Reviews for Thawfest : How it should have happened
Guest chapter 1 . 7/29/2019
Yeah, honestly pretty much hated that episode. Even when Hiccup did try to show good showmanship at the start of the race, he's hated but he wished Snotlout good luck in the race either way while Snotlout insulted him. And he's behaving badly?
Guest chapter 10 . 3/2/2019
Wow! What a wonderful endin- Fingle fangle! There’s seven more chapters! ...why do I feel like this isn’t about to go well for Hiccup...
Gold Testament chapter 17 . 4/16/2018
Chapters were short, but this was brilliant.
Gold Testament chapter 15 . 4/16/2018
Oh please Snotlout's probably the first Jorgenson to bring honor to their family in generations.
Gold Testament chapter 14 . 4/16/2018
Doesn't matter if Hiccup and Snotlout are cool all it takes is Spitelout's arrogance and foolishness to undo everything and make it blow up worse than Hookfang with a toothache. You remember how bad that was right? The fire and rampage Hookfang went on before Gobber pulled out his bad tooth?
Gold Testament chapter 13 . 4/16/2018
Yeah good luck Snotlout. Bet even Snot's mom and Spite's wife is disgusted with both her husband and son for the way they treated her nephew.
Gold Testament chapter 12 . 4/16/2018
So when's Astrid going to talk to Ruff about Hiccup?
Gold Testament chapter 11 . 4/16/2018
Snotlout pushed him too far after years of humiliation and abuse.
Gold Testament chapter 10 . 4/16/2018
I love the kisses from Astrid and Ruff. I kind of expected a chest bump with Tuff, and a hug from Fish.
Gold Testament chapter 9 . 4/16/2018
I figured Hiccup would take the sword for himself, too bad Spitelout's a huge jerk with no honor.
Gold Testament chapter 7 . 4/16/2018
The Jorgensons are nothing more than spoiled brats. Mildew on the other hand, why couldn't they have at least fed him to The Red Death, a Whispering Death, a Screaming Death, or out right thrown the unpleasant old jerk wad off a cliff? Maybe even give him to Dagur the Deranged for target practice?
UltimateAvengers chapter 3 . 10/12/2017
True, he had to have some muscle from all that!
Carl Solo chapter 17 . 1/26/2017
Yes I enjoyed this story very much thanks.
Carl Solo chapter 15 . 1/26/2017
Wow this chapter and the one before, make me cry a little. so that mean that you do a great job, thanks.
Carl Solo chapter 14 . 1/26/2017
That was a good chapter, I dont know how much to said, but I think you do a good job in this story thanks.
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