Reviews for As You Say
helenxxx chapter 1 . 3/2/2015
Brilliant idea and yes it is very logical that Loki would encounter Thanos' two daughters
Tawny chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
Interesting! Very interesting :)
Jedi Alex Colbent chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
This DEFINETELY has potential.
PLEASE try and continue this.
Bluebird451 chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Wow. This is really great. I enjoyed the way you portrayed all the different characters, and I can imagine all of this actually happening. I am not sure if this is supposed to be a oneshot or a multi chapter story, but either way I found great enjoyment reading it.
Ruby of Raven chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
Loved it! XD I wish there was more!
You know, you're the only author I've come across so far that writes fics with Loki and Nebula? It's pretty awesome!
The Mome Raths Outgrabe chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
I found this very interesting, i like way much
Potkanka chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
Ahh, this was so great! Well I mean none of them are happy but this is such a strange... relationship... the way they meet and are forced to coexist and their own baggage and brokenness... Oh and Thanos is properly screepy and scary.
On one had I'd love to see it continue, on the other hand it can probably only get worse from now on so maybe I'm okay with seeing it end when Loki is in one piece (physically, at least) and Nebula found a kindred spirit concerning her hate for Gamora.
I did expect Loki to actually do something, like freeze Nebula's hand or do some magic, something to shock her, but I suppose keeping as much as he can secret in case of... anything, is probably a good approach.

As this is supposed to basically be a missing scene from canon, I guess I actually know how it goes on, but if you decided to deviate from the canon - preferably in a way that'll leave them in a better place (or Loki at least, as Nebula seems way more tied to Thanos by now, she wants him to acknowledge her, I wonder if she'd want to betray him) because anyone going through this deserves something nice - I'd love to read that. Or whatever else you'd decide to write about it because GotG crossovers with Loki are fun. (I haven't yet looked for a fic where Loki joins the Guardians along with Gamora but I do hope such a fic exists, if Gamora can end up as one of the good guys (well they are assholes but heroes anyway), so can Loki. And subsequent GotG/Avengers crossover would be so much fun with Thor and Loki meeting like that for the first time since the Bifrost incident! I'm... really going off topic here, aren't I?)