Reviews for 『 Hold My Hand Again 』
dwayiam chapter 1 . 6/26/2016
I already love this!
Anacchi chapter 1 . 4/25/2016
That hurt.

I normally set my filter specifications to have the romance tag, both Ruby and Weiss, and to be in English, and when searching for stories, I normally don't look at the genre the stories I'm interested in are labeled. This has become one of my biggest mistakes when reading this story. I wasn't prepared. I was given the impression that this story would be filled with fluff, and would have a good ending.

I was wrong.

Despite what I had expected the story to be, I still managed to enjoy it. I enjoyed it as much as to actually leave a review for it. I normally don't do that.

All I have to say is, good job. You broke my heart.

And, I'm sort'a glad you did. It was a nice heart-breaking. If that's even a thing.

Anyways, thanks for writing this story. I enjoyed these 2,000 words.
weiss like roses chapter 1 . 4/19/2016
Even though it broke my heart I loved it. Thank you :)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
You should do a part two to this... Like after a few years Ruby and Weiss see each other again... idk just please don't cut it off here
Jknight3135 chapter 1 . 11/24/2014
WHYYYYYYYY? Damnit Meyri I finally get around to reading this only to find out is a beautifully written sadness. TT
Dakimomoe chapter 1 . 11/24/2014
Please don't tell me this is the end. I love it, please continue! DX
jin0uga chapter 1 . 11/22/2014
Aw fuck this is so sad. I've always disliked Neptune and to read this just tore my heart out. Great story tho. Keep up the good work.
Army of Grimm chapter 1 . 11/15/2014
why ruby why! :(( aw shit this hurt my heart unghh but I love the way you wrote this story!
Natural Born Flamer chapter 1 . 11/15/2014
This is good... i love this story very much.
But, if i may ask you something? Who the fuck is Alice?
Fourze chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
This is a remarkably beautiful piece of work for your first romance. The build-up was great, feels train not losing any momentum by stopping for lengthy references/descriptions. I'm a sucker for wordless love and you showed that a lot in here. The part where Ruby cried herself to sleep in the practice room whenever Weiss leaves is an example. The only thing that made a bigger impact on me was the ending.
If you ever plan on writing a chapter 2 maybe write it in the perspective of Weiss? It would be a pity to end it like this. A pity but still an acceptable ending to me.
I will be looking out for these Japanese brackets now ;)
SolarHaze chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
This is a multi-chapter fic, right? It's really nice. I like the way the emotions are portrayed. It had the 'feels'.

By the way, I noticed an 'Alice' who was mentioned by Ruby in your fic. Typo or is this an OC?

Great job
Passerby chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
Wait, what. You never spoke to her again? How long has it been? Why didn't you speak to her? The key to a woman's heart is constant nagging, and even pelting the things she likes at her!,... I'm sorry for what happened.
Thankful Citizen chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
Oh the FEELS. My glob, *pats on the shoulder* you are strong person. You did the right thing, telling 'Weiss' about 'Neptune', but even though you had good intentions, you shouldn't have backed out. Honesty is the best policy. But I do admit, what you did was courageous. I give you props for that. Anyway, excellent choices of music. As a violinist, I prefer pieces such as the Concerto No.3 in the G major, because their, you know, played by violinists. But the pieces you included are beautiful. Thanks for writing this, it's awesome on steroids. Oh and please continue it, if not I will comment/nag passive aggressively. That's right, I know every writer's weakness.
guest chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
That ending sucked. Great story and writing, but crap ending. I agree that things don't always have a happy ending. But I believe the reason we make stories is so we can have more happy endings, and forget about the sad ones. Otherwise, what's the point? No-one likes to be sad, it's impossible. Honestly, if I noticed the Tragedy tag in the description, I wouldn't have read this.
demonknightalex chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
That was both heartbreaking and awesome at the same time, I really liked the story it was awesome!
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