Reviews for Define Vulnerability
Sophia the Scribe chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
This is very good, and I cannot wait for you to post more. I especially like the useful-but-still-minor role you've given Mary in all this: you use her character very well without taking anything away from the overarching Sherlock-John friendship. Keep it up!
Sophia the Scribe
guest chapter 59 . 3/14/2018
First off, I love this and lessons in Friendship 8. Sherlock's mental anguish, and john's struggle to help him are very well written. And I love love the stuff with the mind palace! I hope you'll update this one soon. Don't ever stop writing; you're awesome!
Ashblood chapter 59 . 12/3/2017
Poor Sherlock! It's a difficult situation when John is unable to convince him that he's safe at home and not trapped in the past. He's so clever that he could create an argument against any evidence John could come up with.
I liked the moment when John tries to lighten the situation by suggesting he throw a bucket of water over Sherlock, even if he still thinks John is a hallucination.
It ended on a cliffhanger, so I really hope you are able to update soon!:)
Bkpeake chapter 11 . 10/12/2017
Your English is very good overall. I am enjoying thecsrmtory very much and find the mind palace scenes fascinating.
paula.a.rushing chapter 58 . 10/10/2017
Great chapter.I adore the way you write you totally hit the nail on the head with how these characters are written by you.I really feel the emotions that Sherlock's bad memories must be causing him,and I know that he has to remember to get over what happened,but gradually he should not rush things they take time ,and the love, and support of friends ,and family to help the PTSD sufferer..
Ashblood chapter 57 . 8/25/2017
Thank you for this chapter. It gave me a lot to think about.
One thing that stood out to me was how Sherlock was sure that therapy wouldn't work for him but was unable to communicate that to John, so it came out as tantrums. It made me think about how therapy relies a lot on how well a patient can communicate their feelings and emotions, and if they can't then it acts as a huge road block in the healing progress. It would take a highly empathic therapist to see that Sherlock wasn't deliberately being stubborn and trying to undermine his own therapy.
Perhaps another problem is Sherlock's intelligence. As you wrote his ability to think logically is highly effective for solving crimes and puzzles and chemistry, but when it comes to solving his own trauma it just doesn't work as well. It must be very frustrating for Sherlock to have to do something which doesn't come easily to him and is uncomfortable to him.
I'm glad Mycroft was able to select a therapist for Sherlock, otherwise he would have to have gone through the difficult and timely process of interviewing different therapists himself to see which one would have worked best for him. I think this would have dented his trust even more leading him to give up.
I really liked Dr Winklebach. He was willing to simply sit and observe without interfering. He was willing to do things Sherlock's way. An excellent choice by Mycroft.
The way you write John is wonderful. He really is a great friend for Sherlock. He's sensitive enough to know when to allow Sherlock to do things his way, but he also knows when to take over and gently push him in the right direction.
I've seen to have written a mini essay – sorry! But, it was a great chapter!
KathyG chapter 57 . 8/24/2017
How many chapters are there left to post? Or is this the final one?
sevenpercent chapter 57 . 8/24/2017
"To pay somebody for pretending mental fondness is pathetic." Oh, Sherlock. If only it was so easy to dismiss. Therapy is the start of a process- and you have captured well the challenges of getting past the initial refusal stages. Winkelbach is patience personified in his willingness to observe and support. As always, your grasp of the challenges facing all parties in this rehabilitation and recovery process is thorough and sensitive.
Ashblood chapter 56 . 7/28/2017
Thanks for explaining the kissing. Before, I couldn't understand why Sherlock would kiss Mary. But, this explains it.
Ballerninja chapter 56 . 7/27/2017
This was great, as always. Well written, especially. Also, I loved the kiss in the end . . . I laughed and laughed and laughed! Just imagining Sherlock's face! That would make sense, and knowing Sherlock, Mary would have had to make that first move in order to expressed that it wasokay. Great job thinking about that. I love it when a plot comes together
Ashblood chapter 55 . 7/17/2017
Thank you for this chapter. It explained very clearly why Sherlock doesn't want therapy. Most therapists wouldn't know how to help someone like Sherlock, or how to communicate with him. It's very understandable that Sherlock doesn't want therapy. Who would if they were just going to be told that they weren't trying hard enough, or refusing to engage, or being manipulative? That would be devastating.
I enjoyed the last line about Sherlock's indignation. I can picture the look on his face.
Thank you for uploading this chapter.
Ballerninja chapter 55 . 7/17/2017
Thank you for the update! And while it's not really a cliff hanger by any strict meaning of the phrase... I still can't wait for the next one. But take your time... I don't need it so badly that I want it to be rushed writing.
Ashblood chapter 54 . 6/7/2017
Thank you for this chapter.
I am glad that John and Sherlock are able to trust one another.
I'm also glad that you are able to keep writing this fic as a coping strategy.
Ashblood chapter 53 . 5/30/2017
I love the way you write about Mycroft. It was great chapter to read, to see how much he cares about Sherlock. John and Harry never see each other, but Mycroft and Sherlock are never far apart. Thank you for this lovely chapter.
Sandra67 chapter 53 . 5/30/2017
I loved this chapter beyond words. Totally protective and caring John and almost tender Mycroft. I will be really sad when this story is finished...
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