Reviews for There Goes My Life
hi Im crying chapter 33 . 5/20/2018
This fic... Is my reason for living and I can't believe it's almost over. Eagerly awaiting the sequel(s), despite how long it's been. Reading these last few chapters has gotten me more emotional than I've been in awhile. It scared me so much when Antonio dumped him but then... PLEASE LET LOVINO BECOME CLOSE WITH ROMA AGAIN, I WANT HIM TO HOLD HIS GRANDCHILD. And is Antonio going to get help with his own evident issues too? Francis called him out, but he needs to work towards changing that. Does Feli get better? What about Matthew? DOES LOVI GO BACK TO MED SCHOOL? All these things... I need answers. Luca is the sweetest thing and I love this fic so much.
Guest chapter 33 . 12/11/2017
please finish the story
i love it please
Mikayla chapter 33 . 5/4/2017
Please please update. This story is amazing. You're doing so well on it! I check everyday to see if its updated. Saddens me a bit. I dont want to sound rude, so I'm sorry about my comment. Keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 33 . 2/2/2017
Wow. Just wow. I have read a lot of mpreg fanfiction ou there, and I'm sure this is the best one ever. Hell, it is even one of the best things that I've ever read in this website. You are such a great writer, capturing the emotions and it looks so vivid that I managed to cry. I hope you'll continue and I can't wait for the fluffy sequel.
Rising from the Ashes YOLT chapter 33 . 12/24/2016
Finally he is getting the help he needs!
And the fresh start is exactly what they need!
Sorry for taking long I had a lot of stores to read already online and I finally got it down to
about three of them! So hallelujah!
yoshifan8 chapter 33 . 12/10/2016
That ending tho! That was really mature of Antonio to realize the worth of their relationship and taking the measures to start over. A first date!
mikayla.washburn.5 chapter 33 . 12/6/2016
This is a beautiful story. It makes me very happy. Please please please keep going. you're such a great author and sequels would be AMAZING. I know you're busy a lot. But writing is art for you. You're SO good at it. You'll become an published author someday for sure!
Mediterranean Tomatoes chapter 33 . 12/4/2016
Ohhhhhh my gosh I was so nervous, and yet everything is starting to get pulled around! I really hope this goes well for the both of them...

Also, I get the whole writing for a dying fandom thing. It's hard when there are other shiny new fandoms around, not to mention Hetalia content feels like it's falling flat too. I have to say, I would still be interested in another story, even if it was just something short. Good luck!
sherryberrys chapter 33 . 12/2/2016
Oh gosh. That ending. With all the angst going on I really didn't expect that! I think I nearly got a heart attack when Toni started using those cheesy pick up lines!
yoshifan8 chapter 32 . 11/20/2016
Oh, man. This chapter... I was growing anxious as I was reading, and when it got to Lovi's scene in the bathroom, oh gosh. I had to pause for a good while, take my mind off of it.
As always, exceptional writing and protrayal of characters and drama. I'm always feeling strong feelings when I read your stories.
I'm glad Antonio got to meet Roma and interact with him, even under those circumstances. I like that they speak Spanish to each other, like it's going to be their thing since even Feli and Lovi don't know that fact about their dad.
I wish Roma had stayed. I understand why. And Toni tries so hard to persuade him, too. Ugh, Lovi needs his dad, and Roma needs his son.
Noobz chapter 32 . 11/18/2016
OMG thank you so much I have been waiting and you made me crybut I love it please don't stop
queenvictoriia chapter 32 . 11/15/2016
Okay, so because it's bothering me, I do want to say that as someone who looked at Princeton when applying for colleges, it gives scholarships based on need rather than merit. So, they would have given Lovino a full ride had he been accepted. Other than stuff like that, though, I really like the story.
XxDarkAngelKnightxX chapter 31 . 10/30/2016
This fic... This FIC, man... Has me messed up. The fact that Antonio still lets him take care of Luca, knowing he's not in a great mental state is scary. He had thoughts about not trusting Lovino anymore, but leaves him alone with the child. I don't know who I feel bad for more, Luca or Lovino. It isn't Luca's fault this is happening and he just wants to be loved and taken care of by his 'mother', who doesn't even have half of his mind and thinks he's an impostor. That would hurt to know while growing up, so I hope he recovers by then.

Antonio doesn't seem to know anything but sex and work (and Francis). He seems to care about Lovino's feelings, but doesn't want to do anything about it. HE SHOULD CALL DR. EVANS, THEN EVERYTHING WOULD BE SOLVED. Or in the process of being solved, but c'mon Antonio.

Luca is still the most precious thing when he smiles. Good. But yeah, Lovino has pretty much already risked his sanity for that baby. It's completely gone. GONE, Antonio. What have you sacrificed that couldn't be replaced?

Please tell me Antonio doesn't still have the hots for Francis. Why does this happen, why. I doubt someone who just pushed out a baby that they don't believe is theirs would keep up with their hygiene so much. I forgot that Arthur existed at all when it came to this fic and he finally being here is weird. But refreshing, new characters! I accidentally wrote Jew there, but whatever. Welcome the Jew characters too.

Everyone knowing about the baby is strange now, even still. Though I forgot who doesn't know at this point. I'm glad Francis has a boyfriend now, so he can keep his hands off of him. But jeez, Antonio is a horny one. It would be interesting for him to meet Arthur though...

Good job, Feli. Stare that stare. At least someone still knows to watch after Toni. And I'm pretty sure not everyone likes Antonio, most of the readers don't.

That mistake about Lovino not being from Italy, yikes. A little embarrassing there, but it's the thought that counts. Even though those thoughts mostly consist of 'Toni doesn't even know his own boyfriend'. I think Francis should spend more time with Lovino, that'd be interesting. He could help him care for himself, as long as he doesn't bring up his relationship with Antonio. But, again, it's refreshing to have a fic where Lovino doesn't hate Francis's guts.

Shit, Matthew, I was confused too by whatever Lovino was going on about. But the thought of Emma and Matthew having a baby is too cute. Though things would be even further down hill by the time the baby is born, most likely.

And there go the waterworks. From the moment he spotted Rosa and Philippe, I knew where this was going. I cringed so hard, even flopped over in my seat and had to take a break from reading. That poor couple must have been terrified, I hope Lovino calls them later and apologizes. Or someone.

Why DID Philippe look uncomfortable? Hmm... Lovino is insane though. I mean, I would have took the baby and ran instead of shouting at them, but... No. They should have stayed and made sure he was okay, but... The baby.

He keeps calling himself a mother. Didn't he protest against that term at first? I'm not sure. That song lyric makes this all disturbing, please don't slit Matthew's throat. Matthew is so understanding and sweet, lashing out at him hurt. He was trying to help and even keep him calm throughout the whole thing. Poor Matt. At least he recognizes that Lovino isn't well.

Please don't let Alfred die, whoa. Lovino needs to calm down. It's ironic how Antonio keeps saying he's acting like a child and Matthew puts on the child safety lock for him.

Why did Antonio take him home instead of the hospital and pretend things were alright. That's what he's done this entire time, pretend things were alright. And look, he started drinking before he even went to the bar. Come on, Antonio, you can do better than that.

This whole time, I was chanting 'don't do it' when he was trying to seduce Antonio. No lube, bad. Bringing up Luca, bad. Lovino spreading himself while Antonio's yelling at him, k. Antonio being rough with him and throwing him, yooo. Bad.

Luca has screamed so much more because of his messed up family than other things at this point. Poor baby. Antonio needs to control his anger, and Lovino needs to control... Ahem.. Everything. Going to the bar, oh, brilliant. Wow. From the moment he started thinking about release, I was mentally begging him not to cheat again.

I was hoping Daisy would get pregnant so Antonio would be in twice as much shit, but nope. Didn't go that far, but STILL CHEATING. The homophobia made it even worse, oh my gosh.

Arthur being drunk was the only not-depressing part of this whole thing and made me laugh. Thanks, Arthur. Francis isn't the best friend, honestly. When they talk, Francis makes things worse somehow. But Gilbert, Antonio needs GILBERT to give him a good talking to. For once, GILBERT has the most sense in this trio. Bless Gilbert. Bless him. Snap everyone out of this funk with your authority.

At least Antonio is trying to talk to him again, but Lovino is so desperate. It's so sad. He SHOULD have been there from the start, but maybe that wouldn't have helped the after-birth affects. But he still needs to care for him and get Lovino help. He's completely gone in the head because of your horniness, congratulations. CONGRATULATIONS. And him showering was a nice, simple thing to do. Ah.

This fic makes me go crazy and I haven't reviewed in awhile, I apologize for that. But I've read EVERY update honestly and the emotional rollercoaster never fails to slam me to the ground right when it's picking up.

Sorry if this review was weird, I FEEL weird, but I appreciate everything you do in this story. You put so much into it and I'm waiting to see the next turn of the plot. Wooo!
Rising from the Ashes YOLT chapter 31 . 10/12/2016
It is getting better!
RainAndFlowers chapter 31 . 10/6/2016
I started reading this fic two days ago, and I must say that it is truly captivating. It's stuck in my head, and I can't stop thinking about it! It makes me so worried about what's happening to Lovino; postpartum depression can be really scary! And Antonio...don't get me started on him. He's probably my least favorite character in this (which hurts because I love him), but I just can't see where he's coming from. He loves Lovino, but he hasn't been invested in him. I hope he gets better!

Well, anyways, great chapter and I can't wait to see how it goes!
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