Reviews for A Series of Hilarious and Cute Events
Guest chapter 1 . 6/7
I love this entire book so much. I read it last year and whenever I'm dying for a cute fluff I come straight here cos it's so damn cute and well written. Five stars!
Greys-Anatomy-131512 chapter 27 . 1/13
I know you haven’t updated this in ages but could you please I love these!
Guest A chapter 27 . 12/23/2018
We’re you ever going to do the big wedding?
jumpinclown16 chapter 1 . 9/13/2018
This is the very story that got me into Bechloe fan fiction several years ago, and I had a surreal, cyclical life moment last night. I live in New York City now, working in the arts, and my boss took me to Katz Delicatessen for the first time yesterday. It also rained here in NYC and, where I’m currently working, I always walk through Central Park to get to my train. It felt like I was standing in this incredible story you’ve created.
Kate203457 chapter 10 . 6/23/2018
Question. Beca got Chloe’s last name tattooed on her arm in chapter 10, right above the scar from chapter 2 or 3. Did she get “Chloe” or “Chloe Beale”. Because then Chloe changes her name to Mitchell... I don’t know why that matters I just want to know hahaha
soxylady27 chapter 1 . 4/18/2018
I love these one shots but it always seems like Beca is the one taking care of Chloe, putting herself out there, making big statements, and taking Chloe on dates. In one Beca has a bad day and picks a fight about music and Chloe gets defensive and fights with her whereas when Chloe had a bad day Beca was there with coffee, an umbrella and her favorite things. Beca constantly tells Chloe that she loves her, admits that she’s whipped and is the clumsy one, the one who puts her foot in her mouth, is beaten by Chloe in almost everything, it would be nice to see Chloe taking care of Beca, making a big gesture or something. It’s clear that they love each other, but even in Chloe’s POV the relationship sometimes feels one sided.
Guest chapter 27 . 4/15/2018
Hi writer of this series of effin cute stories. Could you make one where they are already in a relationship and one day chloe did something to upset beca and she felt extremely guilty about it (but please not cheating). And then beca already forgave her because beca is whipped af. But chloe got so clingy because she's afraid beca is still upset and will leave her. And then beca would be the one in the comforting side and just hugged chloe in public..and then their friends would be like.. what are you doing because chloe is like in tears and then beca would be like.. say something that will make them all swoon and chloe would finally believe that she forgave her and wont leave her.
Kate203457 chapter 27 . 4/8/2018
Don’t know if I’ve already reviewed, but probably! Because honestly this is one of my top favourite Bechloe stories. When I’m down or convinced the world and the people in it all suck, I come here and it helps me to escape. I can forget all the other stuff. This story is sappy and cheesy and sweet! All around perfection. Except of course for the sloppy grammar etc, which just doesn’t seem to be your forte. Your struggle with “too” and “to” makes me laugh :P. I think one time you got it right and I mentally cheered for you. XD I’m pretty good at that, I would be happy to go through and Beta the stories for you to update them? It would just read more proffessionally without changing the actual content. Because honestly the spelling and grammar is just one tiny thing in the perfection that is your Bechloe fics. It’s been two years since the last update so I know it probably won’t be updated again. Still I hold hope! We’d LOVE to see you again! :D I hope things are going well and that you have an awesome day!
Guest92 chapter 3 . 4/2/2018
Just re-read this chapter it’s my absolute favourite I really think you should do one where Chloe reacts to pain meds and beca has to look after her! I think you’d write it amazingly loving all these chapters btw
amazonrod123 chapter 23 . 4/2/2018
you should make one about a failed phone sex attempt...
Guest 4015 chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
Hi there just wanted to say that I adore all of these chapters you have been putting up and I’ve read them at least 100 times and maybe if you’re as awesome as I think you are you’d possibly write a chapter about Chloe getting a little bit hurt and high as a kite and beca would take care of her maybe just thought I’d ask also thanks for these stories sometimes they really get me through the day
Guest chapter 27 . 12/22/2017
I absolutely love these one-shots and how they all tie into each other! You are an amazing writer, can’t wait to see more! :)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 24 . 12/21/2017
Did Beca know she was being filmed? Lol! And where did Chloe,get the camera?
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 11 . 12/21/2017
I like the M stuff. Beca needs her turn! Top Chloe and bottom Beca!
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 1 . 12/21/2017
I have Prompts! Sexy times?
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