Reviews for Restrictor Plate
giovanna112009 chapter 35 . 7/6
Here again.. I can't believe I read this story when it was still in progress ...
Iletyougo chapter 1 . 8/4/2019
This story is sooo amaizing. I really wish you would still write. You are very talented.
fiblets5 chapter 40 . 4/20/2019
This story was a-freaking-mazing. I love love love it. I LOVE this Damon, I loved him and Molly, I loved him working with Stefan and Ric. All the characters are just crazy well written and I'm so sad it's over! That epilogue... Be still my heart. So good. Thank you for all the work you put into this story and for sharing it here. One of my all time favorite Delena stories.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/7/2019
It was amazing. One of the few fanfics that touched my heart.
But it doesn't deserve to be a fanfic. You gotta publish this. I am it will capture more hearts if you do.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/10/2019
I normally don’t comment on fanfics but I just have to say I keep coming back and rereading this story because it’s just so good! Keep writing you have such great talent!
larilmj chapter 40 . 11/14/2018
I just finished reading and really, I am speechless. This fanfic should be a movie.
nikthornton chapter 39 . 4/27/2018
I read it again and I still love it, I would also very much love prequel or even a sequel. This family is too cute.
Rachel chapter 40 . 3/29/2018
I have revisited this story so many times. I totally agree with the guest, this deserves a prequel! I'd love to see them falling in love for the first time and their journey as a young couple.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/18/2018
O and don't forget the part where Damon constantly ask Elena to go out with him until he said yes lol forgot to put that part in by the way love your story
Guest chapter 16 . 3/18/2018
You should do a story of there past kind of like a how it all started kind of thing like how they grew up in Racing grew to fall in love how it all started to fall apart up to the point where Damon left I would love to read the story of how it all started
nikthornton chapter 1 . 3/18/2018
This is still one of my absolute fav stories, it is so brilliantly written
white-lily1529 chapter 40 . 1/5/2018
Amazing story! Loved it! Loved Damons family! Thanks for sharing!
kimminnee chapter 40 . 7/29/2017
I will always have a special place in my heart for this fic. There is so much overwhelming emotion in it. And proof that you can come back from anything. I love their life now. Not that little Molly wasn't cute, she just needed siblings. Damon as a Dad from day one was very cute. He had his hand at being overprotective. Gray seems like quite the character. And little Ellie, her sweetness probably stole everyone's heart. Damon and Elena Salvatore will forever be my favorites. My ultimate #one OTP.
Thank you for the story.
~ Kim~
kimminnee chapter 39 . 7/29/2017
And life is starting to be what it should be for the Salvatore/Gilbert family. (Soon to be all Salvatore)

Damon was overwhelmed with the first and most precious Father's Day gifts ever. Four presents for four years. A reminder of what brought him back, a family portrait, a key with an invitation to live with his girls, and the papers that makes Molly truly his daughter, and carry his last name. Looks like a bright future for all of them.

All our little family needs is a wedding, and siblings. Beautiful, redemption achieved, for all.
kimminnee chapter 37 . 7/28/2017
The little kiddie train was funny. Damon's least favorite parts of being a Dad. The siilly kitschy children's attractions. He sure isn't complaining about where he's spending the night tonight. Or where he'll be sleeping in South Carolina.
Best of all, he has no idea that he'll soon be moving, sleeping with Elena every night. He'll be living with "his girls". And one will soon be sharing his last name. Then it will be up to him to get the other one changed. Put a ring on that finger Damon!
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