting about themselves, then BOOM Lucian comes running by them. It's ironic how this trick worked on Careers, but failed on tributes just like him. I don't blame Noelani for feeling paranoid despite having Chase, as I probably would've felt the same way, and she needed Lucian's death to strengthen her resolve to cut off the alliance. To be honest, she's been boring, and catching up to Lucian did interest me at first, but she's still pretty boring.

R.I.P Lucian, you were clever and calculating, but weren't willing to kill like most of the other tributes. You were detached, but had a good sense of self and I liked that.

Eliasi- Eliasi, once again, is badass. Her drive was going to get her far. She still remembered her former allies and knows that she can win if she continues fighting, so it's no surprise she wasn't willing to be Clarette's ally. Poor Clarette, though, she talked of how she needed someone to help her. Eliasi put up a great fight and I'm sad to see her go.

R.I.P Eliasi, you were a tough and fun-loving girl who went into the Arena just as you were and endured everything in the same manner. I always enjoyed reading about you, and now that you're gone, go party with Jasper, Lazaro, Tymas, and even Ramon!

Saira- Saira, who I once thought was one of the quieter, weaker Careers, has shown that she refuses to let anyone stop her from winning. She's smart, this one, knowing that Henry would get her far. Those dolls were a creative twist! They were meant to unhinge Saira, and I love how she wasn't having it.

We're so close, I don't whether to cry or be excited!
The Knife Throwing Expert chapter 26 . 2/22/2015
I was soo close to crying over this chapter. Not over Holly's death. Oh no, never.

Therese- I thought Therese was annoying and amenable, but she really proved herself in this chapter. She ultimately earned my respect, not only for taking on Holly, but refusing to let her go free. It was weird but smart, actually, knowing that one of the biggest threats is still out there. "Don't be stupid." I really like that note; it's what opened up Therese's eyes to everything the Hunger Games is all up about. I liker her again! Not just because she decided to be more realistic, but because she never stopped being the girl she was before the Arena. Sadly, I think she'll die shortly afterwards, as those wounds seem pretty fatal. I hope she doesn't, though, I'm rooting for her!

R.I.P Holly. I liked you at first, but still continue to loathe you. I'll admit that you knew how to play the game, but nahhhhh. You killed Tymas and Sherina. Bye bitch!

Clarette- Her outburst broke my heart. The fiery, badass Clarette broke down because someone stripped her of her integrity and strength and I find that very relatable. She broken down when she saw that doll and just let loose, because she would at least find some strength in killing something that resembled the blonde beast. Clarette is definitely going far, what with the development and things she's endured, I think she will.

Rhaella: Okay, Rhaella's death make tears well in my eyes. I loved her since the beginning, as she was wild and fun and the development she went through with not only Saira but because of Tristian's death only made me love her more. The end of her chapter was so sad, as she accepted her death without hate for Saira nor Henry, as she knows they all did what they had to do to win - like every Career should.

R.I.P Rhaella, you were my favorite Career that changed when you soon realized that you had to stand alongside two tributes you grew to hate for killing Tristian. You died even doubting your chances of winning, but know that you got this far and died honorably.

Your writing is making me feel this way. I hate you
The Knife Throwing Expert chapter 25 . 2/22/2015
I get so absored in your writing, Jakey. You're a brilliant writer, never forget that.

Saira: Rhaella seemed a bit different than the last chapter, but its because she's grown tired at this point and feels that Saira has more power over Henry than she does. I love how Rhaella goes from being detached at first, to standing behind Saira should Henry attack her. Saira herself was amazing. I loveeeeeee her. Honestly, I began to love her more and more these past few chapters, and it's just going to keep growing. It was so nice of her to let Clarette go omg. She was sick and tired of it, and was willing to face Henry and the consequences.

Lucian: I'm glad to see that he's recovered from stabbing Adley. He's still guity, but he didn't let it get in the way of killing Henry. Capturing Henry seems to have renewed this flame within him, and I like it. Saira was a bamf, remaining calm and closing her eyes when her death seemed inevitable in that moment. I'm so glad Henry is out of the picture. Thank you, Lucian! And thank you, Saira, for letting him go.

R.I.P Henry, you saw things differently, but without you, this story wouldn't have been the same.

Holy crap we're in the final nine nowwwwww.
The Knife Throwing Expert chapter 24 . 2/22/2015
Aw, although there wasn't any action in this chapter, the interactions and inner thoughts were enough, and were really touching I might add.

Rhaella: Her section had to be my favorite part of this chapter. Rhaella isn't the flirtatious, shamelessly slutty girl we first met in her debut chapter. She's broken, angry, but she still connected with Saira in this chapter and I thought it was really nice. She knew she had to kill when she signed up for the Hunger Games, but she was in for a rude awakening when she met Henry and has seen what he's capable of. When Saira pointed out the poison, it was really nice how there wasn't any sign of hostility there. What scares me is that Henry will realize what they're up to and turn on them, but I have to admit, the control they have on him is impressive and so is their strategy to keep him around.

Adley: I've always loved Adley and pitied how she always projected outwards, like an Abnegation, always helping those even if that prevents her from helping herself. I was hoping that Lexine would help realize how good of a person she really is, that's why I was saddened to see her fall back into those dark, insecure thoughts.

Chase: Idk what's up with me but when he grabbed Noelani and helped her realize how she's a tribute now, I was just fangirling the whole time. Can they become an item already? They're dynamic is always beautiful to read about and I think they go really great together. I like how things went in this chapter - Noelani starting to accept the idea, then strengthening the thought of being a tribute by delivering a coup de grace to Adley.

R.I.P Adley, I really loved reading about you. You never deserved to feel inferior to just about anyone you met, or haven't met, but I'm happy that with Lexine, you didn't have to think about that. You were a lovely character and now, you won't have to worry about anything, as you'll have Lexine to annoy you in the afterlife :')

Eliasi: Eliasi really is strong. I respect her for not sitting around, grieving and being depressed. I'm so happy that she's channeling this into getting up and winning. I know that Tymas and Lazaro are basically cheering her on and throwing their invisible flowers and confetti right now. That encounter with the clown (which was really badass) only shows how she'll fight through this - for everyone she loves.

Everyone keeps dying, someone help me :\\
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